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Fertility Hot Seat: Tips for Getting and Staying Pregnant in Your Mid-40’s {FREE FERTILITY ADVICE}

If your first thought is, “What’s a Fertility Hot Seat?!” Then let me tell you!

I go live ONCE A MONTH on Instagram and YOU have the opportunity to join me live to get my take on your case. I set a timer for 15 minutes, you ask your question/s and I give you my answers.

Whether you’re chosen to go live with me or not, I may answer questions that can help with YOUR case. 

If you’ve ever thought about coaching with me or my team but weren’t sure if it would be a good fit this would be a great opportunity to test it out!

Did this case resonate with you? Drop a comment below!

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I am not a medical doctor. I have been a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 17 years and I will be speaking from my clinical experience helping thousands of women conceive. The office of Aimee E. Raupp, M.S., L.Ac and Aimee Raupp Wellness & Fertility Centers and all personnel associated with the practice do not use social media to convey medical advice. This video will be posted to Aimee’s channels to educate and inspire others on the fertility journey.


Speaker 1:

Well, hello everyone. It is time for a fertility hot seat. I will let all of you start rolling on and I'm also going to charge my phone. Here we go. As you guys roll on, it's a reminder, this is a fertility hot seat. Here's how it works. Whoever gets picked today gets free access to my Fertility Reboot, which enrollment has opened as of today. It is your favorite program. We asked you guys. You voted. You said, “Hands down, Aimee's 30-day Fertility Reboot was a game changer for me, my fertility nutrition, my fertility mindset.” So whoever gets chosen today, you have to request to join me live and you will come on and we will do a free 15-minute consultation where I will give you fertility advice based on my clinical experience and my experience of writing all my books and all this stuff and 20 years of clinical experience helping thousands of women at this stage get and stay pregnant.

When you get chosen, you are going to get free access to my Fertility Reboot. After we're done with the hot seat, we'll DM and I'll give you the promo code. But just so you guys know, enrollment has opened officially today and it will close officially on Friday. Don't hold me to it, but I think on Friday. You can check out the program at aimeeraupp.com/fertilityreboot. It is a 30-day mind-body reset. We do the first 30 days of the Egg Quality Diet together. I do it with you. You get weekly live group coaching calls with me. You get weekly, this is new for this round, weekly live nutrition Q&As with one of my Team Aimee coaches. You're going to get meal plans, recipes, menus, shopping lists, daily emails from me all about food and feelings. You get a community. You get to reduce inflammation, improve egg quality, improve mitochondrial function. You get so much. And like I said, it's the, hands-down, favoritest program and it's inexpensive.

It's 150 bucks for a 30-day program where you get access to me, access to my team, access to an incredible community, access to so much stuff. The only requirement is a copy of this baby, the Egg Quality Diet. Yeah. So who wants to be on my fertility hot seat today and who wants to get free access to the Fertility Reboot? How is it different from the book? It's really different from the book because we're doing it together. That's how it's different from the book. So if you're a self-starter, you might not need this, but what's nice about it is you get me every week in live group coaching calls where I'm going through the mental-emotional pieces because this diet can be triggering and challenging, I suppose. We're really focused on not just the diet, but on the renewing our beliefs and shifting our mindset. Also, if you want nutrition coaching for the month, we're doing weekly live nutrition Q&As well. It's basically like a ton of support while you dive into the book.

Some people are overwhelmed by the book. Some of the reviews on Amazon overwhelm people because they're like, “This diet's hard, but it's worth it.” So if you are thinking about doing the Egg Quality Diet or you've tried to start it a few times and you just are having a hard time, do it with a group. Those in groups get better results. It's proven scientifically. Then I also am doing it with you, so you get to just ask me real-time questions as well, which is really fun. So that's how you have a good friend in me and my program. Now the option to join live disappeared from me. You have to do it from a phone and you hit the plus button at the bottom. Right now, I have a handful of requests, so I'm probably going to go in and pick someone. One of the people I pick, we're going to do this hot seat and then they're going to get free entry to my Fertility Reboot.

I'm also going to go live on Thursday and answer any questions about, how do I know if I need a fertility reboot? How is it different than the book? The other thing to keep in mind too is that the reboot, it's called the Reboot 2.0, Fertility Reboot 2.0. It's more than just Egg Quality Diet. I really incorporate all of my books and all of my teachings into this program and yeah, it's a ton of fun. Okay. Oh, my gosh, so many people have asked to join live. This is crazy. Give something away for free and it's amazing. All right, [inaudible 00:04:46]. Why not? Let's see. If she doesn't come on, then we will select somebody else. [inaudible 00:04:57]. And there she is. Hi.



