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Story of Hope: Naturally Pregnant at 44

I have another BRAND NEW Story of Hope for you! In this video, we talk through a case where she was given a 1% chance of achieving pregnancy and after a miscarriage and failed fertility treatments she got pregnant NATURALLY at 44

Enroll in my YES, You Can Get Pregnant eCourse here: aimeeraupp.com/yes


Aimee Raupp:

Hello, everyone. I'm back. If you're on this page, you're going to get a lot of Aimee this week. Lots of Aimee. So, I am back with a story of hope, and I see you're already here, Jen. I'm going to bring you on in just a second. I think, Jen, just request to join me live. Do you see that little plus button at the bottom of your screen? But I am going to bring on one of my clients who I worked with back in 2020 and 2021, and she came to me at the age… Well, I'll let her fill you in, too, but she was 43 at the time and was about to turn 44. We'll fill you in on the story, but yeah, she's got a healthy, beautiful little one at home now. For those of you that are tuning in, you can ask questions as it pertains to this case.

Also, be active in the comments because I will be giving away a scholarship to the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant e-course at some point during this live story of hope. So, lots of questions, lots of comments. Let me know you're here. Let me know you're here so I can see that. And let me see. Okay, we have no requests. So, Jen, you have to request to join me live. Let me see if I can invite to join. I'm going to invite you to join. Let's see. Where are you? Here we go. I've [inaudible 00:01:54], my love. So, now, accept that. Oh, there you are in there. Yay. Okay. Accept. Here we go. I haven't seen you in so long. Hi.


I know. Hi.

Aimee Raupp:

How are you?


Great, how are you?

Aimee Raupp:

I am good. Oh, it's so good to see your face. Thank you so much for joining us.


So good to see yours, too. Of course. Thank you for asking me.

Aimee Raupp:

Well I know last year you were in the throes of newbornhood?


No. Not, yeah, the same time I was-

Aimee Raupp:

No. You were about to have a baby.


… about to have a baby, yeah.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, yeah. So tell us, how is everything?


It's great. I mean, I can't believe that we're about to hit a year, which is crazy. I never thought that I would be one of those parents that says it flies by, but it flies by and it's crazy. I mean, it's been the best year. It's been so special. She's incredible, beyond anything that we could have ever imagined. We're blessed. We are so lucky to have her.

Aimee Raupp:

You're loving it. You're loving it.



Aimee Raupp:

And so I just read through all our notes and then of course your whole summary, too. But I guess you've watched these before when you were on your journey, I'm sure, of the stories of hope and received inspiration. So, I mean, that's really the plan to just really guide and support everyone on here who's watching and listening. But what I have here on the back end was, of course, you came to me. You were 43, about to be 44. You'd had a miscarriage and then you had also… Go ahead.


I just had had a miscarriage.

Aimee Raupp:

You just had had it. And then you also had, which I forgot until I read the notes, which is why I'm glad I had notes, the frozen eggs from 2016 and 2020. And I think that's really an interesting highlight, too, especially for women in that like, “Oh, I should have froze eggs. I should have done that.” Tell us about what happened there.


Well, so, back in 2016 I was single and, like we hear, it's a great insurance policy, so go freeze your eggs. What I didn't know then that I know now is all of the things that I could have done to-

Aimee Raupp:



… prepare, better my chances. So I had five eggs frozen then, and then cut to when I was 43 with my now fiance. We decided we wanted to start a family. And at 43 I also, again, didn't know anything. Also the only option for me is IVF. There's no other option if I want to get pregnant. So we went back to the fertility clinic. Same team, same doctor, same nurse, everyone. And it was wildly different just because of my age going in that time. But again, not a lot of prep done. It was just, “Don't drink, don't smoke, eat some vegetables,” but that's it. And a lot of age shaming, which we'll talk about, because that was so much a [inaudible 00:05:02].

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah. It was a big piece.


