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Story of Hope – Managing Endometritis and Polyps, FINALLY PREGNANT After 4 Years TTC

I have another Story of Hope for you!

She was managing endometritis and polyps. She resisted fertility treatments. After 4 years #TTC, she is FINALLY pregnant at age 37! Watch this video to hear her amazing story. 

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Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I am not a medical doctor. I have been a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 17 years and I will be speaking from my clinical experience helping thousands of women conceive. The office of Aimee E. Raupp, M.S., L.Ac and Aimee Raupp Wellness & Fertility Centers and all personnel associated with the practice do not use social media to convey medical advice. This video will be posted to Aimee’s channels to educate and inspire others on the fertility journey.



Hello, everyone, meet Ashley. We are here to do a Story of Hope for you guys. And it's just such an honor to me that Ashley had been a client four years now at this point, right? Four years we worked together.




And she worked closely with Heather in our Nyack location for those four years. And I would see you once a month when I came in to the Nyack office. And now I haven't seen her in eight or nine months. Well, I missed you, that's right, we missed each other right before you were going to give birth. But I haven't seen you in 7-1/2 months because you've been busy at home with your baby girl.


Yes, yeah.


So I like to just have everybody hear your story in your words. So, go ahead, share, and I'll jump in as I remember things.


Yeah, it was a long journey. I started just casually and naturally, and then I think about a year in, we were like, “Okay, well maybe we should do some more testing.” And there wasn't anything wrong, nothing ever came up.


Because how old were you? You started trying to conceive, what were you?




Yeah, 33, okay.


Yeah, and my husband was tested, I was tested. We did all the due diligence but everything kept coming back normal. But it was frustrating and I never got any answers. Then I was trying different meditations and trying anything and everything, basically, supplements, spiritual things. I was reaching out to different non-invasive specialists because I was not ready to try anything like IUI or IVF. I'm a very holistic person so I had a stigma. I just felt like, “Oh, I can't do that, it's not natural.”


Unnatural, right.


Yes. So, I just really was so resistant to trying anything like fertility really did with the conventional medicine. So, anyway, we keep trying and keep trying. I did pick some health things that I found. And then I was recommended Aimee and I just was blown away how thorough you were and the blood work that you did, also just how emotionally supportive you were. And I felt like, “Okay, I'm going to get somewhere. I'm finally going to get some answers and really somebody who is going to look at my case and look at it holistically.”


Because at the time when you came, too, you had been digging. And what were some things that you found that were maybe off, that could have been reason for the fertility challenges at that point?


Well, I did find that I had something called endometritis, which is an imbalance in the uterine microbiome. And-


And she discovered that before our work together, and before it was as popular as it is now, right? The testing now is really well-known that we're doing that.


Yeah, because that was something that I was told it could possibly be, but also probably not. But I was like, “Well, that seems like that would be a big deal.” And for me, actually, antibiotics didn't work. I ended up taking a supplement called Utrophin.


A standard process, right, a standard process?


A standard process, at the recommendation of a doctor who-


Say his name-


… specializes.


Yes, yeah.


Yeah, Dr. Josh Canter in New York City.




So I saw someone, I didn't just get it off the shelf.


But I think it's pretty similar. There are some things recommended now, Thorne makes one, too. It's undecylenic acid, it's about-




They're essential fatty acids that are specific. But I think Utrophin also has uterine tissue in it. I think it's actually an organ-meat blend as well. But it is, it's interesting of there is more products out there now, and basically the premises to support a healthy uterine microbiome.




But Ashley discovered that she'd actually had the endometritis before coming to work with us. And then you treated it, to the best of your knowledge.


Yeah, I did end up getting re-biopsied a few times. And then once I did the Utrophin it cleared it-


[inaudible 00:04:52]-


… up. So-




Yeah, that was pretty amazing. And so I was working with you and I think I just was feeling like at this point we're reaching about, I don't know, three years, maybe. Oh, I'm sorry, [inaudible 00:05:10].


At this point, you're 36. Yeah, go ahead.


Sorry, my dog.


Okay, remind me, too, thyroid, how was thyroid when we checked that, and vitamin D levels?


Vitamin D was a little bit low, thyroid was a little bit hyperthyroid.


Yeah, that's right, [inaudible 00:05:29].


