Soy lattes, soy burgers, soy cheese, soy milk. Man, oh man-- it's a soy crazed world out there. Just wait until my book comes out and I remove the wool from everyone's eyes!People, soy is so not good for you. …
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Soy lattes, soy burgers, soy cheese, soy milk. Man, oh man-- it's a soy crazed world out there. Just wait until my book comes out and I remove the wool from everyone's eyes!People, soy is so not good for you. …
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Huh?Now, I'm really pushing it, I know.Listen to this story. In it lies some great lessons.So, back in May of '08 my father was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer. What that means is that he not only had prostate cancer …
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This week my favorite local rag, the New York Times, ran an article in their Well section entitled: Vitamin Pills: A False Hope?. Basically, the article summarizes recent scientific research, concluding that taking a multivitamin doesn't do much to protect us …
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Concubines seem to have all the good tricks.During the Sung Dynasty (that's 960-1270 AD), the Chinese in the interest of their emperor's happiness used acupuncture to maintain the physical and emotional beauty of concubines. What? Needles in my face?Yes. It works. …
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Did you know that almost 10% of Americans are taking an anti-depressant these days?Did you know that approximately one in five women aged 29-44 are taking an anti-depressant RIGHT NOW?Whats going on here people?I wanted to post a longer blog on this, …
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Recently, I was asked: what's the best oil to cook with?Great question.One would think any oil suffices for cooking. That's SO not the case.Non-processed and organic saturated fats (the kind that are solid or semi-solid at room temperature) are typically the …
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