But it was so much more than I could have ever imagined. It wasn't just statistics and all the things that they should tell you and that you need to know going in being over 40 or over 35, I guess, but it was more than that. It was really like, “Your chances are so slim. No hope.” And my partner is nine years younger and that was celebrated and I was made to feel old.

Aimee Raupp:

[inaudible 00:05:30] yeah.


Like that, “Why am I even trying this?” And so we did the second egg retrieval and our intention was obviously to take those original five eggs from years before, create embryos, and then create embryos from the second egg retrieval, and we lost everything. So, I thought, insurance policy, even if it doesn't work with that egg retrieval, because it wasn't feeling good the whole way through, I was like, “Well at least I have the other five.” But those all died on defrost and the three embryos lasted three days. So everything was gone, and our follow-up appointment was basically, “You have about a 1% chance because of your age. It's time to think about donor eggs. We won't do IVF again. If you really want to do something, it's cheaper for you to do IUI, so you could try that if you want to go down that road.” So it was devastating.

Aimee Raupp:

Devastating. Yeah.


But I knew with fertility clinics, you just thought that, “Well, even though I'm older, we can get through this.” But that wasn't the case. So I knew walking out, if there was one thing I was sure of through my whole journey, walking out of that door I knew I was never going back and I was going to figure it on my own one way or another. Which leads me to you.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, I have chills. Yeah, because when I met you there was… You said, “I'm so frustrated over the lack of resources and the info about egg freezing. Docs have been super age shaming.” And you did say, “I've worked through a lot of that. I know I can still do this.” And then you were working with a naturopath. You read my books. You basically, as you wrote in your notes, she did the Egg Quality Diet before I actually had the book out, right? You were one of those because it came out, I think… It came out last year, so you were six months pregnant when it was published, I feel like. Yeah.


I own all of your books now. I still bought the quality [inaudible 00:07:38].

Aimee Raupp:

Hey, you never know. So fast forward. Then you decided, “Okay,” and then you tried on your own and you got pregnant the first time you tried.


First time I tried. It was probably six weeks after the retrieval. I'd started seeing a naturopath. He was not fertility focused. I then found one that was fertility focused and amazing. But he tested all of my hormones, did all the blood work, which I'd never had done before, and made some tweaks, and I got pregnant. Carried that to eight weeks and then had a miscarriage. But prior to that I found two things. I found a chapter in a book about getting pregnant over the age of 40. And I found, Yes, you can get pregnant. But literally other than that, there was nothing. And so, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant was what started me on my path because before that I literally didn't think it was possible. Now I feel like there's a little bit more out there, but even just a couple of years ago, it felt [inaudible 00:08:44]-

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, two years ago.


And so, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant was, I think… Mine was just as much as supplements and diet and everything, the emotional part of it for me, having something that I felt empowered by with that book changed my course because I'd gone through so much at the fertility clinic, that knowing that women get pregnant over 40 and a lot was just… It was liberating for sure and [inaudible 00:09:17].

Aimee Raupp:

And then we started working together and you dove into the e-course and all of that. And I remember one of the homework assignments, while I was going through it, but you wrote it too in your notes of, what did I say? “Go back to that 35 year old girl.” It makes me emotional, “and process [inaudible 00:09:35] during that time and the years to follow. Forgiveness of yourself.” And you said, “Yeah, forgiveness of myself is really coming up,” because you had a lot of, I don't know, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I think regret of like, “Oh, why didn't I do this younger?” But then you wouldn't have been with the man you're with now and all the things.

Aimee Raupp:

But there was a lot of that. You were in your head of like, “I can't believe I missed this opportunity. I can't believe I missed this boat,” and being really hard on yourself. And then we unpacked the forgiveness. I said, “I recommend soothing the younger version of yourself.” So there was some inner child, and then you said, “I wouldn't have been a good mom back then.” And I thought that was just such an interesting perspective shift of like, “This is the right time.” And you started to really take ownership of that from what I remember of our work.


