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Live Fertility Q&A with Aimee Raupp – May 2024 {EXPERT FERTILITY ADVICE}

Once per month, I go live to answer all of YOUR burning questions about ALL THINGS FERTILITY. Watch this video to hear my answers to your burning questions. Follow me on IG and check my stories for updates on when you can catch my next live Q&A! 


Aimee (00:00):

Hello. Hello, how is everyone? Hi, I am putting on some Amy Rob lip butter and I am here for a live q and a. So this is not a hot seat, so don't ask. Well, you can ask to join me live. I'm not going to accept you. This is a live q and a on all things fertility. So the directions are, you're going to use the question box, so that's in the bottom right of your screen. It's that circle with the question mark in the middle, and you're going to start asking me questions fertility related and I'll do my best to answer them and support you and how to find the best support for your questions.


Hi. So as questions start to roll in, I will introduce myself to those of you that are new to me. I'm Amy Rapp of amy rapp.com. I've been in the space of helping women get and stay pregnant and their partners for two decades. I've written four books. They're all right here. Yes, you can get pregnant. That was my first book on fertility, came out 10 years ago. Guys, it's going to be 10 years old in June. It's still one of the best sellers on Amazon in women's health and fertility, which is a huge compliment. I may be doing a revised edition, which I'm excited about. We're in talks about that right now. There's not much revisions I need to do, but I would probably just update some things around supplements and things around autoimmune testing and things like that. And then I've also written the Egg Quality Diet, which is my most recent book and that came out, I think it's two years old.


And that is the 100 days of Menus, meal plans, recipe shopping list. It's a guided elimination diet to help you optimize egg quality by reducing inflammation, improving nutrient absorption, regulating the immune system, and it's all macronutrient balanced in a way that's best for fertility as per the science. And then I've also written my very first book was called Chill Out and Get Healthy. That came out in 2010 and my second book Body came out, sorry, my third book Body Belief came out in 2017 maybe, and that's all about healing autoimmune diseases. I have an angle where a really focus on autoimmunity and the immune system and inflammation as it pertains to fertility because the links are really there and really apparent. And when you are dealing with unexplained infertility, most of the time I believe it's rooted in an inflammatory and or immuno condition. So again, this is not a hot seat guys, so don't ask to join me live. This is a live q and a where you can just start asking me questions. And so it's best for me to use the question box. It's that circle down in the bottom right corner with the question mark and I will let people start asking me questions. I see some in there right now.


I took Clomid for a hundred milligrams, then 150 back to back, haven't had a period since. It's almost like I'm in menopause with hot flashes and no period since working with the fertility clinic. Can it be reversed? Yes, of course it can be reversed. Okay, flora, can you move your question to the question box please? So everybody, if you can ask in the question box, so again, it's that circle with the question mark, just take your question and put it over there. That way I just say organized with, okay, again guys, I can't answer question. I'm not answering questions. If you type it in the feed, you have to ask it in the question box. Okay, so I'm going back to the question. So IMiD is very drying. It's a very hot substance. It can thin the uterine lining and some women it can cause a crash in the estrogen, which is what sounds like you're experiencing.


And so that will then bring your estrogen down, your FSH will go up and it'll feel as if it's menopausal. You'll have hot flashes, vaginal dryness, things of that nature. It is totally recoverable. I would get some acupuncture, I would do some Chinese herbs, I would do castor oil packs. I would do all the things to kind of flush it out of your system and then restart. So again, everybody questions need to go into the question box. That's that question mark circle in the bottom right corner. If you ask questions in the feed, I will not answer them only because I can't stay organized.


Okay, so Sophia, is this second to no. Okay, so my husband just got diagnosed with arthritis and we'll be starting Humira to manage symptoms. Any thoughts on how these drugs may impact fertility moving forward? I mean they could impact sperm quality. I would just check. I would also maybe free some sperm. Now if you're thinking about doing fertility treatments, that could also help improve sperm because if he has an autoimmune condition, this is a treatment for that. I would also strongly urge that he follow the recommendations in my book body belief. Okay, and then let me just go here. I'm going from the top now you guys are on it.


