I have another BRAND NEW Story of Hope for you!
#aimeeraupp #storiesofhope #yesyoucangetpregnant #fertilityexpert #fertilitydetective
Grab my FREE mini ecourse here: aimeeraupp.com/eggcourse
See the full transcript here:
You did.
Okay. It says it's setting up the meeting. I'm just going to go back to Zoom. Let me just see that this, all of these they're just so funky. Let's see. Facebook, open live. Let me see. Let's see. It looks like we're live. All right. We're live. Hello. Okay. I'm not going to look at Facebook. I'm just going to look at you on Zoom. Beth will text if there's any problems, but hello everyone. This is Marissa. And can you hear us, Beth, and all the things? She sees us. Let's see, volume's good. This week we're doing a ton of lives where I am pulling on students who I've worked with for a long period of time to come and share their stories of hope with you. I'm sure Marissa can remember how some of these stories of hope inspired her and I'm definitely going to cry. I'm going to start crying right now. I always knew you would get here and just writing the title together it's like trying to conceive for, what was it, six years?
Six years.
Seven unsuccessful IVFs. Five miscarriages. And then she goes and gets naturally pregnant with a healthy baby boy at the age of 43. Go figure. It's crazy. And I was just going through all of our notes. We started working together in 2017. That's the first time you reached out to me. And we did a new patient consult and then you were trekking in from the Hamptons to see me in New York City once a month for acupuncture, right? That's what we were doing.
And then in 2019 you joined the elite program. Then you were in the E-Course and then you joined the elite program in 2019 and then by, what was it?
I think 18. The first summer.
Oh yeah. I'm sorry. Our last call was 2019. That's right. So you're right. The first call was 7/20/2018. You're correct. And you were 42 at the time and then by the next summer you were pregnant, basically. Or you got pregnant in September? Remind me of the timeline.
Yeah. I had one miscarriage while we were working together. And then the following end of September, beginning of October of '19 was when I got pregnant with Jack.
Yeah. You had the miscarriage after a natural pregnancy in November and then the period, of course, came right on Christmas day. That was nice.
Happy Christmas, everyone. And then, let me just see. Beth just texted. I want to just make sure that we're good and live. I don't see you yet, but okay. I see you. I'm assuming, Beth, our volume is good and everything, but you'll let me know otherwise. I'm not looking at Facebook. I'm just looking at Zoom. I went through all our notes and stuff, but I'd love for them to hear your side of it and your story and all the things.
Right now by the way too, she has a six month old at home that isn't sleeping so well so we can give Marissa a lot of credit for being with us right now because [crosstalk 00:03:30].
My dad took him and left so that I could be with you.
Okay, good.
But yeah, and actually it just resonates with what you were saying about watching the stories of hope. I actually had texted Samantha yesterday to tell her I was doing this, who's another client of Aimee's, who I am friendly with too who had done this. I said I remember watching her do her story of hope a couple years ago and just saying, “I want to do that one day.” And now here we are.
Here we are.
So it's really exciting and nice. Yeah. I guess my story started, I always had difficult periods. I was on the pill for years and I decided to go off it when I was 37 and getting married. I always just had the story in my head that it was going to be difficult for me to get pregnant. I don't really know why. It was there. I went off the pill and I was pregnant a month later and I said, “Wow. I guess I was wrong. That was easy.” And then I had a miscarriage at eight weeks and they said it was genetically abnormal which happens and they tested it and we continued to try for a year with no success. So they sent us to a fertility doctor who I did three IVF cycles back to back to back with never getting a normal embryo and he was pushing me towards donor eggs. I decided to seek a second opinion and I went to the city, to Manhattan, to a clinic and they said, “Oh, we can definitely help you. They didn't do this, they didn't do this.” And listed all the things.
I was really optimistic and started with them and then got pregnant naturally.
Yeah. She never once got pregnant with IVF. Never once.
And that pregnancy failed. And I started doing IVFs there. And again, got pregnant naturally. They again started pushing me towards donor eggs and my husband and I went, we met with the psychologist and it just never felt right to me. I decided I was going to do one last cycle and just kind of see what happened and in the interim I had signed up for this course that was a yoga and fertility course and the woman called me and she said, “You know, I'm really sorry. You're the only one who signed up so I have to cancel it, but maybe we could just meet [inaudible 00:05:54] talk.”
