I have another BRAND NEW Story of Hope for you! In this video, you'll learn the shifts Jillian made to finally bring her healthy baby home at 44! And she conceived naturally 💗🙏🏼🌟
Take action & do what she did ➡️➡️➡️AimeeRaupp.com/YES
Well, good morning. Well, it's morning over here. My hair. There we go. Hi everyone. My volume up. Oh, Gillian's here. So, Jillian request to join me live. You see that little button in the bottom middle-ish? It's a little camera with a plus. There we go. Okay. So, guys, we are here, it's morning on the East Coast, with another Story of Hope. I'll let her come on and share her history. But, it's a beautiful one, laced with miscarriage, and being told all her eggs were bad, and then giving birth in her mid-40s, right? Or, 44 I think you gave birth that? Yeah. Delivered a healthy baby girl at the age of 44. So, I'm going to let Jillian come on, and invite her on, and let's do this. Let's see. I've added her in. Give it a second. Except. There we go.
Hello. Hi
It's so good to see you. Hi.
So good to see you too.
I feel like your hair's longer. Is it? Or was it always up? It's longer, right?
Maybe, yeah. Yeah. You know, post mom kind of look.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No time for a haircut look.
Doesn't look like that, but I feel like that. Haircuts and pedicures and waxes kind of go out the window, right?
I have been trying. I've been trying.
Let's see. Hi, how are you?
Hey. I'm good. I'm good. I'm so happy to be here.
Oh, I'm so honored, always. All you guys coming live, I'll cry even thinking about it. It's just such a beautiful honor that you want to share your story with everyone. But I do think, similar to last night with Jennifer, and I feel like so many of the cases, there's this level of advocacy that you learn for yourself.
And that's what got you to the other side of this, right?
Versus believing everything you were told.
Because we'll get into it, but had you moved to IVF and/or egg donors, you still would've miscarried.
And so, I think that's such a huge piece, that even going through this… So hi, everyone, this is Jillian.
She's a mom of two. And so, why don't you share some of the… I have the highlights in front of me, but I like to-
Sure. Absolutely. So, I had my first daughter in 2016, so she is almost 6 now. And got pregnant at 37, delivered at 38, naturally. It was pretty easy, didn't really even think about complications. And then after that, I got pregnant when she was about maybe a year and a half. And that was unexpectedly. And that was one of five miscarriages that I had. So, they were all early on, which-
Five, six weeks, but still, right?
Right. Exactly. You tell yourself that makes it easier, but there's truth to that somewhat, and then of course it's devastating. So, I was 39 when I miscarried the first time. I live in Rome, I live in Italy as well, which is part of the story. But the first time I miscarried I was in the states, and went to the ER, and was basically told I was just old. That was kind of the story from then on. Which I know that, I can on that.
Age is a number, and it's one piece of this puzzle, right?
Absolutely. Absolutely. So, over the years I saw, I think it was five different OBs here. I went back to the OB that I was seeing… I didn't deliver here, I didn't deliver my daughter here. We actually had moved from Geneva. So, I didn't have the doctor that delivered my daughter. Which, she was amazing, but anyway. So, all the doctors I saw when I got pregnant again and again, they tried me on some protocols, [inaudible 00:04:30].
Blood thinner, right?
Right, right, Clexane here, and progesterone.
Which is Lovenox in the states, and progesterone, right.
Yep. Exactly, exactly. But, nothing worked. And at some point I started doing my own research, and I had an inkling that there was something else going on. I have a lot of autoimmune diseases in my family. My mom has Crohn's disease, my aunt has MS. I can go on and on.
So, I just had an inkling that there was something else going on. And I found, and I cannot remember, his name is skipping me right now, but it's Dr. Vidali's predecessor, I guess.
Oh, Braverman, yeah.
Yes. Yes.
You found his website, preventmiscarriage.com, right?
Exactly. Exactly. And then to come and find out he passed away, which was so sad. So, I was trying to advocate for myself. But I felt pretty stuck. I felt very stuck being here. And then COB happened. So, then I felt really stuck. And then I found you. Then I found you, Aimee. I mean, I was really determined to have a second child, it was something I wanted. Oh, I'm getting emotional already. So yeah, then I found you, and I decided to do your-
Group coaching.