Okay, so I answered that one. I'm just going to do that so it gets off my list. Okay. This is so confusing. Okay, what are your thoughts on how to reduce thyroid antibodies diet? It's so funny, there must be a filter on, I don't know that I chose a filter but I look funny. I feel like I look funny. Don't I look like very tan or something? What are your thoughts on reducing thyroid antibodies? Diet. Diet, diet, healing the gut regulating the immune system. Follow the A quality diet when there's thyroid antibodies present, most would say, and I'm in that camp gluten dairy and so I need to be treated like allergies.


I've been doing cast oil, all the things to increase lining casts, oil packs, massage dates, molasses. I would do acupuncture, I would do Chinese herbs, I would do my abdominal massage. All those things can also help as well. Okay. My TSH is 2.58. Is that normal for fertility? It's right on the cusp of being out of range. So if you have any hypothyroid symptoms, which you can quick Google them and I would also do a complete thyroid panel. I would look at free T three, free T four and thyroid antibodies as well. If any of that's out of range, then you might consider working with an endocrinologist, especially if you've been trying to get pregnant and having a hard time. I had high prolactin and went on erline. My prolactin is back to normal and I'm ovulating again. Do you think there is anything else I need to do? No, I would really do a lot of the nervous system work though working on mindset and making sure you're creating a sense of safety in the body because we do know that the prolactin can be off for that reason too, but if that was the issue, hopefully that's the issue. I mean I would still do all the things I recommend and yes, you can get pregnant from a lifestyle and diet perspective only because I think it makes for a healthier pregnancy and a healthier child, which I think is really important.


Any thoughts on how methotrexate might affect fertility? I mean it's an aggressive drug and it'll it, I think one way to think about it is it is a toxin and so it can create an environment that's just not healthy for fertility. So the patho mechanism, I'm not positive it depletes folic acid. I know that which is really, it damages sperm and egg production in women. It can cause birth defects of taken during pregnancy. I know it depletes meth folic acid, so I think you have to wait at least three months after stopping it. I do think it's recoverable if you've used it for something, it's definitely recoverable.


Thoughts on just taking Lupron prior to transfer versus testing to confirm endo? Sure, I mean people do it sometimes it's a next line of defense for repeat implantation failure regardless of the diagnosis. Diagnosing endo is not easy, right? It's either a lap or a pelvic MRI and you actually need an endometriosis specialist to breed the MRI because regular doctors could miss the endometriosis signs and symptoms or the adenomyosis signs and symptoms. So sure we have girls that will recommend that too if they just keep failing implantation and it could be, but again, if you've had multiple losses, I would not necessarily push for diagnosing the endo but do a reproductive immunology workup. The fastest way or easiest way is go to preg mu.com. P-R-E-G-M-U-N-E. They have a lot of information on their site about immunology.


Is it normal to have really bad cramps during ovulation? It is not normal to have really bad cramps during ovulation when there are really bad cramps during ovulation. I do think about endometriosis or some kind of cysts, but endometriosis grows like cobwebs between organs and so the ovaries are hanging out on these ligaments and when they contract it can pull on things that's cramping. You could also have an endometrioma, which is endometriosis. It's like an endometriosis cyst on the ovaries. I think if you have an endometrioma, you're already a stage two endo, so I would do acupuncture, Chinese nerves, mine abdominal massage, anti-inflammatory diet, follow my egg quality diet to work on all those things. I'm in the process of starting an IUI. What do you think about letrozole and how effective it is? I like letrozole over Clomid. It seems to come with less side effects. There was already a question about Clomid side effects and throwing them into what feels like menopause. So letrozole works just a little bit differently. They both help induce ovulation and can help you ovulate more than one follicle, so it increases your odds that way and then it also kind of ensures a more efficient ovulation. But yeah, I definitely think it's something to try.