So I met her and we talked for an hour and I took no notes except the only thing I wrote down was look up Aimee Raupp. And I don't know why I wrote that down, but that was in my phone was that was one of the things that she had suggested.
[crosstalk 00:06:10] know the lady. Do I remember this?
I think she is someone from Montauk who had gotten your name from Sam, actually.
Oh, okay. From Samantha. Okay.
Yeah. And at that point I didn't know that Samantha was working with you so it was just so funny. But I had written your name down. I looked you up and I loved your website. I bought your book. And as I was planning for that last IVF cycle, I read your book and I kind of said if this fails that's what I'm going to do. And it failed. So I emailed Beth and started coaching with you and that was how it started.
Yeah. And I actually have your new patient paperwork that I pulled up over here. At this point you're 41. It was September 15th, 2017, struggling to get pregnant for three years, multiple miscarriages, taking Clomid, did IUI. Six cycles of IVF by the time I meet her. And she was taking two prenatals, a CoQ10 and a DHEA every day. Your diet was considerably decent, right? I think at that point you had read Yes, You Can Get Pregnant so you were switching things up.
Right. I was still eating full fat dairy and things like that and just whole grains.
Yeah. Whole grains. Salad with protein, protein, veggies, afternoon snack. I want to look at your red flag symptoms, and not a ton of red flag symptoms.
Ear infection, sinus stuff. Your stomach stuff was kind of your biggest thing. And then fibroids you had checked off there. I'm going to come back to here. When we first started working together, I think at that point you didn't know of Dr. Braverman yet, right?
I had sent you to Dr. Braverman.
Mm-hmm (affirmative)-
And you did the endometriosis surgery too. No.
I did. I did. And I didn't end up having endometriosis, but what Dr. Vadali said was that my uterus was totally inflamed so he lasered out the inflammation. I think they said that they thought the reason why I didn't have endometriosis was because I had been on your diet. [inaudible 00:08:41] been on it about six months at that point. Probably if I hadn't, there would have even been more inflammation there. And my appendix was inflamed and they took that out and they took a fibroid out so it ended up being a pretty intense surgery.
And then I remember, too, I made you do a free consult with Dr. Braverman and you recorded it. Remember?
And then you put it back … I had been referring to him I think I figured out the timeline, like since 2013. This was 2017 or maybe 2018 at this point by the time she does [inaudible 00:09:12]. He was still doing free consults. Now he's no longer with us, but Vadali does a lot of the same stuff. And do you remember the one thing he said to you was, and I still always say it, nature just doesn't keep selecting bad eggs. He said it's statistically impossible for you to continue to have genetically abnormal miscarriages. Nature isn't that stupid. It was something like that, right?
Yes. And what's so interesting is when I finally got pregnant with Jack, my gynecologist and I just kind of agreed to disagree on this point. Because he said, “You know that's not possible.” And I said, “I really think it is possible.” I wanted to go to him with Dr. Braverman's Newsweek article and be like, “Please read this.” But it's just amazing how it's just not an accepted thought.
Yeah, theory. And Braverman's theory always is. It still exists and there's research that they're actually working on publishing right now that the level of inflammation in the body is what then causes the genetic abnormality or the basically abnormal division of the cells and that's what causes these chromosomal issues versus all the eggs are bad. But by the time you got to him, you had very much had that story of all my eggs are bad. We can't get a single good embryo. And even under us working together, I think you only did one more IVF with us working together.
Yeah, I did that natural cycle and that was when Dr. Braverman was really sick so I was working with the nurse practitioner there and the egg wasn't even mature. I just remember being so frustrated.
So you didn't even do a transfer on that one, right?
Yeah. That's what I remember. And then you got pregnant naturally soon after that.
With Jack. I think it was before that that I had gotten pregnant. But the great thing was because I was working with Dr. Braverman, he actually had diagnosed my antiphospholipid antibody syndrome so I knew that if and when I got pregnant again I had to go on [neupogen 00:11:18] and some of those other medications and I think that was-
That was a game changer, too.
And then at that point, too, you had been following the diet. So the thing too with you guys hear me talk a lot about the autoimmune style diet and Marissa did dive in and you did the purify for a while and all those things and lived that body belief diet. But then we just started tweaking things for her because she wasn't super symptomatic and at that point you had been so clean. We were two years in, basically, of us working together and doing the herbs and the supplements and the diet. And when you signed up for the elite, a lot of the girls it's like I'm starting them on a new program, but Marissa had already been working with me so we just really spent those six sessions just going deep emotionally. You remember that? All that unpacking.