Speaker 1:

How are you?


I'm good. I never win anything,-

Speaker 1:

Oh, well, there you go.


… so this is exciting.

Speaker 1:

You're a winner today. I feel very salesy, but there you go. That's fun. It's fun to win something. Congratulations.


Thank you.

Speaker 1:

After we're done, you'll DM me and then I'll send you a promo code for the reboot, okay?


Perfect. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome. So tell me what's going on. How can I help?


Yeah. I'm 45. I turned 45 in January. I've had a session with Heather actually in, when was it, September. So I've been doing the Egg Quality Diet phase III since September except for vacation time when I went and did IVF in Barcelona. I live in Berlin. I had IVF in May of '22 and we had four eggs. They all fertilized, two blasts and I was pregnant for four and a half weeks and then lost it, and then my dad died. So I had a really bad year. Then I started the Egg Quality Diet, adjusted a lot of my supplements after my meeting with Heather and then I had three months of this and passing clot by December. I passed a clot that was this big.

Speaker 1:

How big?


Like this big and so [inaudible 00:06:41]-

Speaker 1:

Was it painful or did it just pass?


I was bleeding for 10 days and it was dark blood and it was like [inaudible 00:06:50]-

Speaker 1:

And was it with a period that you passed it or was it-


It started day 17 of my cycle, which is I don't normally have a cycle set that short. I am seeing an acupuncturist here. She feed me herbs and I think she actually took me off those herbs because she was like, “Okay, the stagnancy seems to be gone now and so [inaudible 00:07:18].”

Speaker 1:

Oh, were you on the herbs when you passed the clot?



Speaker 1:

You were on the herbs when you passed the clot. It could have been that there was some stagnation in there and she gave you blood moving herbs and whatever was in there needed to come out basically. It probably was an ovarian cyst or some kind of growth because it probably happened with ovulation is what I would presume. Because you said you had a few months of cyst after that, right?


Yeah, because we actually wanted to start IVF again in October, but we couldn't because I kept having cysts for three months and then-

Speaker 1:

It happened to me after my miscarriage. It was fucking miserable. It was three months of cysts I had. Yeah.



Speaker 1:

It's hard.


Then finally in January, I didn't have cyst anymore. We did another IVF round.

Speaker 1:

She froze on me. We are frozen. Hey, guys. I'm with Susan, but we are frozen. I see you guys coming on, so I think I'm not frozen. But can someone comment, let me know that you guys can see me and that maybe Susan is frozen, if you don't mind, and then I might have her leave and come back. Let's see. I lost her right as she was about to tell me what happened with the next IVF. I see you guys joining. Okay, thank you, Petunia. Petunia eats cakes. I'm not frozen. Okay, thank you. You are not frozen. Thank you so much guys. Oh, you're back. Okay, Susan. Let me see. Ask to join again, Susan. I wonder, for some reason, you didn't leave this one. So Susan, come back in. Okay, let's see. Let's see if this works. I'm accepting you again. Just sit here and make funny faces. I want you guys to wait. I'm eager to know what happened with her IVF. Okay, come on. Let's see. Susan, are you back? I wonder if you X out. Okay.

Because you're still showing as frozen on my screen. Maybe close out Instagram, Susan, and then come back, then open the app back up and then come back in and see if that works. You stop requesting and close out Instagram on your phone. Swipe it up, close it out, and then open it again and then come back into the live and ask to join me live. Yeah, I just got a thing. You're unable to join, but you're on. Okay. Anyway, let's see what happens. Oh, there we go. You're back. You're back. I think you're back, my love.



Speaker 1:

Yay! Okay.


Yes. Sorry about that.

Speaker 1:

I lost you as you were telling us about the most recent IVF. Tell me what happened there.


Okay. Can you still hear me and see me?

Speaker 1:

I can hear you. I can't see you right now.


Okay. Yeah, I just-

Speaker 1:

I see your ceiling maybe or something. I see something.


Can you see me now?

Speaker 1:

Let me see. Ish.


Can you see me?

Speaker 1:

It's blurry. Yeah, it's blurry, but I can hear you.


Okay. Well-

Speaker 1:

[inaudible 00:11:12]. Yeah.


Okay. I can either even come back or I can just keep telling the story.

Speaker 1:

I think you can tell the story. It's okay.



Speaker 1:

[inaudible 00:11:21].