Just lost my fourth baby Alice. I'm sorry. I want to try as soon as possible again, but just waiting a few cycles. I had a surgical procedure to remove pregnancy tissue, so they say it could be most fertile. I mean the only thing I would say Alice is like are you doing all the reproductive immunology workup? Are you working with the reproductive immunologist? Has anybody done a complete clotting factor panel on you? Have you looked into immunology? Have you had a hysteroscopy? Have you had an endometrial biopsy? Did we test for endometritis? Did we rule that out? My biggest thing is I understand the urgency and I understand the desire, but if we keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results that especially with four losses, we're going to keep getting the same results. There's something else going on. There's something going on with your immune system or your uterus or both and I believe it needs to be looked at and treated.


We have many girls who have had recurrent pregnancy loss moved to IVF. Same thing continues to happen. Everybody blames it on egg quality and then when we get them to do further testing, they always have something that needs to be treated with a steroid or a blood thinner. So I strongly urge getting to a reproductive immunologist. You can go to amy rapp.com/miscarriage and I have my complete miscarriage panel including all the clotting factors, I'm sorry, all the autoimmune testing that needs to be done and I believe on that panel I also recommend the preg immune. So I mean personally if you came to me, I would of course support. I always try to meet my girls where they're at, but in this case I would say we're not going to try. We're going to get further testing. We're taking a break for the next two to three months and we're going to collect more data because I don't want you to have another loss.


Miscarriages do a number on your body. I mean I've had one I know and I've had so many girls have multiple, not just your emotional but your physical. And so I prefer to really be as cautious as I can. I want to do something for egg quality. I got pregnant with IVF but miscarried, so I would follow my egg quality diet, just get the book. It's a hundred days even some is better than none. I would start that and I would focus on reducing inflammation, improving nutrient absorption, high quality supplements. I have a supplement line now, Rejuve egg rejuve repair. Those would be the ones I'd recommend. We're out of stock right now of Reva Egg and Repair because they sold like hotcakes, but they should be in next week.


Yeah, my quality diet covers everything and the Egg quality diet, the book, just so everybody knows, it's not just a book, it comes with an entire website loaded with resources. So a $16 US investment gives you thousands of dollars of resources. So I would get the book and I would follow everything. Chinese herbs best for premature ovarian failure. I can't answer that Chinese herbalists, no one should be able to answer that as a real herbalist because we need to meet with you, get all of your information and prescribe herbs based on your presentation. So individualization is important. It comes to herbs. I've had two egg retrievals and most of my eggs were immature. Gearing up for a third round this summer. What can I do to get better outcome? I would work on estrogen levels absorption. Again, I would do the egg quality diet like straight up.


That's where I would go and start with that. I know some of you feel like it's a bit hard. It is hard. I'm not going to lie, but it's not a forever thing. It's an elimination diet. You are meant to reintroduce the foods, you're meant to learn about your body and the goal is to reduce inflammation and improve nutrient absorption. Both those things are going to help with quality. I would also think about your IVF protocol, make sure the meds go lower, make sure they're really paying attention to you and that they're triggering you at the right time at the right size, but chances are you might be being overmedicated and that can cause too much. The manicure could start later in the cycle. That's another reason for the immaturity of some of the eggs.


What's your opinion about following a carnivore diet? Yeah, I mean this just came up in my private community. I was just in there doing my weekly office hours and yeah, it can really work for some people. I got A-C-G-M-A continuous glucose monitor to just learn more about my body and I joked with my husband the other day that I basically, my body just wants carnivore. He just wants meat and green vegetables. I can't even do orange vegetables. It spikes me. It's fascinating. But that's my body right now, right? I'm at a different stage of my life than you are as far as not trying to conceive. But yeah, I think it can work for some people. For some people fish and eggs work for some people it just kind of really depends. That's why I strongly recommend my egg quality diet because it's an elimination diet and then you reenter reintroduce foods and you really learn a lot about your body. But I do think good quality animal protein is a cornerstone to a healthy fertility diet.


Had first IUI on April 4th with frozen resulted in a chemical. Any tips before the next? Yeah, I would do a hysteroscopy with an endometrial biopsy or you could do the fertility assist testing. If you guys don't know that website or that testing is pretty great. It's lysis, F-E-R-T-I-L-Y-S-I-S. It's a product created by a reproductive endocrinologist in Greece and it's a uterine microbiome testing kit. You collect menstrual blood, send it off about 10 days later you get results to know whether or not you have endis, which is an infection of the uterine lining, which can be the cause of a chemical.


