As I see it, it is my job to see your wellness, not your illness. Through my books, online programs, and 12 years of clinical practice, I have helped thousands of women to bridge the gap between mediocre and optimal health. Whether someone you trust mentioned my name or you just stumbled upon my blog, I am so glad that you are here. This website is full of resources to help you renew hope and faith in your body’s ability to heal and thrive. Leave your email here, and I will reach out to you with my latest tips on living your healthiest life.

Hi! I was wondering if you had an office in Manhattan as I don’t have a car and traveling to Nyack is far. I have loads of stomach/bowel issues and my therapist recommended a holistic healer/specialist and realized I’ve been getting emails from you for years. Let’s talk.
Hey Michelle! We have sent you an email to get this process started.
I am from Trinidad….my concern is that am getting problems too get pregnant and I’m.not seeing my periods what can I do I cry cause I want too have a baby and I can’t
Hey Teisha! We’ve sent you an email to see how we can help!
I would like to see about an acupuncture appointment. I have constant pain on my left arm, neck and shoulder. I had a rotator cuff surgery three years ago and while I received extensive physical therapy the pain is lesser but still there. The movement is greater but still limited.
Hey Peggy! We have sent you an email to get this process started.
Hi I would love to speak with Aimee personally. Please help!!!
Hi Joumana, Beth from Team Aimee here. If you’d like to work with Aimee please email me at
hello my name is jeannine i am looking for help with chronic neck pain from an injury. dr diagnosed with mild arthritis but it hurts terribly please help!
Hi, Jeannine!
If you’d like info about working with Aimee check out
Hi Aimee! (& team)!
I love your book. I’m still reading, but I was so excited to have hope again, that I had to share my thoughts. I keep thinking, “Wow! this makes total sense”! & “I CAN DO THIS! I CAN CHANGE my thoughts & behaviors”. I may not be able to go off of all of my medications yet, but I BELIEVE that I will be able to radically reduce or eliminate them. Your book came at a very critical point in my life. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, (EDS-3), Common Variable Immune Deficiency, (CVID), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, (MCAS), small & large fiber neuropathy, (thank goodness there aren’t acronyms for these), gastroparesis, dysautonomia, etc. Last night, I was at one of my lowest points – EVER. I am very interested in talking to you in person, if possible. Could you please let me know if you are able to consult?
Hi,Leighanne! Shoot us an email at info[at] and we’ll get you sorted! <3
You can find Aimee on instagram @aimeeraupp and on Facebook @bodybeliefexpert
Hi, I have adenomyosis and have tried herbs and acupuncture for 5 months which did not help much. I wonder if you offer any treatments for adenomyosis? Thanks! Stella
Hi, Stella! Aimee’s book Yes, You Can Get Pregnant will give you the tools to get your period back. Following her protocol will help regulate your hormones and get things back on track.
I am about a half an hour away and would love to set up an appointment at the Nyack location. Please let me know of this is possible. Thank you.
Hi, Gina! Someone from the team will be in touch shortly!