Totally. I mean, yeah, and looking back, that's exactly what it was. I obviously could have done it and I would've loved it. I've always wanted to be a mom, but this happened at the right time of my life and it all worked out the way that it should. I mean, obviously with Carl, my partner, and Ruby, but just me feeling the way that I am and who I am. And so doing that work with you, I was holding on to so much of watching all of my friends have their babies over the years and just kicking myself constantly for not doing it sooner and not figuring out another way and all of these things, and it had passed me by. And that combined with letting go of the age shaming at the fertility clinic, those two things I had to really work on and really put to bed before I was able to receive Ruby. I just really feel that way.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah. What would you say about the diet stuff? I mean, how hard was it?


It wasn't that hard. I always say that my miscarried baby and Ruby saved my life because just healthy, being healthy. I think when you click into that and you don't make it about trying to get pregnant and get so overwhelmed by all of the things that we all have to do through this process to try and get pregnant, and you think of it as, “I'm getting healthy.” I'm 43 now. I'm 45, almost 46, and I'm in the best condition possible because I'm eating all of the right things. People thought I was crazy when I would be like, “I no longer sugar, soy, dairy, alcohol, coffee,” everything. And I'm in the restaurant industry so, really-

Aimee Raupp:

Alcohol is a job for you, right?


And food.

Aimee Raupp:

And food, yeah.


And we found a way around it and we found a beautiful way to it. And I think having a partner who… I mean, he's a chef so I do have that going for me, but he was so on board and I think that that just helps. But you're so clear about what the diet is and why you're doing things that you do. And I think that for me, I need to know those things. You can't just tell me to give up sugar. I have to know what hormones that's impacting and all of those things, and that's why body belief was just so, again, empowering because it was like, “Oh, this makes so much sense.” And I would send it to so many people who had autoimmune [inaudible 00:13:07] and it's so clear how she lays it out. There's the why, which is great.

Aimee Raupp:

I feel like your cycles were pretty rock on, even still. Your progesterone was healthy. Your FSH and AMH were in good ranges. Your estrogen was a little high. I remember that being a concern for you, too.



Aimee Raupp:

So we tweaked your supplements, and the naturopath was also covering a lot of it. But like everyone else I work with, you were doing the cod liver oil and you were doing, I think, the liver pills and your prenatal and all the things.


But I got [inaudible 00:13:49] from you. Before we even started working together, that's how I originally had my supplement plan together. And then my naturopath made the tweaks, not the other way round.

Aimee Raupp:

And then we put you on herbs. I remember that, too. And then checking in on your red flags. Your weight shifted. I remember that was a big thing. Your digestion got much better. You said, “My digestion has been awesome for three weeks.” But you also got on thyroid meds, too. Remember your thyroid? Of course you remember, your thyroid was a little off, and then broccoli extract powder. I'm looking at all that. And some of the supplements, right? You were on the DIM and I said do it for one month. Took you off. Vitex for one month. And then, let's see. So that was February, 2021. So at that point you're what, 44, right?



Aimee Raupp:

And then you email me on February 14th, 2021, “It happened.” So we were working together at that point, because your dad passed in the middle and so you took a little bit of a break and that was a lot of stress on you and your family. So it had been basically a year-and-a-half, I think, since we'd been working together. And I think even with the stress of your dad, you fell off a little bit, but you basically, I'd say, you were probably following the 80-20 rule and sticking to most everything.


Yeah. And I, again, credit all of this to getting through that, too. I mean, it was the hardest thing in my life that I've ever gone through, ever. And the miscarriage, COVID, my dad-

Aimee Raupp:

[inaudible 00:15:43].


… and all of this, it was a really brutal year and this was such a bright spot to get my health on track and to feel really confident in what I was doing and have a focus. The work, it all got me through a really dark time that just wasn't dark because of all of this, which was [inaudible 00:16:10]. Yeah. And then February happened, and I remember we were on a call looking at my UVA and-

Aimee Raupp:

That [inaudible 00:16:19]. And I said, the progesterone was super high, right? Didn't I?