If you had any other previous losses, I would also go to my miscarriage panel and get it at the minimum, the clotting factor panel or you could also just for the next IUI after the IUI. So after you ovulate, you take baby aspirin, 81 to a hundred milligrams a day because it'll help with implantation and if there is a clotting factor present, it can treat it it's low level, but of course consult with your doctor. Best way to support the liver for estrogen detox that shows normal pg but luteal estrogen too high. So when I see luteal estrogen too high, it kind of just depends on the case and where we're at. Sometimes I'll do a month of dim or indul three carbinol. I'll always do broccoli sprouts, a handful of broccoli sprouts a day, fresh broccoli sprouts that you want to chew. There are supplements that are pretty good.


The sulforaphane supplements, which is the active component in broccoli sprouts to detox the estrogen. I also think about that the pipes are clogged. Why are the pipes clogged? So we're always looking at gut health and digestive health. Again, we're going to work on cleaning up the diet. We're going to go minimal up on the veggie, six to eight soybeans of vegetables a day, minimal on the greens, remove all processed packaged foods, look at environmental toxins, environmental estrogens, that kind of stuff. Consider that there could be endometriosis. So it kind of depends on the whole case and the presentation just got diagnosed with bv. Do you recommend clearing this before trying to conceive 100%. You need to clear it before trying to conceive antibiotics. We try without antibiotics. You can do it either way, but it needs to be treated because it's also a sign of a microbiome imbalance in the vaginal and potentially uterine cavity, which will impact implantation and or pregnancy outcomes.


So I also like doing sits baths with one cup of baking soda, one cup of apple cider vinegar. Not a douche but a sits bath. So you fill the tub like this much sit in it, one cup of baking soda, one cup of apple cider vinegar, do it every day, sit in there, 15, 20 minutes. That'll change the pH and it typically kills off the bv. I would also recommend women's probiotics that are geared towards vaginal microbiome. I have a list on my website, amy wrap.com/fertility supplements. By the way, did your diet for 45 days? FSH 21 and a MH was 0.21. Got pregnant first try after starting progesterone, estradiol and heparin shots after ovulation. Well thank you and congratulations. That's fucking amazing. I hope everything's continuing to go well, sending you so much love.


What do you think about LDN for inflammation? I love it. I had say at least 50% of my clients are on it, especially the endometriosis clients and the repeat implant, sorry, repeat pregnancy loss clients. We just had a new one pregnant. I think she's been at this eight years and has had multiple failed IVFs. She just got pregnant. Naturally we have her on our whole protocol but including LDN and yeah, I could tell you. Lemme just get there. So let's see. Yeah, she's had stage four endo lapse, multiple failed IVFs did two months of Depo Lupron still didn't work. This filter is just so funny. I didn't hit a filter, I swear, but I look like almost orange. I'm not, I swear I'm not orange right now, but I dunno what's going on.


Yeah, I love LDNI myself take it too because it's a good anti-aging formula. You can get it yourself. You don't have to see a doctor to get it prescribed. You can go to ageless rx.com, A-G-E-L-E-S-S rx.com and you do a consult with one of their physicians and you can get the LDN, but it's great. There's good research on LDN for fertility. Just Google LDN and fertility or infertility and you'll see there's a doctor out there doing a lot of research on it. Is there still Hope AMH 1.1 at 44. Oh a hundred percent and that's a great A MH for 44. So there's plenty of eggs left. I would focus on quality, do the egg quality diet. I just did a post I think yesterday, a really yesterday of seven things I would strongly recommend if I were trying to conceive in my forties. Follow everything I told you to do in that post.