Yep, your group coaching. And along with the e-course as well.
It just turned everything around for me. And the reason being, I think you're just so amazing for so many reasons, Aimee. And so many different parts of your e-course and the coaching really was supportive for me. But, I felt like you could just kind of see through what was going on. You were like, “Okay, there's something physical going on.”
Yeah. Yeah.
And then you connected me to Dr. Vidali, and Dr. Vidali miraculously new-
He is Italian. Remember, so Jillian comes to us… And guys, remember I'm giving away a scholarship here today too. So the more comments and stuff here, the more I see you and hear you, and then you're more likely to be chosen as a scholarship winner for the e-course, which was part of what Jillian did. So, yeah, you came to us at 42, you joined the group coaching, which was me and Michelle at the time.
And now we have other coaches, Michelle has decided not to do fertility coaching anymore because her acupuncture practice is still busy. But, she's doing great. So, you did two sessions with Michelle, and then you got access to the group coach, to the e-course, and then you had a group led by me.
And it was, I remember hearing your case right away. I think it might've even been the first group where I was like, “Yeah, this is definitely autoimmune. Something else is going on.” You always hear me say, and you guys also heard me say it, I don't care about your age. If I see back-to-back miscarriages, more than one miscarriage in a row without a live birth in between, especially in a case like yours, where you'd already carried, we know you can do it, that there has to be something else going on. This is not [inaudible 00:07:51] quality.
And Braverman is the one who taught me, which I always get emotional talking about him, but he's the one who taught me. He said, “Nature is never that stupid. Nature will not keep picking bad eggs over and over again and miscarrying them. It just won't do that. There's something else going on.” He said one out of… What did he say? One out of every 10 maybe it'll go down like that. But not one out of three. Not back to back like that.
Really interesting.
Yeah. And so even with you though, the doctors were kind of on to something with putting the Clexane or the Lovenox and the progesterone into the mix.
So yeah, you come to us at 42, and you did Discover you had a clotting factor even before… When did you discover the clotting factor? That was, because you still had three miscarriages on the Lovenox and progesterone protocol.
So, she had a total of five miscarriages, two before a doctor introduced any meds, and then no miscarriages since working with us, right?
Because then it was we took a break, we wanted to get more testing, If that's what I remember, recommending not trying.
Which, how did that feel when I recommended that? Was that scary, or was that…
It definitely felt scary. It felt scary. Because of my age. So, there's always that, what I'll call, chatter going on in the back of your head.
Of, “I'm getting old. I'm getting old. I'm getting old.” But at the same time, I just was ready to try something different. So it was just kind of a leap of faith, and a trust piece, and I was just like, “You know, this isn't working.
Well, it's what you were doing wasn't working, right, and you weren't getting the right care.
Yeah, exactly.
And then I do remember you being in Rome, and I said, “Well, Vidali's also Italian, so there's got to be some connection.” I knew his brother was also a physician, and I just remember being like, “I'm just going to connect you guys, and we're going to figure it out.” And I think at that time too, I didn't know that they actually worked with international clients. And so, Vidali's team connected you with someone in Rome, right?
Yeah. Well, I was getting set up to work with them internationally. And I think maybe because of COVID, I don't know if they expanded that because of COVID or not. So, I was putting in all my information, and talking to the secretaries there, and getting ready to have an online appointment. And then he just contacted me with this name, and it's amazing. This Doctor, he was very eccentric, but brilliant. So brilliant.
Yeah, just like Vidali.
Yeah. Yeah. Actually, my good Roman friends had gone to Vidali when they lived in New York years ago, and they raved about him as well. But, this doctor isn't that well known in Rome. I mean, he's brilliant, and he's a part of all these reproductive societies, American ones, and he knows every reproductive endocrinologist in the world. But, he's not that well known in Rome. He's more of an academic. So, him and Vidali knew each other 25 years ago, they met at Yale. Right? Just crazy.