Yeah, so basically the majority of my work with you was really just getting my hormonal profile and my nutritional profile into this really optimal place. And we were able to achieve that with all of the amazing research and protocols and supplementation and acupuncture, clinic work, that Aimee and Heather did with me. And they were so patient and thorough.

But even with all of that and then testing, and testing my ovulation, and I would go on breaks, too, where I would say like, “Hey, I'm just going to let go and not be so rigid and see if that helps.” Because there is always that, “If you just relax, you'll get pregnant.” Which is the worst thing to ever say to anyone who is experiencing fertility struggles, by the way. And it had just been a long time and I thought, “Let me rethink my opinions about something like IUI or seeing a doctor at RMA.”

I had one instance earlier, it just wasn't a positive experience. But I really trusted Aimee and I asked her if there was someone that she recommended and she did. Her name was Dr. Laura Meyer at RMA in Connecticut, which is now Illume Fertility. And when I spoke to her I just felt this real connection. And I was like, “Oh, I really like this one. Man, I feel like she's going to really care for my case.” And we talked through a lot of different options. And what I found out, which thankfully, I did see her, was that I had polyps that had been undetected probably the whole time. But they were in this very specific place in my uterus that wouldn't have been seen by the regular sonogram technology-


[inaudible 00:07:26], that's it. You needed the hysteroscopy to actually see it, right?




And that's always the argument I make, and this I learned from fertility doctors, that saline sonos can miss things.




In a lot of cases they can, and the things that they miss could be the reason for the fertility challenges or implantation issues at the minimum.


Yeah, and they won't do implantation if you have polyps, so I had to get those removed. Which, it's interesting, had I found that out at 33, I probably would have just continued to try naturally and maybe that would have been the thing.


Endometritis and the polyps, the two things, those two things combined could have been the reason for the delay, 100%.


Oh, absolutely. And again, it took a long time to get the technology and the research hadn't really caught up to those things yet. And I also just want to say at this point, years in, it takes such an emotional and mental toll. I really just felt this pain, it's indescribable. I think everyone on this call or who is going to listen understands just, the anxiety and how consuming it is. And I just felt with Dr. Meyer and Aimee, I felt like, “Okay, because of all the work I've done with Aimee and because I'm in this really optimal place hormonally and nutritionally, and then my doctor said, “If you try an IVF cycle and if you do the genetic testing you have a 70% chance of that embryo becoming a baby.” And I said, “Let's do it.”


“Let's do it.” Because you did how many IUI's? You did-


I did two IUI's.


Go ahead. And we did polyp surgery first and then IUI's?


Yeah, polyp surgery first and then two IUI's that didn't take. And then I decided that four years in, it was time.


“Let's do it.” I remember us talking about it and just like, “What do we have to lose? Let's just do it.”


Yeah, and obviously it's such an individual decision.




It's an investment. Yeah, listen, I changed health insurances, I took out a credit card, we did all the things, all the things, it's a huge commitment. The only thing I'll say is that I'm so glad that I got out of my own way in regards to that and I let go of this idea that I had to do it naturally. Because really I just needed the support to become a mom. And I was able to have a really successful IVF transfer with three embryos. I only ever had to do one round of IVF. And I really believe-


Yeah, what did we get? So let's go through it. We did one round, you got how many eggs collected?


I think I got 15 and then there were 11 that-


[inaudible 00:10:36]-


… in the next phase, which I forgot.


That's okay.


And then there was only-


How many were sent off for testing? I think-




I think five and three came back normal.


And three came back.


So very high odds, that's more than-


No, there was only three that were sent for testing but all three came back normal.


That's what it was, 100%, wow, 100%.


100%. And then my first transfer didn't take because my meds were not correct.


Yeah, it was the progesterone messing up.


Yeah, the progesterone was too low. And then the second transfer, it took.




And it's funny, because I knew when I was in that room. You can see it go in, basically, they give you a screen you can watch, and I just knew, I knew. It was this magical moment where I looked at it and I said, “That's my daughter.” I didn't know it was a girl but I knew. And I just knew, I was like, “This is it, this is it.” And then two weeks later I had a cup of coffee in the morning and I immediately threw up. And then later that day my doctor called me, and I was in bed feeling like crap and she said, “You're pregnant,” and I burst into tears.


And the pregnancy, for you, overall was …




… [inaudible 00:12:09].