Mm-hmm (affirmative)-I do.
And even did half a session with your husband that one time.
Yes, he hi-jacked the session. That's right.
I bribed him in. I was like, “Joe, come on. Let's talk. Let's do this.” But what could you say about some of that stuff? About the emotional piece and how much of a role do you think it played for you?
I think that was the key. I think for me, I think you telling me you need to eat this way and I'm a rule follower and I'm good with you can have two servings of pineapple a week and then I'll just do what you tell me. It was kind of like that was the easy part. The hard part was changing the story in my head of A, thinking it was going to take a while to get pregnant and then B, that there was a good egg there and that this was going to happen. Just working through that and having the trust and the ability to say whatever was really going on with me was just amazing.
I'll never forget after I had that fifth miscarriage I came to see you in the city and I was sitting in your office in tears just basically saying, “Maybe this isn't just going to work for me. Maybe it doesn't work for everybody.” And you just said, “It's going to work for you.” So I just kept doing it.
Yeah. I was equally devastated. I remember that. You at that point, too, had started doing Reiki pretty regularly, right? I think that was a big support and game changer for you. And then even some of the spirit baby work. You were doing the meditations. She read the book Spirit Babies. I feel like a lot of the stuff we had to work through was a lot of anger and sadness which was really normal considering everything you had been through. And then that doubt, that creeping doubt of maybe I'm just going to be left out of this. Maybe this isn't met for me. And then when that miscarriage happened, it was. It felt like a big kick. But I don't know, there was just something.
And then we had that conversation, remember, once in one of our coaching sessions because you were unsure of do I do another IVF and it was like how would you feel if you knew you had a good quality embryo on ice? And it was like there's a lot of relief in that and that feels good. And then it was like summertime and you were like, “You know what? I'm just going to enjoy my summer. We'll do something in the fall.” Right? And it was this kind of thing where we'll do the IVF maybe in the fall. We'll do the IVF. And then you winded up getting pregnant naturally before you were planning on going in to do that last, that's what we were thinking, like a last IVF?
With Vadali when he was back still doing IVFs. He's not doing them anymore.
Yeah. And then I just hit a point where I couldn't do it anymore. The IVF made me so angry and so anxious and I just knew that whether I got pregnant or not, I was done with IVF. And I think that was really the game changer. Just letting go and saying I'm done with it.
Yeah, surrendering to that. And then talk about the pregnancy that happened with Jack. How was that different to the other pregnancies? In the beginning it was pretty similar, right? As far as-
It was. Interestingly though, just from doing all the emotional work and the meditation, I really had learned how to listen to my heart instead of listen to my head. My Reike instructor/friend who's just absolutely amazing, had told me that summer, “You will be pregnant in October.” And I kind of said, “Okay.” And she said, “No, no, no. You will be pregnant in October.” So when it happened, it was like, “Wow, she was right. Here we are.” She and I had a big heart to heart where she was like basically don't fuck this up. You are in control. You have the power in your mind. I know not everybody believes in that, but I really feel that I was meditating twice a day and I was putting out to the universe that this needed to work this time and then trusting Doctor Vadali. He put me on so much medication and he said, “I'm sorry you're sick, but the baby's more important than you are.” And I said, “Okay.” And I just took all the medication and went with it.
Amazing. Amazing. What do you think kept you going the whole time?
I just think the desire kept me going and I do think at the end, that last summer, I kind of just I think you used the word surrender and I think that's the right word. I just kind of let go a little bit and just did all the things I was doing, but just still lived my life as if this is my life and that's when things happened. You can't make it happen. You have to just believe it's going to happen and let it happen. It's harder to do.
Where was it? The three times we got … this is in 2018. The three times we got pregnant naturally, it was spontaneous. There was ease. There was happiness and I wasn't feeling anxious. I think through that work together we just realized that IVF put you in this position where you didn't feel ease or joy, you felt a lot of pressure and stress and that really just wasn't the right environment for you. And then it was. Even that summer we were kind of probably the least in touch we had been in years. You would pop in like, “Hey, I'm doing okay.” And I'd be like, “Hey, how are you? I'm thinking about you.” And you're like, “I'm still doing everything. Maybe I'm drinking a little bit more than usual, but having fun.” I was like, “Just have fun. Just have fun.” Because I really saw that space too of she was really prepared. It had been years, two solid years I would say, that you'd been doing all the stuff in my opinion. And then it was this last layer of the emotional stuff.