It's very synchronistic, serendipitous. Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, absolutely. And so he just knew… Number one, he had me tested for a lot more things. I mean, he was much more extensive than anybody else. Because everyone was just blowing me off and saying… And I was going to specialists. I was going to really respected specialists here in Rome, and everyone was like, “It's your age, and your only hope is to do IVF.” Which I wasn't against, but I just didn't think I needed that. And then to get your eggs tested, and then at that point your percentage is going to be really low. I heard that over and over. But this doctor just, he did all the testing, and my AMH, I just have to put this out there for anybody who has the AMH/FSH chatter, it was horrendous. My numbers were just horrendous. But, he put me on a…
Which also speaks volumes. So you're 42, 43 at that point getting tested. Your numbers aren't great. And so, imagine that in the fertility clinic, even more chatter of you would've gotten that same thing that our girl last night, Jen, Scott, which was a 1% chance of this happening naturally. Which is also just soul crushing.
Yeah. Yes, absolutely. When I got those numbers from the doctor I was like, “Ugh.” But he was like, “Oh, don't worry about it.” I really trusted him. He is just, he's a genius. He really is brilliant.
Yeah. They're like mad scientists. I feel like Braverman's like that, Vidali's like that. I feel like they're in that mad… I think I'm a little like that at times too, mad scientist, where I'm like, “I don't know, there's just something else here.”
Absolutely. You are, Aimee. Absolutely. I also want to say, I did follow your protocol really strictly with the diet as well.
Oh, good. What I want to point out here on this vein too is, so, when Jillian comes, of course the miscarriages are a huge red flag of like, “Okay, something is going on here.” But then we dug deeper into the kinks in the system are the red flags. And you had pain during a bowel movement. I know this is TMI, but we're here sharing.
Yes, no, I'm totally open about that.
But remember, I was like, “That's endometriosis. I'm telling you right now that's endometriosis.”
I still wonder about that actually, even recently I'm wondering.
Yeah, but we didn't necessarily treat it, you didn't go and get endo surgery. But you did do the immunology workout, and we did add in some additional meds you had a cold body temp, really dry skin, you had eczema, you had water retention, hair loss, blurred vision. I mean, a lot. Sinus congestion, dry skin, bruise easily, leg cramps, allergies, fatigue, indigestion, [inaudible 00:13:37], frequent urination. So many things.
Irritability, shortness of breath, and periods used to be super heavy, clottey. And then, much had improved with the diet. So, you dove full into the diet, of course, and all the lifestyle shifts. I mean, that was a huge piece. That was part of it where I was like, “Let's put this on hold, let's get more testing.” And you are coaching with Michelle, and I was just kind of overseeing the case. So for all of you guys out there working with me, we're about to run out of those slots anyway, but knowing that my coaches, I really do, I'm in there. And especially in the group coaching. But even if you do a one session with my coach, I'm in there, I'm overseeing, I'm directing and guiding. And so it was, you dove full on into the diet. And I don't think [inaudible 00:14:24].
Yeah, I did. I was really religiously following it. It was hard to find organic chicken here, but I made my own broth, I put the feet in and everything.
And then how long would you say you did the diet for before we started trying again? You might remember the timeline better than me. Because you came to me at 42, and you got pregnant at 43. So, somewhere probably three to six months you were in that.
Yeah. I think I stuck to the diet. I mean, I think I stuck to it, I'd say for probably six months.
Yeah, yeah. And probably even into the early part of this pregnancy, right?
Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.
And then, of course we had you increase your fish oil, we-
It's always tough with our euro girls, if we had you get on some mitochondrial supplements, but we had to find the right ones in Italy. [inaudible 00:15:15] N-acetyl, we put you on the baby aspirin in the luteal phase. You were eating liver. You were actually eating liver three to four ounces a week.
Yeah. Because here you can get it at the butcher, the fantastic lecture.
Yeah, it's so easy. I put you on the Wobenzym, Chinese herbs. Did you see someone, or did I ship you herbs? I can't remember.
I did see somebody. I did see somebody, yeah.
You are doing acupuncture. And then, yeah, so diet, we said continue on, which was then we were calling the Body Believe eating plan. But it was basically the early stages of a quality diet.
Yes, exactly. You switched right when I was getting to that.
Yeah. Exactly, it published. And then I had you follow the MTHFR guide. Let's see. You are also doing Arvigo abdominal massage and acupuncture, right?