Yeah. We did another round with a very different protocol in Barcelona. My follicles were pretty slow to develop, but I was developing more follicles than I did the nine, I think, but they were very slow. I was on stims for five extra days than I was the first round. Then they went in and she didn't get any eggs from my left ovary. I did another egg retrieval. She said that the trigger shot didn't work. Then I did another retrieval and they got one immature egg that they matured in vitro and then it didn't fertilize and we were devastated. But then I got pregnant. I took a pregnancy test. So I took an HCG test a week, or no, 10 days after the procedure and it was negative just to see that the HCG had cleared my system. Then a week after that, I tested positive, but I lost it in the fifth week or sometime in the fifth week. I was in shock and then I was excited. I didn't really register what happened for a few weeks.

Speaker 1:

Did you guys have sex around when retrieval must have happened?


Yeah, we had sex.

Speaker 1:

That's why.


Yes. Yeah, we had sex. I looked online and I was like, oh, yeah, it's fine to have sex, but only some sites say to use protected sex. I guess I may have ovulated early anyways even if we had used protection, but-

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the trigger shot, when it's not done right, sometimes that's what happens, is the eggs will appear immature or the follicles will be empty. And a lot of times, what I've learned from other [inaudible 00:13:17] friends is that it's actually a trigger shot issue, not you.


Yeah. Oh, she totally blamed me. I was barely out of anesthesia when she was like, “How did you think you could get pregnant at 45? No one ever gets pregnant at 45 unless they've already had children.”

Speaker 1:

That's bullshit. I just had an email-


It's too late.

Speaker 1:

… today from someone who was pregnant at 45 that worked with me.



Speaker 1:




Speaker 1:

Yeah. Where do you stand now? Tell me.


It felt like there was implantation that started to happen last month, but I keep getting yeast infections around my ovulation. Now, I've been having ovulation day 13 or 14, which before the Egg Quality Diet, it's been rare in the last 10 years. I feel like I'm in better shape than ever to get pregnant, but I keep getting yeast infections during ovulations.

Speaker 1:

Semen analysis is fine?


Well, two years ago, there was low motility, 3%, but it hasn't been tested. Motility and numbers are pretty good in the lab, but they don't test for motility. They haven't tested for motility or any other factors than… No. Morphology, sorry.

Speaker 1:

[inaudible 00:14:36] around the yeast infections is like it could be a change in hormones. It could be you're having more sex than you normally have. It could be some kind of bacteria that you and him are passing back and forth. A few things I would think about is a really good vaginal health probiotic. You don't have necessarily insert it vaginally, but directed towards women's vaginal health. There's something that Thorne makes called Undecyn, which I think you can get the Thorne products in Berlin. It helps with the uterine microbiome.



Speaker 1:

Go ahead, sorry.


It's the S7 of FS-

Speaker 1:

SF722, exactly.


Yeah, I was taking that and I just ordered a bottle.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Yeah, they changed the name from SF722 to Undecyn now. Then I would do baking soda baths. Take a bath around ovulation [inaudible 00:15:30]. It'll be like a sitz bath. If you're ovulating on 13 or 14, I would do two or three baths in the lead up to ovulation, so 10, 12, 14 or 9, 11, 13, something like that. Take a bath and put a whole cup of baking soda. You could also do a cup of apple cider vinegar. It regulates the pH and it should then prevent the yeast infection from happening.



Speaker 1:

Then you also want to think of things that would treat the yeast. The Egg Quality Diet isn't 100% yeast-free, so what I would say is don't do any fermented foods. And just Google too of what's the best yeast-free diet and you'll see. But typically on the Egg Quality Diet, if you're in phase III, it's all the ferments, you got to take those out.


Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Then are you taking a baby aspirin in the luteal phase once you could be pregnant?



Speaker 1:

You are, okay.


I read that maybe it interferes with implantation, but I don't know if that's just… One study said it, but-

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I see it as helping with implantation, especially in women with previous losses.


Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Then there are things we could do to inspect what else is going on. The other thing I would think about, and maybe you can get this in Berlin and not have to travel for, is do an endometrial biopsy to make sure you don't have endometritis now, which is a very common side effect of miscarriages.


Oh, okay. Yeah. There's this company, Fertilysis, in Greece.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's [inaudible 00:17:12] Fertilysis because that's very available in Europe. Evvy is another good test that's over here in the US, but Fertilysis is great and it gives you a nice rapport and it tells you what to support and how. So I would look into that and keep trying. Then are you thinking about another IVF in Spain or no?