I think too some things with your husband too of his surrender and his grieving, I suppose, is part of it too.
Yeah. And I had to listen to him too. Because baby making really became a chore in our house and I had to listen to him and say, “Okay. I'm going to throw out the ovulation sex. I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not holding you to a date.” I had to take him into account.
Yeah. 100 percent. And he had to be part of it and his fears and even that time that him and I spoke it was just like there were some of his fears that we just had to work out. It is what it is and we'll figure this out. And he did too. He was on some supplements, right? He definitely adopted a lot of the daddy diet pieces I feel like.
He definitely did in the house. You could definitely see how eating what I cooked and made made him feel better than whatever he bought when he was out working for lunch. But he definitely tried and yes, he definitely took some supplements for a while and did what Dr. Braverman told him to do. Yeah. He had his own fears. Even when we got pregnant, I think we did more genetic tests and more abdominal scans and fetal EKGs than anybody on the planet just for him and for me, but for both of us to just feel-
Yeah for peace of mind.
Yeah, the peace of mind. Yeah.
And Samantha was in the same boat, too. It was funny to watch you guys go through it so similarly, if you will. Years apart, but both as my clients. It's funny because you guys went to high school together and they didn't know. Samantha worked with me years prior to Marissa and when Marissa found me I think Sam had just gotten pregnant, right? Are the boys two years apart?
Yeah. And I had run in to her in a restaurant and I was like, “Oh my god, I'm so inspired by you.” And then still not knowing she was working with Aimee. And then Aimee, you told me that she was a client. It was like, “Oh, my god.”
Because she told me. I think she said she ran into you and then I said can I share. Because also her story was very similar. It was the same. She actually never pursued IVF, but was told that the only option for her was going to be donor or IVF and that she was in perimenopause, this is Samantha. She went on. She got naturally pregnant. So I guess she was 41 because you guys are the same age. She was 41 and natural pregnancy and a healthy baby boy. And then yeah she acted and then you guys met up a couple times too. So it was that support piece.
We did. She was great. She was really helpful.
And then why don't you share a little bit with everybody about the E-Course and the Facebook group and how that played a role for you?
Sure. I love the modules and the meditations and listening to it. The Facebook group I was already a little bit more reluctant, a little bit more silent I think. I think once I got pregnant and I joined the pregnant group, then I felt a little bit more like, “Okay, I have all these questions and things I want to ask.” But I was always there observing and reading and cheering people on. It was hard for me to watch the Facebook lives because I was always at work. But I would sometimes watch them when I'd get home. Just knowing there were people out there and even if I didn't ask the question, reading it and reading other people's concerns and fears and things. It really helps. It's really amazing.
Even just this morning talking about in the pregnancy group talking about my son not sleeping and everybody having similar issues is just an example of how the support is overwhelming.
Yeah, and it's so good. It's so good. Marissa has been in the new mama group now for what, a year and a half I guess at this point? I love that group because we just get to move everybody over and so we don't talk about pregnancy stuff. In the E-Course group for all the girls who are still trying to get pregnant, but a lot of the support carries over because a lot of the girls graduate and move into there and you guys are already used to each other and know each other.
Yeah, and this morning we were talking about babies and not sleeping. So now you're on the other side of it. How does that feel? Are you still in shock some days of oh my gosh, I got here?
Yeah. I look at him all the time and just say, “You're my little miracle.” It's just so unbelievable. It really is. It just makes you smile all the time. And I just feel so proud of myself that I did it. I mean, there are very few people who thought that what I was doing was going to work. I think most people thought I was crazy. There are a couple people that I knew believed in it, but not many. So to really see it come to fruition, you feel really good about yourself.
Yeah. I'm proud of you.
Thank you.
And there were ups and downs. I think there was also this a lot of emotional work we did around the diet and the lifestyle and all that. It was like you felt better and all the things. I remember you saying to me once, I think you were on the acupuncture table in the clinic. And she got acupuncture regularly. She only came into the city to see me on occasion, but regularly getting acupuncture with Bettina Schuler at Hamptons. She's awesome.
She's amazing. Yeah.
I love her. I refer to her all the time up there. You know my first website was acuwoman.net. Is that funny? And she's acuwoman now. Isn't that funny?