It's here on the gram. I was in a red dress, PORI think you mean DOR 38, no psycho for one year. Had a cycle in January, tried come, but have not had another cycle. Hot flashes returned, will be 40 on Saturday. What can I do to help egg quality diet? Do acupuncture, do Chinese herbs? Look at gut health, look at vaginal microbiome. You want to think about why is the body not prioritizing fertility? Why is it putting its energy elsewhere? Meaning it's not bringing blood flow to the ovaries. It's compromised there. That's why the ovarian reserve is low. That's why it's not prioritizing menstruating, right? Menstruation is a luxury. It's your body saying I have enough blood to give up every month. I have enough resources to mature and develop and ovulate an egg that could potentially become a child. I have enough resources to get pregnant.


And when it's not doing that, especially at an age where that's early for menopause, right? That's premature. You should have a good 10 years left of you. You and not being critical of you, but I'm just using you as an example because you asked the question something else is going on. So there could be some kind of inflammatory systemic issue like an endometriosis. There could be a thyroid condition, there could be a low lying gut infection, there could be some kind of autoimmune condition. You got to look at your whole symptom profile, which again, I know I repeat these things, but these are the reasons I wrote the book, is to serve as many people as I possibly can. Go and buy my book, the Egg Quality Diet, get access to the page that comes with it and the website that comes with it and utilize all of those resources.


There's a lot that you can do. There's so much that you can do. You are not out of time, you are not out of options. Look into alternatives like ovarian PRP, which is very popular now that can kind of rejuvenate your eggs, but I also don't want you to go just do ovarian PRP and take coq 10 and not pay attention to all the other things. If your body is showing signs of diminished ovarian reserve at 38, it's telling me it doesn't feel like it has enough resources or fuel. And so that's where we do the detective work and peel back, go do a consult with one of my fertility coaches. We do one-on-one consults, one-offs. You don't have to sign up for a whole program and we'll start you on a protocol. We'll give you exactly the starting and then you have to be a self-starter and go into the rest.


If you want me to hold your hand and do a six month intensive, we have an intensive kicking off tomorrow. We still have two spots left. If anybody wants to join, you got to apply. I have to see the application. I have to accept you. We have six applications right now that I just accepted, so they also might be full by the time I hang up this call. But it's really the information. And yes, you can get pregnant and egg quality diet if you're a self-starter and everything I have out there on the internet, you can do this. You just have to commit. And I also know there's a lot of information. So I strongly recommend you pick two, maybe three people that you respect and admire that are showing you good clinical information. I have seen, I've been doing this for 20 years, I have helped thousands of people.


You can find those thousands of people anywhere on the internet. I'm not making shit up. Literally. Women come on live and share their stories with me publicly. For all of you. I have a library of those stories of hope. So you want to find people like that that are showing their legitimacy and showing their level of expertise and showing their clinical experience. Follow them. And there's a lot you can do just to your doctors, which I love doctors. I work hand in hand with many of them. I highly respect them. I'm a medical school dropout. I love western medicine. But just listening to doctors that are telling you you're too old and there's no hope is a bunch of bullshit. There's a lot you can do here. So you take back the power. You're allowed to feel sorry for yourself. You're allowed to be scared, you're allowed to be sad. This is hard. This is not easy. This is not what you expected, but there is something else going on and you have to look into it. You have to be your own advocate.


I had a successful IVF pregnancy the first trimester two and a half years ago and have had four successful unsuccessful transfers after that. I'm 33 and healthy have done all the embryo testing, autoimmune tests, PRP, hysteroscopy, everything good. And any tips. So have you tried Depo Lupron before a transfer? Have they ruled out adenomyosis? Have they really done all the autoimmune testing? I love, and this again is my clinical experience speaking how many times I get a woman that says to me, including one of the women who's pregnant right now in our group who she's on her fourth fertility doctor, she's done all the testing. I ask with any of our clients, upload your tests. She's about 60% of the testing. When we did all the testing, we found things and now she was currently pregnant naturally in her forties and she's on some medication which is going to support the pregnancy.


