Fertility Coaching Programs by Aimee Raupp

Aimee & her coaching team are excited to work with you virtually & they can do so wherever you are in the world.

* If you are in the Tri-State area, Aimee & her team can work with you in person at one of her wellness centers. Learn more

6- month Functional Fertility Group Coaching Program

All the details of this program can be found HEREPlease note, this is currently the ONLY way to work one on one with Aimee.

Now accepting applications for September 2024 COHORT. YOU MUST APPLY TO BE ACCEPTED

Learn More & Apply

One-on-One Coaching

Individual Coaching
with One of Aimee's Fertility Coaches
1 × 60-min Session

*Your one on one session does NOT come with unlimited email support. For continued support + an exclusive TTC community please add on the Team Aimee Office Hours + Private Community at checkout (this product is free for 60 days, from the date of purchase, and then $40 monthly until YOU cancel).



Individual Fertility Hypnosis +
Trauma Coaching
1 × 60-min Session Intro Session



* Aimee meets weekly with each coach to discuss all cases so you will also get Aimee’s insight on your unique situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Right now, the only way to work with Aimee is through her 6-Month Functional Fertility Group Coaching Program.  You  must apply to be accepted to this program, please go here to apply. 

If you’d like to get started right away with fertility coaching we have many skilled practitioners on our team that would be happy to work with you. Aimee reviews cases each week with her team thus you would also have Aimee’s eyes on your individual case as well. We offer a variety of coaching services; information and pricing can be found here. And you can read about our practitioners here.

Fertility coaching is great for the client who wants individualized attention on their diet, supplements, bloodwork, lifestyle, general mindset/emotional challenges and/or to do deeper functional medicine testing. If you’re new to coaching or new to us we highly recommend beginning with a single session to determine if its a good fit for you. Then if you’re ready to dig deeper you’ll save some money but getting multiple sessions at once.  

Fertility trauma coaching is great for the client who really wants to dig deep into the emotional aspects of the fertility journey. We know that this season of your life can be difficult or even traumatic. Our clinical psychotherapist, who has been in the field of trauma work for almost a decade, will work with you towards more peace and joy on your healing journey and give you personalized tips and strategies to stay there. 

One of these may suit you better than the other or you may decide that you’d like to do both to have a well-rounded approach to your fertility journey.

All of Team Aimee's fertility coaches are licensed clinicians who have at least a decade of clinical experience in the field of fertility and women's health.  

We offer a few different coaching packages because each client has different needs. 

1:1 fertility coaching is great for the client who wants individualized attention on their diet, supplements, lifestyle,  and even bloodwork. If you’re new to coaching or new to us we highly recommend beginning with a single session to determine if its a good fit for you. Then if you’re ready to dig deeper you’ll save some money but getting multiple sessions at once. 

1:1 fertility trauma coaching is great for the client who really wants to dig deep into the emotional aspects of the fertility journey. We know that this season of your life can be difficult or even traumatic. Our clinical psychotherapist will work with you towards more peace and joy on your healing journey and give you personalized tips and strategies to stay there. 

6-Month Functional Fertility Group coaching gives you the best of both worlds PLUS more. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO WORK WITH AIMEE.  To learn more about this program, go here. You must apply to be accepted.

CLICK HERE for the details on all our coaching options.


Group coaching gives you a well-rounded approach to your fertility journey PLUS ongoing support from both your peers and my team through my Yes, You Can Get Pregnant eCourse. You get all the benefits of 1:1 coaching through your individual sessions and will get to unpack things together with a group of people just like you who understand what you’re going through. 

You can read more about what is included in the group coaching package here.

If you do not show for an appt without canceling 48 hours in advance, you will lose 30min of the coaching slot. Should you not show a second time you will lose the full session.


Our coaches book out 2-4 weeks in advance. They will do their best to get you in as soon as they can but it’s important to reach out as soon as you’re ready as there will be some wait time to get in.

Please note that ALL coaching sessions expire 1 year from date of purchase.


Each coaching session includes a follow-up email where your coach will break down the recommendations they made during your coaching session. While you may send an email asking for clarifying information on the recommendations, you do not get unlimited email support. This allows our coaches to serve you better. If you have lots more questions or need a deeper dive this will require further coaching sessions.

Our coaches thoughtfully and intentionally plan their schedules so that they are able to give you their full selves during your time slot. That means they are also doing that for their other clients as well. If you are late for your appointment time it will still end at the appointed time and you will lose the minutes that you were late. 