That's right. But I'd been doing Arvigo long before… I had miscarried many times while I was doing Arvigo. And I loved Arvigo, and my specialist was amazing. And I think it all came together. But yeah, I continued doing that as well.
Yeah. And then, new mantra, we gave you a new mantra, all the answers will find you. I like that. You can rest in the knowing of this. Say it each morning, put it on a sticky. So, all the answers will find you. And we also had you focus on the difference between biological and chronological age, which is hard.
Absolutely. Yes. It is hard.
Focusing on five ways in which your body is working for you each day.
Because there was a lot of that too, “My body's failing [inaudible 00:16:52].”
“It's working against me.” There was a lot of that anger [inaudible 00:16:56].
Absolutely. Belief.
Yeah, exactly, of just you were so frustrated. We had you read Spirit Babies. And then, oh, yeah, setting boundaries to protect your energy, joy, and hope, from some of the Facebook groups. You were in other groups too, and some of the notifications network.
Lots of groups.
Lots of Facebook groups, yes.
And that was triggering, right?
Yes, absolutely. And I also, Aimee, just really… So, I'm a coach myself. I coach for a program that specializes in an eating disorder. So, I just want to put that out there. Because I'm also an LCSW, I'm a therapist, and a coach. And sometimes when you have those specialties, I know, Aimee, you see so many people, but sometimes you have this belief that like, “I should be able to figure this out myself.”
Yeah. Yeah.
But that's not the reality. And so, I also really dove into your course, and I did so much mindset work. And I did so many meditations, visualizations, I listen to them all the time, and visualize my baby. So, really coming at it from-
All angles, yeah. Yeah. And it was a self renewal process for you too, because it was just so many years of, what, three years, five losses. That's a lot. And then also being outside of your home country, there was just not how to navigate the system, and how to advocate for yourself. I did, I remember thinking it was so synchronistic of, I was like, “Well, Vidali's Italian, he's got to know somebody.” I remember that. [inaudible 00:18:36].
Amazing. Just amazing.
And I can't always promise that to everybody watching. But I think there's also those hits that you get from that spiritual perspective, where I was like, “This is the connection that needs to be made.” And then, so fast forward. So you do the immunological workup, and he finds a couple more immunological markers.
Can we add, I think it was our version of IVIG or Neupogen to… I think it was Neupogen.
Neupogen. It was Neupogen. Yeah.
Yeah, we added Neupogen to the mix. And when did you take that? Because you were taking that in the lead up? Tell us that part. Because this is interesting for a lot of the girls.
That's right. And again, he was a real expert. He's like, “We don't need very much. You just need a tiny little dosage.” I couldn't figure out the dosage. I was like, “What?” Because it's a different system here. So, three months before I got pregnant I started taking it. And right away I… I'm trying to think. So I think I started taking it maybe-
It was three months is what you said. “After I started taking the immunosuppressant drugs, I got pregnant in three months.”
Yeah. That's right. So, I got pregnant in three months, and the rest is history. It was a viable pregnancy. He followed me very, very carefully. That also made me feel-
So, you got bloodwork throughout the pregnancy, like the way Vidali does it here?
Yes. Absolutely.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah. Which made me just feel much more calm. I mean, it was very stressful, but he was very supportive in that way. And I did take a lot of progesterone. I did do progesterone shots throughout my pregnancy. I still took the Clexane, still took the cardio aspirin.
Yeah. Okay. And then the fish oil, we stayed on that dose.
And then, how long did you stay on the Neupogen for? For the first trimester?
Yes, through the first trimester. You know, I think, I don't remember what week, but he would've even had me lower it a little sooner. But I was a little anxious to do that.
Yeah. I feel like I remember that, because I remember us emailing throughout that.
And how was the pregnancy? How were you treated during that pregnancy considering your age?
Right. Well, it's interesting. In Italy, so this is what I was told as well, in Italy people have children a lot older. And I think there's a socioeconomic factor. So, in the states you're considered a geriatric pregnancy of 35 and above. But here everyone said to me… I would always say I'm old, they're like, “Oh, no, no you're not.” People would say that all the time. So, I switched doctors. He was my specialist in the beginning, and I switched doctors, this amazing female doctor, and just had an incredible birth with a midwife, and my doctor. Oh, it's really emotional just thinking about it. It was really beautiful. And yeah, so a little bit of a crazy story.