Oh, really?
Yeah. Kind of funny. It's bettina@acuwoman.com I think. Anyway, and you said to me I'll never go back to the old way of life. I'll never go back to the old way of eating. I just feel better and my skin is better. All these things. You really saw the differences, but it was just annoying because your cycle was pretty much like clockwork and every month it just wasn't happening and then the month that she did get pregnant those four times, five times, sorry. Gosh, in six years. So six pregnancies total and one healthy child.
Yeah. But I will say that doing the diet, I did see those changes in my period. You know what I mean? I saw the spotting stop and I saw the more, just the consistency. You just really do start to see those changes and that's what you have to celebrate first that your body's changing and healing even though you might be grieving that this month it didn't happen again.
[crosstalk 00:25:20] and I think the emotional stuff, too. That was just huge for you. I made her a very big Abraham fan. And I feel like, speak to that too. That changed your life in so many ways as well, didn't it?
Absolutely. Yeah. At one point I couldn't get enough. I would just listen to her constantly and just take it in. We even went a couple times to see her in person and just the energy in the room is unbelievable. But just really learning how to meditate well and how to work on manifesting things and letting things go and not giving your energy to negative things. Even though I don't have as much time for it now, I still can just see how I'm capable in manifesting little things or listening to myself in order to create things and make things happen. It's amazing.
Yeah. What do you have to say to the girls out there that are in the thick of it right now?
Don't give up. It works. It really works. And it doesn't matter if nobody believes you. You do it and it works. And I think the two things go hand in hand. I think the diet and the lifestyle and the emotional, neither one is more important than the other. I think you really have to work on both together to create a total peace. And that's what's so amazing about working with you is because I followed a lot of other fertility experts and there's been those summits and I would listen to the talks and most people who work in this field are either a diet and lifestyle expert or they're an emotional health expert and you cover both which you really need which is just so amazing.
Thank you. I don't know, we got to spend a lot of time together and it was. There were times when I was frustrated as well. We would always just go back to I know there's some good eggs in there. There has to be some good eggs in there and all the things you're doing and how your body's changing and shifting. And then that last pregnancy with Jack, it was a bit I think nail biting. But you did all the right things. You were supported by Vadali and all the immune meds. I mean nail biting in the sense of you'd had these previous miscarriages and it was like, “Please God, don't do this to her again.”
All I wanted was a bagel the whole pregnancy and I never ate one. I was like, “This child is coming. I don't care what I'm craving.” You just do what you have to do.
And that's kind of what Vadali said. We love you, but this baby [crosstalk 00:28:09]. And it's true. I think, too, you could say now on the other side no regrets, right?
Oh, absolutely not. No. Adjustment to motherhood is a whole new world, but there's just so much joy in it and you just look at that baby's face. It's funny. He doesn't look like anybody so we were like after all these years of trying for a biological baby, they switched them in the hospital. You know, we never know. But he's just so cute and so sweet and it's amazing. And to have this time in this crazy world that we're in right now to be home with him I feel like is such a gift, too.
And how's Joe doing with being a dad? Is he enjoying it?
Oh, he's loving it. Yeah. And the baby loves him. He takes him at night every night for a couple hours so that I can get a couple hours interrupted sleep and he puts him down in his bassinet downstairs. So they have their little time together, too. It's really cute.
Nice. Let me see if any questions or comments on Facebook. Let's see. There's 28 comments. Of course I know I'm not going to be able to see them all because Facebook doesn't love me with this. Yeah. Beth, are there any questions you want to bring to my attention because I can't see them in the thread. I see 29 comments. Let me just see my phone, make sure. No, you didn't text. Okay. Let me see. If anyone has a question they want me to answer, just repost it because then I will be able to see it. For some reason right now I can't see. There's 29 comments, I see four. People are saying so encouraging, definitely checking this out. We're excited. Okay. No questions. Just comments in the feed. Okay, good.
All right. So I guess we're going to let you go and rest and enjoy the rest of your day.
It was great to see you because I miss you.
I know. I miss you.
I haven't seen you. It's nice to chat.
I know. I mean, it's nice to see your face. I feel like you've seen my probably, but it's nice to see your face. And we did, we spent a lot of time like this on Zoom. This is where we did all our consults and we would just talk it all through.