However, if something happens on OUR end and for some reason the coach is late we will still honor the full time and your coach will work with you to either reschedule or extend the end time that day, whatever works best for you and your coach.

Coaching is right for everyone if you are seeking an individualized approach to improving your overall health and wellness. As our programs focus on your individual case, goals, and needs, there is no one that is not a fit for coaching. If you are willing to commit to the work you are doing with your coach, you will gain insight and support around your individual needs, making this a fit for anyone.

We offer one on one fertility coaching and one on one fertility trauma coaching as well as our intensive 6-Month Functional Fertility Group coaching (which is the deepest dive Aimee & her team offers and THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO WORK WITH AIMEE).

CLICK HERE for the details on all our coaching options.

We hear you and know how challenging this journey is; we are always here to support you. However, any coach, of any kind, that promises you will get pregnant in a program they offer is lying to you. Not even IVF can make a promise like that and it is unethical to do so. What we can promise is that if you commit to the protocol laid out for you by your coach, you will see a shift and improvement in your overall health. And, as Aimee always says, "Your fertility is an extension of your health- mentally, emotionally, physically & nutritionally." 

As this journey is an individual one, we do not share our clients’ information and as per HIPAA do not publish any of this information. We do average about a 65% success rate of those who have completed the program, becoming pregnant within a 18 months of our work together. This involves following the protocol and making use of all the resources available within the program. We encourage you to check out our Stories of Hope, for specific cases of success stories.  Aimee & her team have been a part of thousands of successful pregnancy's. 

natural fertility treatments

Fertility Coaching

Fertility coaching is a great opportunity for people to welcome parenthood into their lives. While most fertility treatments cost a lot, you can consider fertility coaching as a safe path to a happier and healthier pregnancy!

Many factors affect reproductive health, including overall health, diet lifestyle choices, environmental toxins and stress. Fertility coaching can help deal with and even improve on these factors, helping you conceive your child.

Work with a well-informed and experienced fertility coach who can support you through this journey and make it a memorable time in your life.

Fertility Coaching with Aimee Raupp

Aimee Raupp is a distinguished fertility detective, celebrity acupuncturist, and fertility coach. She has authored several best-selling works including, ‘Body and Belief,’ ‘The Egg Quality Diet: A clinically proven 100-day fertility diet to balance hormones, reduce inflammation, improve egg quality & optimize your ability to get & stay pregnant,’ and ‘Yes, You Can Get Pregnant,’  which instills hope in couples that fertility is attainable.

All you need is guided support, and Aimee is the one for the job.

With over two decades of experience working as a fertility detective and mentor for other fertility coaches, Aimee Raupp has guided thousands of women to motherhood. She boasts a high success rate of 65% among women who conceived naturally within just 18 months of completing her program!

Aimee Raupp has a tailored approach, ensuring she gives her individual attention to each couple. Her knowledge and experience are unmatched, and she personally reviews each case to recommend the most suitable natural fertility plan for optimum results.

Natural Fertility Treatments

Aimee Raupp harnesses the power of natural treatments to boost fertility and increase the chances of conceiving with no side effects, fewer costs, and holistic lifestyle changes.

She believes your fertility is an extension of your health, so supporting you to lead your healthiest life will effectively improve fertility. She works with all sorts of health conditions that could be weighing you down (and your fertility!), including PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, Anxiety, Depression, and more.

After an individual session, Aimee Raupp and her team of fertility coaches will determine the right fit for you.

Aimee Raupp recommends acupuncture as a safe and effective way to improve fertility among men and women. Acupuncture can regulate the menstrual cycle, increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, and relieve the stress that comes with delayed conception.

With a deep understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, she often uses acupuncture in tandem with other natural treatments like herbs and Chinese medicine to improve physiological factors that influence reproductive health. When you coach with Aimee Raupp and her team of trained fertility coaches you will receive guidance on nutrition, supplements, lab testing, mental emotional health and lifestyle adjustments to help couples conceive safely and naturally.

Your Journey to a successful pregnancy-no age is too late!

If you’ve been trying to conceive, there are natural ways to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy over 40. Don’t let anything hold you back!

Working with a supportive and experienced fertility coach can make all the difference without the need for costly medicines and treatments. Aimee Raupp and her team of fertility coaches offer various fertility coaching packages to suit every couple’s unique needs. You can avail virtual treatment from anywhere in the world or come in for an in-person session if you’re in the Tri-State area.

