ran an article the other day: 6 surprising libido boosters.
I thought it was a good piece, but a little detached on the emotional front. It mentions doing things like yoga, or something adventurous with your partner like zip-lining. It even mentions smelling your partner post-gym workout as this may entice you. Eh..maybe??
I'd just like to add a few more emotionally engaging things that I think can help you and your partner stay sexy and remain sexy:
1. Laugh. Have fun together. Be easy around one another. Don't sweat the small stuff.
2. Be Grateful. Tell each other one thing each day that you are grateful for in one another or in your relationship.
3. Be present. How could you expect to be in “the mood” if you're not even present in your own life. Check in with yourself emotionally and check in with your partner. Get on the same page and the romance will reignite.