So if you've done multiple transfers and nothing, but have you tested the HLA? I would look at the human leukocyte antigen. That's a test you can get run. I would look at HLAI would consider Depo Lupron for two months before a transfer. I would, I don't know why their balloons are going off. Make sure that adenomyosis has been ruled out. I would consider, even if everything checked out, I would definitely take a baby aspirin after transfer and I would consider the minimum low dose naltrexone, which we were just talking about. So if you missed it after this is up, rewind and watch it. But it's called LDN, low-dose naltrexone. It's an anti-inflammatory. You can get prescribed to you but you don't have to. You can do it through a website search LDN and fertility.


It just doesn't make sense. I would also make sure who's ever done the hysteroscopy? Did they make sure there was no scar tissue? Who did it? How long ago did they do it? Did you test for endometrial endometritis? Did you get an endometrial biopsy? Are you doing acupuncture? I would do anything for blood flow before the transfer. So acupuncture, myan, massage, pelvic floor therapy, ev, Rigo, mercy, any of those. You're too young for that to be happening. Something else is going on. Your thoughts on using Prometrium daily during pregnancy of 43? Oh, a hundred percent. I mean, it is not going to hurt anything. Do not take progesterone all cycle along any of you guys that will prevent ovulation. That is birth control. You can take progesterone starting in your luteal phase and get a positive pregnancy test and stay on it. We want progesterone above a 15.


If it's not, we supplement. And so yes, I obviously you have to be working with a doctor who's prescribed this to you, but there is no harm Rex for following egg quality diet with type two diabetes. Yeah, I would just use one of these, the continuous glucose monitor, which you probably have and just track. So some of my type two girls, I'm not type two, but even me, butternut squash and sweet potatoes spike them, but they don't spike them if they're heavy on the protein with them. So if you have a good protein meal and then have those veggies. But those are the typical only two things I've seen for type twos in my equality diet is the orange veggies spike and some fruits. But again, if you pair your foods properly, you shouldn't spike. And if you're following my rules and recommendations of 30 grams of protein with each meal or thereabouts and six to eight servings of vegetables and more of them green veggies than not and all that good quality fat, it's rare. And we have a lot of type two girls, so it's not a common thing that we see that impacts them to be really honest. But you have to monitor your glucose and you got to pay attention. I mean, I've been using the Dexcom and the Signo sap and I feel like it's really straightforward. I track what I eat, I see what happens and then I learn.


How do you feel about liver organ supplements? Yeah, I've been recommending them for two decades. So I'm a huge fan. I think I was recommending organ meats. I know I was recommending arguments long before these companies were out and long before they were popular. It's a Chinese medicine thing, we're really into it. Is it better to take baby aspirin or nattokinase? Depends on the case. A lot of our girls are on both. And I know some say that they're contraindicated, but we find them highly successful, especially in our recurrent pregnancy loss patients. What foods are best for boosting estrogen? So there's an Instagram post on my feed. It's pink and white. I would go to that nutrient dense foods. So estrogen doesn't exist in Chinese medicine, but blood is what kind of acts as estrogen if we had to translate it and anything to build blood.


So red meat beets, liver nettle, team molasses, eggs, seeds, anything that's got good fat and good protein is going to help build it up. But then also the other thing you have to think about is estrogen can get, you want to make sure your absorption is working well, your digestion is working well and that your nervous system is working well. Estrogen will get really depleted if you're a go, go go and you're not sleeping enough and you're not slowing down enough and you're not taking time to rest and restore. Estrogen needs nourishment on all the levels.


Do you support the use of morgo powder? I think it's fine. I don't think it's the thing for fertility. Oh, if you don't take morgo, you're never going to get pregnant. I don't think it's that. It's another one of those like vitamin C rich antioxidant type of things. I think there's lots of great antioxidants out there in our formulations. Rejuve repair, which is our major antioxidant formula. We have acai resveratrol, pine bark, TMG, epigene and cetin and bone marrow. And in our rejuve eggs we have NMN, which is a little different. P-Q-Q-N-A-C ovary liver za. So yeah, it's fine. I don't not support it. I am a less is more gal. There's a lot of shit you can spend your hard earned money on. So I get picky.