And I wanted to take-

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah. I just said, “Temps are still up 15 days DPO. Progesterone looks great.” And then I think I said, “Get on the baby…” We had put you on the baby aspirin for the luteal phase, but I think you hadn't yet taken it because I remember, I said, “I recommended a baby aspirin once positive.” I wrote that in all caps, and then four days later she messages me, “It happened. This is actually my second test. I took the first one on Friday, but another one today. So that was on Sunday. I can't believe it. And while it's obviously still so early, I know I'm in such a different place than last time.

Aimee Raupp:

“And while we hadn't talked for a bit before last week, I want to say thank you for the support. To be this age and have had a miscarriage, it's scary to get back out there again and try, especially if you talk to anyone else about pregnancy over 40. But you always put me at such ease with your positivity.” And then the positive pregnancy test. I love it. And so I think we just tweaked. I said, “Get on the baby aspirin, stay on the progesterone, drop some of the other things.” And then, yeah, I mean it was pretty uneventful pregnancy-wise for you, right?


It was. I mean, I had a couple of minor complications and of course you're high-risk no matter what at this age, but-

Aimee Raupp:

I know.


… yeah, my body felt so good. It felt great. To also be this age and you look at miscarriage statistics and all of that, I didn't worry about any of that this second time around just because I was like, “I've done everything that I can do to my body,” which felt really good. I mean, it was scary and stressful. That first trimester is no joke.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, no joke. And did you get shamed at all then? Or were people pretty cool with you?


They were great, actually. It flipped, which was really interesting. My partner and I, we commented on that quite a bit when I would go in for my scans. Everyone was, “Way to go. You're strong. This is amazing.” And it was so different because I think I may have even told you this. When I had my miscarriage, you had asked me if I had tested after [inaudible 00:18:36]-

Aimee Raupp:

I remember this.


You're old, that's why you had a miscarriage. And I remember you being like, “That's not necessarily why. They should have tested it.” So I switched OB. And my OB was so supportive and amazing about my age. But it's wild, again, how little information is out there and how you're made to feel when clearly-

Aimee Raupp:

So how old were you when you gave birth? You were…


I was 44, but I turned 45 a month almost exactly to the day later.

Aimee Raupp:




Aimee Raupp:

And then tell me how I helped name Ruby. I don't remember this.


I didn't know if you did. So my dad was born in July, so his birthstone is ruby and I had a ruby necklace on with one of our last… I think it was actually our last face-to-face conversation.

Aimee Raupp:

And you were pregnant. Yeah.


Yeah. We thought I was pregnant, but I hadn't tested yet, and you were like, “I love that necklace.” I told you the story and you're like, “Can you imagine if you named her Ruby? No. Don't name her Ruby.” And I-

Aimee Raupp:

Did I say that? That's so sweet. Aw.


And so her name is Ruby James. My dad's first name is James. So that's her name.

Aimee Raupp:

I love it.


I know.

Aimee Raupp:

I love it. [inaudible 00:19:55].


I didn't say anything until we knew that we were having a girl, and then I told my fiance the name, and he was like, “That's it. That's definitely it.”

Aimee Raupp:

Aw. I mean, too, having had my dad pass away, I mean, even for us, it was like we had that kind of connection in that sense of like, I got that part of it too. I got the age thing, I feel like I understood all that. But here she is now, Ruby James, I love it.


Here she is.

Aimee Raupp:

I feel like, for you… Oh, the other thing I wanted to say, too, is when you were digging into the e-course, I remember you were saying some of the emotional work ones like the surrender piece was the hardest for you. But learning how to, I guess, surrender and give over control and just like, I don't know, maybe you can speak to that a little bit too for some of the girls.


Yeah, I mean, I think that a miscarriage makes it so hard to surrender control because you're so terrified. And also, I'm a business owner. I'm someone who likes to have control over things, and when it is so unbelievably out of your control, for me it was just reading through everything that you had put, doing the mantras, really sitting with it every day, just being like, “I have to just trust. I have to trust.” I had an instinct to go natural. All of the pieces fell into place. I had an instinct to reach out to you even though I could have done the e-course.


