Category Archives: Health & Wellness

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Fertility Book Club Episode 6: Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Fertility Now & Into Your 40s

In this video we’re going through chapter 5 of my best-selling book, “Yes, You Can Get Pregnant: Fertility Now and Into Your Forties” Need a copy of the book? Book resources: Get my LATEST book:  Other links: Aimee’s Blue Light Blockers (use code AIMEERAUPP …
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Story of Hope: Pregnant after multiple miscarriages [EXPERT #TTC ADVICE]

Hear the story of how one woman took control over her health and fertility and took home her baby after recurrent miscarriages by following The Egg Quality Diet. Order The Egg Quality Diet: Comment below with your thoughts! #storiesofhope #yesyoucangetpregnant #fertilityadvice #theeggqualitydiet See full transcript …
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