So, I was induced, as I was induced with my first as well because of my age. So, I'm being induced, everything's going along great. And the anesthesiologist comes in, and he sees my cardio aspirin. I brought my cardio aspirin with me. And my doctor told me to stop taking the Clexane shots, but she didn't tell me about the cardio aspirin.
Oh, when you were still on the thinner. Oh. Yeah.
So the anesthesiologist says, “Oh, I don't really like the looks of that.” But he didn't say anything. And then my doctor comes in, she's like, “I'm sorry, we cannot give you an epidural.”
So you have to go all natural.
Yeah. But they actually did… I mean, it was perfect timing, and it was a much easier birth than for my first. So, they did give me a spinal. But it was some sort of anesthesia which she said we had to do it the perfect timing. Because I only had a two hour window that it would last. And I was about to give birth when I was like, “Okay, I really need it. I need it to push.” And yeah, it just happened… I don't know, it's not easy at the time, but when I look back on it, considering everything, it was just amazing.
Yeah. And then now on the other side.
Yeah. My daughter is so happy, so healthy. Just so beautiful, and tranquil, and sweet, and calm.
And do you feel like, I know this is… I don't know. Do you feel like the process of what you went through set you up to be the mother she needs? You know what I mean? Do you see that, yeah?
Absolutely. Yes, I do. I do see that. And yes, I do feel that way.
Not that I would want anybody to go through the suffering you went through, but just that there was a preparation in there, or some kind of spiritual guidance happening, right?
Absolutely. Yes. My own journey, for sure. I mean, I grew along the way in so many aspects.
Yeah. And so, what do you want to share with the girls following and listening right now?
So, what I want to share is, it's really a piece about mindset. It's something I've learned along the way in terms of my own mindset. The way our brain works, my other program is really… And I know you love neurobiology, Aimee. But, the brain's always trying to save its energy. So when we have a belief, the brain is always looking in the environment for things to support that belief.
Yeah, social-
So… Right. So, if I have the belief that I'm too old, and this is too hard, then I'm not going to follow through. But, I think really meeting you, and just the knowing you had, and then getting the connection with the right doctor, and then all the mindset work, in terms of not giving up. Because there was so many times when definitely I could have given up. I definitely wanted to give up, and I was like, “This is crazy, I'm too old.” And people were telling me, doctors were telling me that. So, that's the thing.
It's just digging deep into that trusting and knowing. And I think-
And getting the right support.
Yeah. Well, 100%. Yeah, having the right team that's aligned with you, that… And if you like too, you were in a lot of the groups, and bouncing around and stuff like that. So that creates chaos and a sense.
Versus, and I always say it too, maybe you pick one or two people that are going to be your go to, that you're going to trust and listen to, or one or two groups. And then the rest, start to shut them down. I think I was reading through our recommendations for you, and it was set boundaries and turn off notifications on some of those groups. Because it was triggering you, and then spinning you into this, “I am too old, it's not working for anybody else, it's not going to work for me.”
Right. Right.
Versus streamlining and being like, “Okay, well here…” I know in our group, and even in the group coaching that you did there was a lot of women around this same age. And I feel like I remember that too, that piece of like, “Oh, okay, I'm definitely not alone. There's this intimate group, and we're all working on this mindset piece.”
And then also, what about that piece was doing the diet and the lifestyle shifts? And did you start to feel physiologically younger than how you started, if you will?
Yes. I felt great. I felt really great on the diet. I mean, I've always been an exerciser, and just getting connected to things that bring you joy, and really committing to that.
I love it. And then even the nutrition piece, I feel like this came up last night in the story I hope too, where it was letting that nutrition and lifestyle peace be part of the joy versus part of the punishment. And that, again, is also this mindset shift.
Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I had had a friend that had done a similar diet years ago, and she was like, “It was amazing.” I remember her telling me about it at a wedding. And she was doing the bone broth, and she just said she'd never felt better in her life, and all of these things cleared up for her. I was really excited about it, actually. Excited to have something to take action on. And I definitely saw inflammation go down, and my skin changed. Oh, yeah, I did the salt baths.
