Recently the New York Times published an article: Aging- Vitamin D Levels Tied to Dimentia Risk.
Basically, researchers have found a link between increased cognitive impairment and decreased levels of vitamin D in the body.
This does not mean that low levels of vitamin D cause dimentia. But, what it does indicate is that sufficient vitamin D intake (through diet or supplementation) can help prevent dimentia.
Honey, we're all about prevention. Right?
The best food sources for Vitamin D are: fish (like herring, sardines, salmon and eel), eggs (make sure they're organic!) and my all time favorite: cod liver oil.
Just be sure to know the difference between foods that are “fortified” with vitamin D and foods that have vitamin D naturally occuring. Fortified foods are basically injected with a synthetic version of the vitamin that your body can't efficiently digest (click here to read more about this). Makes no sense to do it this way.
Basking in the sun also helps your body naturally produce vitamin D. So get a little unprotected sun once in a while. And, not for like hours… I'm talking ten or so minutes.
Personally, I just pop a few cod liver oil pills each morning. That fills my vitamin D desires! Oh, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't indulge in a little unprotected sun exposure!
Have a great weekend.