Well, not with the doctor I saw.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they weren't very friendly [inaudible 00:17:37].


I think we're pretty exhausted by all of that and just that I did get pregnant semi naturally. I don't know. I prefer to maybe do a medicated natural cycle or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well, that's it too. Are the doctors in Berlin, the cutoff is what, 46 in Germany or is that-


It's 45. The first IVF round I did here and he would still treat me, but he's very old-school and he wouldn't adjust the protocol. We did pretty well with it, so there's no logic to maybe not adjusting it, but-

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree, or even IUIs because then if there is a sperm issue, the IUIs will be more beneficial to you because they're watching that sperm and then you're nailing the timing. But I would look into the endometrial biopsy. I would do stuff for the vaginal uterine microbiome. I know our typical recommendations when you coach with my team, so I would like keep watching, doing all those things and then you're going to join the reboot. What I would do is when you do the reboot, is almost follow the low-histamine part of it and leave out all the fermented foods and see if that doesn't help with the yeast. Then also, I didn't say this, your husband needs to be on a probiotic too. I forgot to say that.


Okay. Yeah. I think he is on one. My acupuncturist said yeast infections are maybe due to spleen deficiency. Do you have any tips for that?

Speaker 1:

Yes. Don't do any cold raw foods. That's the number more thing for spleen. The spleen doesn't like damp and it doesn't like cold, so no cold raw. If you're on phase III, you're not doing it, but no dairy, no gluten, no soy. That stuff is very heavy and hard to digest.



Speaker 1:

And the other thing for the spleen, which is a huge part of the reboot program too, is the mental piece. The spleen gets really taxed, we say, or deficient when we're perseverating, overthinking, over worrying. It's so easy for me to stop worrying. I don't mean it like that. I do know that. But checking yourself of like, okay, I feel this way for legitimate reasons. I really want this child. Now I've been pregnant more than once and have had losses. We do a lot of this in the reboot program, which is just meeting yourself where you're at emotionally and talking yourself through it, versus fishing and going down the rabbit hole like, “What more can I do? What more can I do,” almost knowing what I'm doing is actually, it's moving the needle. We're moving the needle in the right direction. Something is happening. Something's trying to happen.

And also, I feel like meeting yourself and being honest of like, I'm still here and I still want to try and I'm still doing the detective work, but trying to calm that worry, that intense, “What more can I do? What more can I do?” kind of feeling and just like, “I'm doing enough. I am enough and I'm learning more about my body.” But I think those are big things to look at from a spleen perspective is the overthinking and the worrying and then also the dietary thing, and then also making sure your feet are warm. You're not sitting on cold things, stuff like that. Then you could also do herbs to really warm and tonify the spleen. That's where I will focus.


Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Then also the cyst. I think it's something important to touch upon there too of losing your dad and then losing the pregnancy or losing the pregnancy, then your dad. I get both of them on a personal level, but we say that the cysts too are signs of repressed emotions and a lot of times, it's anger. I don't know. I'll plant that seed of maybe writing a letter to wherever you still feel that what went wrong or what happened around the loss or if there's any anger, if it's the doctor or yourself or your eggs or your uterus or whatever it is, just trying to process and get that out. I also find screaming into a pillow is one of the best therapeutic things you could ever do until you cry and just trying to get it out.


I'm no stranger to that.

Speaker 1:

What did you say? You're no stranger to that? Okay, good.


I'm no stranger to screaming in my pillow. I scare my partner actually sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I think for me as well, I've done that with my husband. I'm like, “So you're going to hear something crazy. I'm going to go in the closet and scream” and he'll say, “Oh, okay, weirdo.” But it does help. Just we want it out, so however that looks for you to get out some of that frustration. I think also, that takes a toll on the spleen if we go back to that Chinese medicine counterpart too. A big thing that I really think about these days in all the work I do is the nourishment is the key. So it's like what we can do to not just nourish ourselves nutritionally or nourish ourselves with supplements, but what are we doing to nourish our soul in this process versus just go, go, go and the next ovulation and the next trying and is it going to work? But more like, what am I doing on a day-to-day basis to nourish my soul? Am I getting out in nature? Am I singing or dancing or doing things that are really lighting me up?

I think that is really good spiritually too to help bring through that child of almost the mentality of, look how fun it is down here. Look at this life and it's amazing. Come on through and join us, and not assuming that you're like this, but versus it being all about the baby bringing the joy.