All of the things that I just had to trust, that I was taking all the right steps to let it happen however it was going to happen. And it's the hardest thing in the entire world to do when you want something so much and you've been let down before, but you just have to surrender, and it shifted a lot for me. I found out today that a friend of mine is pregnant and I was like, “You have to just trust.” She's nervous because she had had a miscarriage, and I just said, “Just trust it. You have to let go at some point and just know that it's all working the way that it's supposed to.”

Aimee Raupp:

That's it. And it's easy to say, in retrospect, but I also think you really got there before Ruby came through where it was just this thing of like, “Okay.” And I think with your dad and the stress of the year and all that, it was like, “I'm just going to keep doing the best I can do and I'm just going to let this unfold.” And then it did. I love that.


Yeah. Now, I mean, and for so many women out there, one of the hardest things, especially when you get to our age, is that you've watched so many babies being born, you watch so many people announce their pregnancies, all of those things. And it's so hard to let go of that. But doing that work, I think that was the most important work that I did, where it was just like, “Stop beating yourself up, or stop thinking that you're not enough,” or all of those pieces. And again, we did such great work supplement-wise and diet-wise and all of that, like-

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, of course.


… emotional and mental piece, you just get so caught up in just the worst thoughts and all of that when you're going through this. And I think it's just the mental health part of it and the trying to just get through that emotional piece is so critical for the success of this.

Aimee Raupp:

I agree. And it is. And I talk about that, I mean, in the teachings and the e-course too. There's that sense of safety that we need to create in the body. And it's not just safety nourishment-wise from the diet or supplement perspective, but that safety from the mental inflammation perspective, that like, “I'm running out of time. I got to go, go, go. I got to do, do, do. The doctor says there's no hope.” It's that constant battle in there. And I feel like with you, too, I remember you just hitting this stride where you were like, “All right, this is where I'm at. This is what I want. I'm going to…” And, I don't know. And then it did all come to [inaudible 00:24:23].


Yeah. And then it worked. But it is so important. I can't stress that enough to people who are trying. Don't think it's just about checking all of the boxes of the diet. It's so important, don't get me wrong, but just relax as much as you possibly can, too. And when we were talking about the diet earlier and was it hard? It wasn't hard once I let it just be a part of my life. And supplements. Once I just let it be a part of my life, it all clicked and it was just so much easier to do it.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, I love that.


I know.

Aimee Raupp:

So, yeah, I mean I feel like you've hit on so many important parts, but anything you want to share with all the women out there watching right now who get it?


I understand. It's a long road. It's not an easy one. We're all different. But I think creating a team, that's something that we didn't talk about, and I know you talked about that so much, creating your team is so important. You need to have that support. That's just critical. And sometimes it's not the people in your life. It's your acupuncturist, it's Aimee, it's like whoever.

Aimee Raupp:

The hired help. It's like the bump squad. Yeah, absolutely.


You need those people to really support you through it and who know you can do it and-

Aimee Raupp:

And keep you accountable, right? I feel like that's it, too, of just like, “Okay, and you're going to send me the food diary and we're doing this. And did you take the supplements?” But then also, even for you, the second you got that… Well, you got the positive on Friday, but then two days later, messaging me and like, “Okay, now What?what's the next step? What are the next plan?” But, yeah, just having that tribe. I always talk about that. It's like, “Who gets you? Who can support you?” And then almost delegating it out so you don't have to do all the thinking because that's completely overwhelming.


Well, I was going to say. I mean, that is so overwhelming. The food and the supplements is hard at first, and so having some sort of a guide, and like you said, accountability is huge. Having the structure, I'm a big structure person and so having that laid out for me was… You can get so lost on Instagram and online. And so picking a path is really important. Like I, at the beginning, I was like, “I want to work with 20,000 people,” [inaudible 00:26:55] and you were the only one that kept coming up, coming up, coming up, where I just was like, “Okay, everything just aligns so well with how I'm feeling.” But it's tempting to see everything in the beginning, to see all of these different options and you think that this is going to work and this is going to save you whatever and work for you. But to really stick on your path and choose your team is really, really important. And let them do the work and support with you.