I had a pretty strong immune reaction first, which Aimee helped me with right away. So we just nipped anything in the bud. But it was just my body adjusting. My blood levels, I got them tested, I was so nervous.


Yeah, and what was the reaction you felt immune wise?


Everything was coming out, of all places.




Not to be too-




… graphic-


… here, there, right, yeah.


My body was-


Really reacting strongly, yeah.


Yes. But it took, and the levels doubled and kept going.


Yeah, exactly. Your beta kept going up and your progesterone looked good.




We always checked your thyroid, vitamin D and all that stayed in good, healthy range.


Yes. And I really had a very healthy pregnancy. I think the hardest part was just the anxiety and the mental and emotional toll from going so many years of feeling like, “I'm never going to become a mom. This isn't going to happen.” And then you're pregnant, the stakes feel so high.


Yeah, and talk about that. When did you really come into it, I don't know, I guess where you really started to own the fact that this was going to work for you?


Honestly, probably not until about six months.




There was a real shift and then I got nervous again at the end because you're doing the kit counting which can be very anxiety inducing. And I think there has to be a lot more trauma-informed care for people that go through a lot of infertility and then get pregnant.

For me it was a very challenging shift because it just felt like this really intense experience leading to this really intense experience. And it's a big mind shift to go from hearing, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” to all of a sudden being pregnant. And it feels like this very fragile thing for a while. And I think in the best-case scenario, a lot of women say they feel scared during pregnancy. So I just think that's something that has to be talked about a lot [inaudible 00:14:31]-


100%. The trauma is real because I think that's exactly it. You've been in one group for so long, the fertility challenged group, and then all of a sudden you're pregnant. And I think the information out there makes you feel like, “Oh, the second I get pregnant the trauma goes away and I'm just as happy as I can be.” And it's like, not really. The fears and the triggers are really there and the anxiety really kicks in of, “Okay, now what? What if I lose it now?” Like you said, you're just so used to something being wrong that now all of a sudden you're in this place where everything is right or working out well.




And it's very scary, the stakes are really high.


Yeah. And it took me a long time. I settled in, like I said, around six months there was a shift. But luckily she was a rock star the whole time in there and was just such a gymnast.




Yeah, it's-


[inaudible 00:15:36]-


It's a really intense experience. And I had a great birth and I felt like I recovered really well in my post partum. And the one thing I'll say though about being a mom, being on the other side of it is I do feel like that struggle has made me a great mom, because I don't take anything for granted.

Even little things like when I'm struggling to get the stroller out of the car or I'm just pushing her down the street to get coffee, those little things, I'm not saying that they're not special for everybody, but for me they just feel so special. And the silver lining is I feel like it's made me really, really, really appreciate being a mom.


I love that. [inaudible 00:16:32].


Yeah. And a lot of those feelings of trauma, they did go away. They really naturally subsided. And I did try to do a lot of work on it. And at the time you're doing that work and you're in it, you're like, “I don't want to do another meditation. I don't want to journal it, I don't want to do any of these things,” but it does help. It does actually help when you get to the other side of it and you're like, “Oh, okay, the work I put in, the effort I put in-


Is paying off.


It pays off and sometimes you don't see that until you're through it.


Yeah. And forgive me for asking this, but I just feel like it's maybe, the next great question though, too. And then for everybody to understand, too, do you think about another and does it come with any sense of triggering again? Or do you feel like, “Oh, because I went through this and figured out a plan, I feel a little more secure the next time around,” if there is a next time around?


Honestly, all the things.




Sometimes I feel so satisfied now.




And I'm 38, I'm going to be 39. I had to put a lot of my life on hold to get through this journey. So I'm not sure if I want to have another child.


Yeah, and I think that's really valid.


Yeah, because I have a lot of stuff to do that I didn't get to make my priority, on top of having a baby.




And then, I feel like I would feel, probably all the things. I think there is parts of me that would probably allow myself to feel a lot more connected to this baby if I had a second one.




I had a hard time with that the first time. And now-


Well I think because there is such a disconnect, though. I think that's the trauma.




I really think that's-


Oh, yeah-


… what it is. You can't connect because you're like, “But what if it gets taken from me? This hasn't ever worked out for me. And so even though I'm pregnant now after four years,” it's almost like a resistance to connect because it's fricking scary. The idea of loss is scary, yeah.