Yeah. And that's an amazing program, too. I know you're not launching that one now, but when you do I can't say enough about the elite program. I mean, I looked forward to those coaching calls every week whether it was the group ones or the individuals. They were so special.
Yeah, I love that program. So we actually are launching it. It's like we did three tiers this year. So there's the basic E-Course, then there's the group and then we're doing the elite as one of the tiers this year. So we are doing it. Yeah, someone just emailed me asking me questions about it and that's what I was saying. I think the most instrumental part to that program is the fact that we're together every week for 12 weeks.
And it's such an intimate group. You really get to know the people in it. I think it's amazing. There were five of us in the first group and three of us have babies already.
[crosstalk 00:31:28] have babies already. And you guys all had similar cases, too. All multiple miscarriages, PGS like issues.
Right. Nobody in that group had a child already which was also nice. We were all going for our first baby which was really special. I felt like we were all in a similar place.
Yeah. And three of you have babies all around the same time now. It was like Karen then Holly then you. I think that's how it went. I know. I love that, too. And the other two in our group are getting really close. I can see it, you know? They're hovering right over that early motherhood. One of the things you said in January when we talked, “I'm shifting my focus away from baby making,” is what you said. We're just having more fun.
Yeah, that's so important. You try so hard to make something happen. It's not going to happen. You have to live it to learn it, but it really is amazing. When this happened I was kind of in disbelief at first. Like, “No, I can't be pregnant. Really?” You know? Because I wasn't trying, for one.
I know. Well that's it too. You heard me talk about it in the E-Course today, but we have one of the girls I'm working with right now coaching 45 and same thing, this month they didn't try and she got pregnant. She never did IVFs, but four IUIs that didn't work and IUIs always worked in the past. She has children. But same thing. It's just kind of funny because she her ovulation was late. She was like, “Oh, screw it. We just had sex to have sex because obviously the cycle's a wash.” And her second baby just came back at 300, you know?
I know. And if you really believe in that spirit baby out there waiting for you, I just feel like he or she just picks that moment when they feel like you're ready. You just have to give it up to say I'm just going to believe that this is going to happen when the time is right.
When the time is right. You've heard me say it 100 times. All the work, if you will, the diet, the lifestyle and the mental and emotional, it's just making you an overall healthier human. But it's putting you in that prepared state so when the baby is ready, the baby comes through. And you've done your work. You're just there hovering in your preparedness. And unfortunately, we can't control the timing of it.
Right. And that was always my problem and I think that was one of the things you taught me because I had said by the time I'm 40, by the time I'm this. This summer. It just doesn't work that way.
Yeah. It's just happening when it's going to happen.
But we did always have faith. I think there were moments for you where you had less faith than not, but then there were other people that were carrying it for you, right?
Mm-hmm (affirmative)-yeah. No, I had a great team between you and Bettina and LeAnn, I felt so supported and always had someone to talk to. It was just phenomenal.
Yeah. And are you getting acupuncture now or no? Because she's back to work, right?
She is. But yeah, between the COVID and the baby, I'm not able to get out there.
I miss it a ton. One of these days.
Yeah. You'll get back to it. All right. Well hang up. I love you and I love Jack and Joe.
Love you.
And I'm so happy for you guys. One of these days-
Oh, I have a picture. You want to just see quick?
Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's see.
Beth told me to bring a picture.
Oh, look at him. So cute. Look at him. I think he looks like you. Just now holding it over your eyes, do you see that? I think the eyes are the same.
Yeah. My sister-in-law said that. She said we have the same eyes.
Yeah. Sweet. Hi, buddy. I know. Usually by now I would have seen this one in the flesh.
I know.
But it's okay. Such is life. Thank you for coming on and sharing your story with everyone. I know you'll serve as an inspiration to so many.
I hope so. I hope so. Now I just want to help other people because it really works.
Yeah. And now you're on the other side. Not complaining, she's never complaining, but she is venting about sleep challenges.
And they suck. I was like put him on your chest at 3:00 in the morning and go back to bed. Stop trying to live by the rules, I suppose. And that's part of it too, right? Of just maybe he wants that from you too of that flexibility. When you reached your more flexible space, he came right through.
That's a good point.
Yeah. Okay. All right. You have a wonderful day. Thank you so much.
You too.
I will see you soon, okay?
All right.
Promise. Okay. Bye everyone.
Bye everyone.
End of Transcript
Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. Aimee's Fertility Coaching Program is a personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition!
Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results!
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