Aimee Raupp:

And I think everybody listening is saying that, too. Everybody's commenting on how strong you are and you showed up for yourself, and that's what I always… I feel like I do always get to see in my clients, which is a beautiful thing. And I think that is that piece, like the glue, where it's like, “All right, I have this team, I have this partner, we have this plan.” But it still falls on you to be honest with yourself and to do the best you can do.

Aimee Raupp:

But I do remember too, at one point, I forget when it was, but it was earlier on, but you were like, “If I have a piece of cheese, it's not the end of the world. It's not going to make or break my fertility.” And it was like, “Yeah, so let's live with that. Let's be as easy on ourselves as we possibly can and allow ourselves to be human, but while still not beating yourself up.” Instead you started to be kinder and more compassionate to yourself and then allowed yourself to, like you said, not do it for baby but do it for you.


Yeah, absolutely. And, yeah, and stress is a killer. So you can't stress about it, that piece of cheese. That was really hard for me in the beginning because you just go full board.

Aimee Raupp:

Full on.


Just have to cut yourself some slack, give yourself some grace. Know that this isn't going to happen overnight. This is a journey, for sure. And just be kind to yourself. There's nothing more important than that. Trust and be kind.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah. Trust and be kind. I love it. I love it, Jen. Thank you so much for sharing all this, and-


[inaudible 00:29:04] for everything.

Aimee Raupp:

Aw. I'm so happy for you and for Ruby, for her coming through. I knew she would, and it's beautiful.


Thank you. Like I said, it's been wonderful and I owe so much of it to you, so I'm eternally grateful.

Aimee Raupp:

No, you did it. [inaudible 00:29:24]-


All the women that you help and the couples that you help are so lucky to work with you.

Aimee Raupp:

Thank you. Thank you. I enjoy it. I enjoy the work.


I know.

Aimee Raupp:

It's fun. The end results are so fun. Getting the positive pregnancy tests and the email and just seeing you make it through a pregnancy with a healthy baby and all that, it's just the best job in the world. It really is.


Yeah. Well, I appreciate it so much. [inaudible 00:29:52]-

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, I appreciate you. I'm going to give away a scholarship right now. You can hang on one second, Jen, and then I'll let you go. So Almy, I don't know how to say, A-L-M-Y A-L-M-Y. I'm going to say Almy Almy, you're going to email… I see you on here. You are chosen for the scholarship for the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant e-course. And so email my team Beth@AimeeRaupp.com and she will give you the details on claiming the scholarship.

So this is, when Jen worked with me she got access to the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant e-course as well. She basically did what… The master level is right now up on the site where you did the five pack with me and had access to all the things. So, oh, you're so welcome. So, yeah, we look forward to having you in the community. And, Jen, I just want to say thank you again to you so much for coming and so bravely sharing your story with the world. I really appreciate it. I know, yeah, you give hope to so many, and so many women on here are feeling so inspired and hopeful. So thank you.


I mean, it's what helped me. You have to have those stories of hope. You just do.

Aimee Raupp:



Yeah, because there [inaudible 00:31:13] out there.

Aimee Raupp:

They're out there. They're out there. They're out there. That's why we do this. I mean, I was on an interview earlier today and I said something like, “We're not making it up.” I was like, “We've real live people that come and share their stories. These women are in their mid-40s and they're doing it.” These are real, live people that were told just like you, 1% chance. This is never going to work for you. And here you are, a healthy, beautiful baby girl that you conceived naturally after, unfortunately, the system failed you. And so it's the only way to start shifting that is to continue to share stories. That's it. That's the only way to do it.


Absolutely. So true. So necessary. Again, once I saw Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, it shifted my entire world because it was a whole book about getting pregnant over 40. So I think about these stories and had I [inaudible 00:32:09] it just helps so much.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, I know. It keeps you going. It keeps you going. Okay.