Embark on your journey to a natural and successful pregnancy with us.

“An advocate; a cheerleader; a support system; a friend. Aimee is all these things wrapped into one. For the past 2+ years, Aimee has believed in me and my ability to get – and stay – pregnant. I initially saw Aimee after going through three early term miscarriages in an eight-month period. Prior to that, I had tried for 13 months to get pregnant. Between my second and third miscarriage, my husband and I sought the assistance of a leading reproductive medicine center in Manhattan. The 'answers' I received were not only insufficient (and later to find out, wrong), but the approach was callous and transactional. I felt broken, exasperated and completely detached from my body. And then I began my work with Aimee. In our first session, Aimee not only suggested a host of lifestyle adjustments (e.g., dietary and supplement-based) but quickly identified my recurrent miscarriages as being indicative of an underlying autoimmune disorder. Our subsequent sessions focused on regaining control of my own fertility and creating a healthier environment. But it also became something much more than that – Aimee taught me how to view my body and my fertility as something to be loved, honored, and nourished. After 4 miscarriages and 2 plus years of trying, I finally got pregnant naturally, carried to term and gave birth to a healthy beautiful boy. Aimee is one of the primary reasons behind my successful pregnancy. She listened to me, fought for me and believed in me. Throughout this entire journey, Aimee has not only helped me heal my body, but has continued to lift my spirits with her loving and beautiful soul. And for that I am deeply grateful.”

—Erica, 35, NY


“Aimee brought me back to life when I had really lost all hope in my ability to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. From our first meeting she drilled down into my lifestyle and made immediate changes. Aimee gave me hope. Something I hadn't felt in a really long time. I responded to her by being 100% committed to her plan and did everything she suggested from using Ghee to switching to healthy beauty products (Aimee's beauty products are the best) to making organic bone broth. I started eating FAT and I actually started to lose weight. I meditated and exercised and focused on my health and well-being. The shift happened about a month after seeing Aimee. I started to feel lighter, happier, more confident in myself. I was a new, improved person and I loved the new me. As I type this, I'm now 25 weeks pregnant (via IVF; but keep in mind I had done 4 IVF's in the past without success) and I'm grateful everyday Aimee's rock-solid support, guidance and encouragement. Aimee believed in me and that made me believe in myself.”

—Rebecca, 43, NY

“I’ve seen 7 acupuncturists and natural fertility experts over my 6+ years of fertility treatment, and Aimee head and shoulders above the rest in terms of understanding western IVF treatment, autoimmune conditions, and diet approaches to fertility and healing underlying conditions. After too many failed ART's and too many different doctors and different programs to follow, I found Aimee and I am now 27 weeks pregnant, naturally.”

—Ashley, 42, CT

“I started to try to conceive shortly after my 38th birthday. It was discovered shortly thereafter that I would need a surgery to remove some pretty big fibroids before I could continue trying. After a few surgeries. 6 IUI’s, 6 IVFs, 4 miscarriages and a lot of needles, at 44, I conceived using my own eggs and delivered a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Aimee kept me on track in all aspects of my life: physically, mentally, emotionally. By following all of Aimee’s advice, I not only became healthier, stronger and more aware of my body, I was also producing more and healthier eggs than I was at 38 years old, when I began the process.”

—Laura, 44, NY

“I am one of Aimee's students and I'm THRILLED to share that I got pregnant naturally a month before my 43rd birthday. At the moment, I am almost 37 weeks pregnant and have been cautiously optimistic because we lost our last pregnancy due to chromosomal abnormality. After losing that pregnancy, we went on the roller coaster ride of fertility treatments, all unsuccessful. While on a break from a failed IVF transfer, I did a one-on-one consult with Aimee and registered for her program. I wholeheartedly implemented all her recommendations from our private session as well as what she teaches in the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Ecourse (the ecourse goes so much more in depth than her book does). We were prepping for our last embryo transfer, scheduled for March of 2017, and I was feeling so good and healthy on Aimee’s program that my husband and I decided to try naturally. We got pregnant NATURALLY on our second month trying! Because I had been following Aimee's program for 6 months, we never needed the IVF transfer! I still cannot BELIEVE that I got pregnant naturally after several failed IVFs! I feel so blessed to have this opportunity and am very thankful for Aimee and her wisdom, love and support, which I know has gotten me on this path, one that I never thought I would experience, let alone naturally!”

P.S. M.F. went on to have a healthy and thriving baby girl.

—M.F., 43, NY