Okay guys, I got about three minutes left of me 43 with secondary infertility, severely low am MH. My cycles are pretty regular 28 days. However, by noticing that I'm ovulating later in the cycle, but my cycles still starts in 21. Yeah. So I mean I would try to make that ovulation more efficient. So I would totally work with an acupuncturist if you're not already, I would do acupuncture and Chinese herbs. I would do castor o packs. I would really work on the estrogen building. You got to build the estrogen to ripen that egg sooner. And then the more ripe that egg is, the healthier it's going to be. And then the healthier that corpus lium is going to be, which is the follicle house after the egg ruptures becomes the corpus lium. And that's what secret your progesterone. So I would think for you it's more estrogen issues and I would work on that, how to buy these products. So all my recommended products are on my website, amyra.com/fertility supplements. Pretty straightforward. You can go there.


My last cycle, I started spotting on cycle day 10, then full flow on 14. Do I restart the clock count as cycle day one? Also, my OB has suggested endo biopsy can try after the biopsy or should I wait? It depends on when you do it in the cycle. You can do it early in the cycle and then you should be able to try after it. Yeah, you'd restart the cycle. You'd restart the clock at that bleed. And thoughts on transferring a low grade mosaic? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Some of the current research on PGT testing is basically showing us that it's not nearly as accurate as they thought. And heartbreaking to say, but we're probably throwing out lots of healthy embryos and that we're also saying some embryos are healthy and they're actually not. So transfer anything you got, don't throw anything away.


Those are my general recommendations when it comes to mosaics to, yeah, absolutely transfer those. When it comes to aneuploid, general rule of thumb, if there's a minus, meaning they're missing certain chromosomes, those are transferable. If there's a plus, those are trisomys. They're probably not going to create healthy children. But again, I don't know how accurate the testing is. And the argument is they're taking one small piece of cells on a certain day, day five, who knows? There's a lot of auto correction that we now believe is happening inside or has always been happening. And yeah, there's a lot of arguments in there. I tend to be more of a, not test, freeze it. Day three, transfer what you got, especially if you're willing to try naturally. That's just kind of my logic. If you had the option to try naturally and you did every month and you understood the risks, that maybe you'd have a miscarriage because 20% of pregnancies end a miscarriage or 30% depending on your age, whatever. It's the same risk. And there's something fascinating that having embryos on ice does for women and from an ego or from a confidence perspective, that they feel good having three day threes versus one low level mosaic day five because they lost the other two during the testing. Right.


Okay. This is my last one. I had a blighted oum last month. Five miscarriages already. Yeah. So this is a circulation issue. Blighted I have come to the conclusion are poor blood flow to the uterus or a poor uterine environment. So you have to get a hysteroscopy, you have to get tested for endometritis. There's the reproductive immunologist out there that I know will do a doppler to check uterine blood flow. I would definitely do things like acupuncture. You have to improve circulation and blood flow to the uterus. So acupuncture, Chinese, hers, Maya, massage castor oil packs, change your diet, eat more blood building foods, more nutrient dense foods. And you have to have a hysteroscopy and you have to have an endometrial biopsy. And I would also do a complete clod factor panel. Go to amy wrap.com/miscarriage. I have all the info on the tips and tools to do there. Okay, chow. I'll see you guys later. Thank you as always for these. I love doing them and I love supporting you guys. And for any more information or if you guys want to work with me or my team, head to amy wrap.com/coaching. We have lots of options there. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Interested in working with Aimee? Join her 6-month Functional Fertility program: aimeeraupp.com/coaching

Get Aimee’s fertility books here: aimeeraupp.com/books

Grab my FREE fertility starter kit here: aimeeraupp.com/fertilitystarterkit

How to do castor oil packs: https://aimeeraupp.com/get-pregnant-faster-tip-castor-oil-packs/

Get my FREE MTHFR guide here: aimeeraupp.com/mthfr

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Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I am not a medical doctor. I have been a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 17 years and I will be speaking from my clinical experience helping thousands of women conceive. The office of Aimee E. Raupp, M.S., L.Ac and Aimee Raupp Wellness & Fertility Centers and all personnel associated with the practice do not use social media to convey medical advice. This video will be posted to Aimee’s channels to educate and inspire others on the fertility journey.

About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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