It keeps you going.

Aimee Raupp:

I'm going to let you go and go back to your family and thank you so much again. And thanks to everyone for being here.


Yeah, that's [inaudible 00:32:21].

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah. Everybody's saying, “So proud of you.” Do you see the comments? “This means so much to me. Thank you for sharing.”


[inaudible 00:32:29] but they're so nice.

Aimee Raupp:

Yeah, let's see. What else did they say? “Thank you for sharing. Thank you for sharing.” Giving you hearts, loves. “Feeding myself up as hard as a perfectionist.” But, yeah, anyway.



Aimee Raupp:

Everybody's so amazed by you and your story, so thank you. And then go give that Ruby a big kiss from me, okay?


I will. Great to see you and-

Aimee Raupp:

Great to see you, my love.


All right.

Aimee Raupp:

Okay. You're welcome. Bye-bye.



Aimee Raupp:

I'll let you X out and I'll say goodbye here. Aw, that was so lovely. I am always so honored when one of my clients wants to come live and share their story with literally the world. I mean, because this is on Instagram with my 20,000 followers. It goes to YouTube. It gets a lot of views and it's an honor to me, but even more, I know it provides so much hope and faith for you guys, so thank you so much for tuning in. There'll be another one tomorrow morning and there's another hot seat tomorrow afternoon. Then there's another story of hope on Wednesday at some point, I'm not remembering when. And then another one on Thursday, and hot seats those days, too. And we'll be giving away scholarships on each of the stories of hope. So please tune in, be active the way Miss Almy Almy, that's what I'm calling you. One day soon I will know your full name because you will be in my private community and I will get to know you and I cannot wait.

And for anyone else who's interested in the e-course and the work that Jen and I did together, and really all the women you're going to see this week, head over to Aimeeraupp.com/yes, and you can see, there's the basic level, there's the group coaching and the master level, which is only a few spots left of actually working one-on-one with me. And there's, I think, four spots left for the group coaching. The basic, we have as many spots as needed. Enrollment will close on Thursday evening, so you want to grab your spot because we don't open enrollment again for another year. And even if you just do the basic and you were hoping to do one of the higher levels, you can add on coaching once you're into the program. So keep that in mind. And I do love that, too, where you can get a very detailed specific plan and then use the course, especially if you're more of the self-starter type and you really just want the community and the support and access to me every week in the Q&As.

That's a huge piece to the work that I do with all of my girls and that my coaches do with all of their girls when they're active in the e-course. It really accentuates the work and you get the access to me. And then my team is also in the private community as well, just supporting everyone in the community. It's so lovely. So, anyway, go check it out, AimeeRaupp.com/yes. Enrollment is going to close in a few days and I'd love to see you guys join because then I get to know you and you get to be a part of my private secret community, which is an honor. And then I get to see you transform and achieve your dreams. And then one day we get to do one of these, a live story of hope. Okay. Goodnight. I'll see you all in the morning. Have a beautiful night. Thank you so much for tuning in and thank you, Jen, again. Sending so much love to you. Goodnight. Goodnight. Goodnight.


VISIT MY WEBSITE: Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Aimeeraupp.com

CHECK OUT MY COURSES & GUIDES: Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-shop/

MEET MY TEAM: Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/acupuncturists-herbalists-general-practitioners-nyc/

SEE US IN THE CLINIC: Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. https://aimeeraupp.com/wellness-centers-nyc-manhattan-nyack/

WORK WITH ME WORLDWIDE VIA ONLINE COACHING: Aimee's Fertility Coaching Programs offer personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-coaching-program/

CHECK OUT MY BOOKS: Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/how-to-get-pregnant-natural-fertility-books/

CHECK OUT MY SKINCARE LINE: Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! AimeeRauppBeauty.com

FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow me on social media so you don't miss these sessions live! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodybeliefexpert/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aimeeraupp/?hl=en Enter your email at www.aimeeraupp.com to get my latest tips on living your healthiest life!

About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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