Right, yeah. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Tell me anything else right now question-wise that you have.


No. I wonder if it's worth doing more testing like HLA matching. I don't know [inaudible 00:24:07] that-

Speaker 1:

It could be. It could be. I think for me, first things is manage the yeast and make sure the endometrial biopsy is clear. Those would be the two big things that I'd want to make sure first off the bat. Then it could be looking into more autoimmune testing. The Pregmune covers everything. I have some girls in Europe that are able to get access to it or at least can reach out to the Pregmune team and they're very European-savvy, if you will. They connect you with the right doctors too. There is a clinic in Spain. I think it's the IVI clinic. Is that the one that does a lot of the immuno testing? Which one were you at?


It was at Institut Marquès, but I looked at IVI actually.

Speaker 1:

I believe it's IVI, I'm on their site right now, I wonder if I can quickly see it, that I believe they do look at autoimmune… I think they do. I think it is them that looks at autoimmune. Highly complex regression, I'm not sure what that is, but you could even reach out too of Spain, IVF autoimmune and I also think there's one in Greece that is also… And have you done PRP? Is that anything that you've thought about or no?


I haven't done it. I've thought about it because there's also a affordable place to do it here in Germany. It seems like it's the key theme, the pregnancy. I'm not opposed to PRP.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree. Well, more just it seems to really just rejuvenate and there is research coming out now that it's improving quality. So if we think about that, that could be helpful. But I agree, it's ivf-spain.com. They do the KIR, and the haplotyping, and they'll do immunologic testing. So it's ivf-spain.com.



Speaker 1:



Okay. Great. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So those are all, I think, really good ideas. Even sometimes too, at the minimum, you could go get a miscarriage panel from a hematologist and that could be a good starting point that you could do locally. If something comes up there, then maybe you need something stronger than a baby aspirin.


Mm-hmm. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

And still, some docs, not all, but some docs will be open to just giving you a low-dose steroid in the next pregnancy to see if that helps. I've also seen great success with low-dose naltrexone, which you can look and see if you can find that. It's called LDN. There's a lot of fertility research on it now too and it's powerful.


Yeah, I would have to get it from the states, but yeah, I've looked into that too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I've had people order it from the states to someone they know and then they ship it to them. I'm public. I'm on the internet, right? I'm saying that, but that's what I've seen done.


Figure it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you figure it out. You do what you need to do, but those are all lots of good things. The LDN is very promising when it comes to quality improvement too and not saying that now you're at multiple losses, so I don't think it's all a quality thing even though the doctors would like to say that, and I agree, that there's something going on. It could be bacterial, meaning it could be something in the uterine environment. It could be something with these yeast infections or it could be some kind of immune or clotting factor issue.


Yeah. Then since I got pregnant this IVF stimulation round, do I need hormonal support or is it not good to pump up your hormones if you're not producing them naturally? I guess [inaudible 00:28:42].

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I'm not opposed to it by any means. I see estrogen help women with ovulating effectively. You're not having that problem. Then I see progesterone help women too. It's a Band-Aid. It's not a fix, but if that would be a reason for any of these losses, so checking your progesterone in that luteal phase, making sure that it's up and it stays up. I love the [inaudible 00:29:04] for that. You're in Europe. That's one of the best at-home predictors I have. Here's mine from today. Then see and if it's low, then getting support, yeah. You could also do the DUTCH test, which is really informative as well.


Okay. Yeah. All right.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Now I have to hang up on you sadly because I have a duty call. But this was really great. I want you to DM me here on Instagram and then I'll send you a promo code to get access for free to the reboot, okay?


Perfect. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Thank you so much.


I'm really excited.


VISIT MY WEBSITE: Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Aimeeraupp.com

CHECK OUT MY COURSES & GUIDES: Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-shop/

MEET MY TEAM: Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/acupuncturists-herbalists-general-practitioners-nyc/

SEE US IN THE CLINIC: Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. https://aimeeraupp.com/wellness-centers-nyc-manhattan-nyack/

WORK WITH ME WORLDWIDE VIA ONLINE COACHING: Aimee's Fertility Coaching Programs offer personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-coaching-program/

CHECK OUT MY BOOKS: Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/how-to-get-pregnant-natural-fertility-books/

CHECK OUT MY SKINCARE LINE: Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! AimeeRauppBeauty.com

FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow me on social media so you don't miss these sessions live! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodybeliefexpert/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aimeeraupp/?hl=en Enter your email at www.aimeeraupp.com to get my latest tips on living your healthiest life!

About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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