Yeah. And I think I wouldn't be able to do that this time because I know how that feels. I would feel so much more connected because it's like, “Oh, the baby, it's my baby.” But I don't feel ready. I don't feel ready yet.


Yeah. No, you still have plenty of time and those decisions, I think, come when they come, right?


Yeah, yeah. I do have another embryo so, I'm not sure. I think about it every day, though. And I really don't have the answer yet. I don't have the answer yet, but we'll see.


That's okay. When you know you know, you'll know. But right now it's enjoying these moments with your baby, and your epic spit-up episode this morning that you were telling me about before we record here.


Yeah, exorcist style, that's what they called it, full change of clothes, full change of couch cushion, cover, pillows, the whole thing, yeah.


I love that.


She was fine.


What was that? She was fine.


Yeah, she was like this.


And also, too, I think the other thing to speak of, too, was your pregnancy was pretty uneventful, minus emotional. Which is not small at all health wise. And your recovery has been great and you've been breastfeeding and feeling really strong there, too. So I do think, too, all the things you did leading up to obviously create three genetically normals, sending off three and getting all three back, the odds are amazing on that.




All that prep work and the lead-up is showing itself now, too, wouldn't you say?


Oh, yeah, absolutely. Again, I really think that what I learned with you and with Heather and all the programs that created this foundation that is lifelong and really was so physically, also emotionally, but really physically supportive. IVF was actually relatively easy and surprising, which you don't hear people say a lot. But for me, that was the least of it. The trying and it not happening was way harder than finally just going through it. And it was successful.


Yeah, and I think so, too. Having been on the other side of this for two decades and seeing all sorts of IVF processes for all sorts of different women, I just think you were really prepared emotionally. I think you were really prepared physically. You were like, “Okay, I have actually done everything I can possibly do.”

And so there was this piece, and then finding the doctor that felt connected to you, it was all of that. You always maintained a level of connection, that was just always so important to you. I think you just pulled in the right team. And you trusted, you trusted your doctor, you did, you went with it. And it was like, “Okay, let's do it.”


Yeah, I did, I did. I didn't fight it. And she also listened to me, too. I felt really heard. And that's one thing I will say for anyone who is considering trying IVF or IUI is to really find the person that you feel good with. Because it's so important, there is a lot of different types of doctors out there so make sure that you find somebody that you feel hears you, listens to you, respects you.






All right, and any, I don't know, words of wisdom for women that are still on the other side?


Yeah. If you want to be a mom, you will be a mom.




Hell or high water, however you get there, you will, you will get there. You will be a mom. There are so many souls waiting to come in, there are so many souls here. That connection, it never goes away. And you'll get there and don't let anybody tell you that you won't, because you will.


That's right. Hope, hope and perseverance. I think perseverance sometimes more than hope, because there were days where hope-


Yeah, was-


… annoying.


Yeah, and just being open, being open to looking at any type of resistance or trying different things and just listening to yourself.


All right, yeah, it was a fun ride. I'm glad you're to the other side.


Yeah, me, too. Totally worth it, though.


Oh, 100%, yeah.


I'm like, “Oh, okay.” That was what life handed me and here we are.


Well, thank you so much, Ashley, for sharing.


Oh, thank you.


Yeah, everyone is going to eat this one up. So if you guys have any questions when we post this, just comment and I'll come through and answer to the best of my knowledge. If I need to ask Ashley questions I'll bring them to her and-




… we'll get your questions answered.




Okay. Thank you so much, mama. I'm so happy for you.


Thank you.


[inaudible 00:24:14] your little nugget. And thank you to all of you, I hope this inspires you on any level whatsoever.




VISIT MY WEBSITE: Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Aimeeraupp.com

CHECK OUT MY COURSES & GUIDES: Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-shop/

MEET MY TEAM: Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/acupuncturists-herbalists-general-practitioners-nyc/

SEE US IN THE CLINIC: Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. https://aimeeraupp.com/wellness-centers-nyc-manhattan-nyack/

WORK WITH ME WORLDWIDE VIA ONLINE COACHING: Aimee's Fertility Coaching Programs offer personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-coaching-program/

CHECK OUT MY BOOKS: Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/how-to-get-pregnant-natural-fertility-books/

CHECK OUT MY SKINCARE LINE: Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! AimeeRauppBeauty.com

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About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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