Yeah, you did all of it. You did all of it. You really jumped in.
I did all of it. And the other thing I want to say is, I definitely think we as women, we just have a lot of, again, chatter about investing in our self. And I definitely went back and forth a lot about that. But, it's so worth it. It's so worth it. It's so worth it to do the coaching with you, or whatever you have available, do the programs.
[inaudible 00:27:36].
Because I also research a lot of experts. But, Aimee, you have just so much knowledge, and history, and you're such an expert, and you're so connected to so many experts, that I just think you're the best.
Aw, thank you. Yeah, it was beautiful watching it all work for you too. Because that was quite a struggle. And I just remember, I guess to say how lost you felt when you came to us, just like, “I'm at my wits end.” And it was that thing of like, “Okay, pressure's on. We better fucking figure this out for this girl.”
Right, right.
I feel like I [inaudible 00:28:20] texted Vidali myself, if I remember that, where I was-
Yes, you did. You did, which I so appreciate. Just so appreciate, Aimee.
Well yeah, no, I think that's the beautiful thing too, of the connections that I've made over the years. The doctors I resonate with the most are the ones who, and now I'm going to get emotional, who really give a shit. And this is their job not just to make money, but because they're doing a service. And that's how Braverman always was, of like, “No, we can't see another miscarriage here. This is not okay. And we have to figure this out.” And then, the rage that comes up in me even for you guys when these other doctors men tell you, “No, it's just your age. You're out of luck. I'm so sorry. Donor egg's the only option.”
I get so livid, because I'm like, “Yeah, and she's going to go and miscarry that donor egg after she just spent $40,000 on those eggs.”
Right. Right.
Like, “Fuck you.” Excuse my language. But seriously, that is a bullshit answer. You're not supporting this person. And so, to get my girls to the right care, it's step number one.
And I also know that, I do believe very much in all the protocols I create. But you needed the extra medical support. And I'm a huge proponent of the two coming together, of integration.
And who knows, yeah, maybe at some point you would've done it just doing the Clexane and the diet. But I don't know. I get super protective too of like, “There's no need for any more losses here.”
Let's just get to the right doctors, get the right plan, then… And also for you in your heart, you need to feel like, “Okay, I need to check all these boxes of all the things I'm doing differently the next time I decide to try again, right?”
Yes. Absolutely. Yeah, I just kind of had it with the miscarriages, understandably. I just was like, “I don't know if I can do another one.”
No. It's a lot. It's a lot. I know. I know. Okay, so any final words to share with everyone? Or I feel like we've covered a lot. [inaudible 00:30:21].
Yeah. Like I said, just trust yourself, and invest in this. It's so worth it. It's so worth it. Once you get to the other side-
Yeah, you don't even think about it.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, you're one of those cases of, I went through the statistics of the last four years of the course, and it's about-
Yes. I've been seeing your statistics, they're amazing.
65% of women who fully dive in the way you did have their baby in 18 months. And then there's about 15% of women who don't dive in, and then I kind of lose track of them. And then there's 20% who are harder cases, and they take a little bit longer. I'm not saying that they're not diving in as much as you did, or didn't, it's just a more challenging case. But, you wear that case.
I mean, you came to us at 42, you gave birth at 44. So, within 18 months you actually had your baby in your arms.
Four days after my 44th birthday, so it was right on the cusp.
Aw, [inaudible 00:31:18].
Yeah. It was pretty soon after I came to you that I gave birth.
And to think that you'd been suffering in silence for three years. Three years. It's a long time. So yeah, you're the perfect example. And even the call I did last night with Jennifer, it was the same thing, of she was so shut down by the system. And similar age, I think she gave birth at 44 as well. And it was the same thing, where it was just… And I do. I think it's not easy for everyone to make this their full-time jobs away some women can.
But like you said and keep saying, it's the investment in yourself on all those levels, and showing up for yourself is so worth it. It's like giving your dream the best possible chance of coming true, right?
Absolutely. And then like you said, on the other side, it's not only having a baby, a beautiful baby, and feeling like a complete family, but you're also a better person for it. There is no doubt in my mind.
Yeah. I know. I know. Okay. Well, thank you so much. I love this.
Thank you, Aimee. Thank you for everything.
