Is Liver Too Toxic To Eat?
If you've been following me for a while (or you're a patient of mine)--you know how much I love to recommend eating liver. In fact, just the other day I had a new patient in the office and we discussed her …
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If you've been following me for a while (or you're a patient of mine)--you know how much I love to recommend eating liver. In fact, just the other day I had a new patient in the office and we discussed her …
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Madonna follows a macrobiotic diet. Should you?Last week, ran an article on the superstar: Madonna's Secret for Longevity Seen Aiding Bacteria Boom.The article covers what Madonna's chef prepares for her daily--fermented soybeans, millet, brown rice and seaweed--and discusses why ingesting …
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Women's health & fertility expert, Aimee Raupp dishes about gluten intolerance. Is removing gluten from your diet a fad or is it for real? For more information on diet and fertility, check out her latest book: Yes, You Can Get Pregnant
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As spring is upon us (YAY!), I thought I'd bring back an oldie but goodie blog... on my favorite contraptions--the Neti Pot. In spite of recent talks that using the Neti Pot can cause or worsen infections--I still stand behind the …
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We all know that limiting the number of calories we consume equals weight loss. But, is a calorie just a calorie?No.Of course, weight loss will happen if you restrict calories. But, will you be in optimal health?Well, that depends on …
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Women's health & fertility expert, Aimee Raupp, reveals why vegetarianism isn't the best for your health and wellness. From Traditional Oriental Medicine, Aimee learned why eating animal products is essential to health. For more information on improving your health & fertility, check …
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