And everybody's saying, “This gives me so much hope. So much hope. Thank you for being so generous with your story and your spirit.” I love it.
I'm an emotional person, so…
I know. I know. I knew we were going to cry.
Or they say you have bad luck with recurrent pregnancy loss. Yeah, that's a true one, the bad luck drives me insane.
Yeah. Yeah.
It's bad luck if you're under 35, it's eggs if you're over 35 is what I always see.
Because I have girls that are 32, that are having recurrent pregnancy loss, and the doctors will just say to them, “It's just bad luck.” And it's like, “No, you need the better Doctor.”
Right. Absolutely. Absolutely.
No, no, someone needs to read some research.
Exactly. Yeah. I feel like I was doing more research than… I mean, I got into fights with some doctors here. The last doctor I saw, I fought with him. He was just like, “You need to trust the system. You need to trust the IVF.”
He didn't want to hear it. He just didn't want to hear it.
And that's it too. Because I do think with IVF, I always say I think it's 60% of the cases don't even really need to be there. And so, the basic protocols will work for those women. So the doctors are like, “Well, if it ain't broke, I'm not going to change anything.” So in these cases, they just shuffle you off, and then it becomes your job to then find the right care.
And I do, I feel like half of my job is, of course there's all this medical expertise, and all the diet and the supplement, the lifestyle, mindset, all the things. But a big portion of the job is advocacy.
Helping you guys step into your power so you can not take no for an answer.
Exactly. Yeah.
Like, “Hey, this is my body, my time, my money, my future family. I'll see you later.” And that's a hard thing to do. Because you feel like you're questioning every… There is these pillars, it's a belief system of doctors are who you trust, doctors are you go to, you listen to everything they say.
And over here, it's even more of a hierarchy. I know in the states it is as well, but definitely there's a really clear hierarchy here.
Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Okay, I'm going to-
And you're right, you're right. It's all about stepping into your power too, Aimee, absolutely.
Yeah. I mean, that's why the course and the book are called what they're called, Yes You Can Get Pregnant. And I get that that's maybe not for everyone. But I don't know, it's for most of the cases. And half of it is having the confidence to step into your power. But I think the confidence to step into your power does come from that community, and that tribe, and that support peace, that right support. Because then you don't question yourself so much anymore.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
So, I want to just announce too, Nell Can is winning this scholarship today.
So, N-E-L-L C-A-N. Just email Beth@AimeeRaupp.com, and then we will set you up.
Oh, Beth!
I know.
[inaudible 00:35:29] Beth.
Beth is 30 some odd weeks pregnant right now too.
No way, that's amazing exhalation point oh my goodness, that's amazing.
She's watching, so you could say anything you want to her.
[Italian 00:35:40], as we say in Italian. Beth, that's amazing. Amazing. So much love to you and your little baby.
Aw, I know, it's so exciting. It's so exciting.
[inaudible 00:35:50].
So, okay, I'm going to let you go. And I appreciate you so much, Jillian. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Aimee. I appreciate you so much.
[inaudible 00:35:56] those girls. Same. Same. Okay.
It's all because of you.
Aw, well, you did it too. Okay, Goodbye. I'll talk to you guys later.
[Italian 00:36:05].
I'll see you guys at two o'clock for another fertility hotseat. And then there's a Q&A this evening. So, fertility hotseat at 2:00, Q&A this evening at 7:00 pm. Lots going on. Okay, and now I'm going to go treat some clients. I'm in the acupuncture clinic right now. I love you guys. Have a beautiful day.
VISIT MY WEBSITE: Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Aimeeraupp.com
CHECK OUT MY COURSES & GUIDES: Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-shop/
MEET MY TEAM: Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/acupuncturists-herbalists-general-practitioners-nyc/
SEE US IN THE CLINIC: Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. https://aimeeraupp.com/wellness-centers-nyc-manhattan-nyack/
WORK WITH ME WORLDWIDE VIA ONLINE COACHING: Aimee's Fertility Coaching Programs offer personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-coaching-program/ CHECK OUT MY BOOKS: Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/how-to-get-pregnant-natural-fertility-books/
CHECK OUT MY SKINCARE LINE: Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! AimeeRauppBeauty.com
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