By Aimee Raupp, MS LAc
This article was reviewed's editorial team & is in compliance with our editorial policy.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
Hi. Kathy has been a member of the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant e-course since 2017, right?
Kathy Pollard:
August 2017. Yep.
Aimee Raupp:
August 2017. I'm going to let her tell you … Where were you at when you and I first met? You signed up for the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant e-course plus with two coaching sessions, right?
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
And that was great.
Aimee Raupp:
And do you remember, I'm sure you do, where were you at when we first met, like our first coaching session, or even just emotionally where were you at and on your fertility where were you at when you signed up for the e-course?
Kathy Pollard:
Sure. I definitely remember. Pretty clearly. I had read your book kind of along my journey before I got to the e-course but didn't ever realize that you had a whole lot of online resources and the e-course. So when I came to you, I had had five losses in between the beginning of 2013. Before my son was born, I had a loss. Then, the last one was June 2017.
Kathy Pollard:
So when I came to you, I was filled with fear, just had a definite lack of hope and really didn't know what to do. I felt like I had done everything and done a lot. But what I was doing was I was piecemealing things together. I was seeing an acupuncturist, a therapist, chiropractor, somebody for nutritional consultation, and then I had my OB. And I think by that point I had had five different consults with five different reproductive endocrinologists.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
Oh, and I had done one round of IVF, and they only got a couple follicles, and those follicles were empty. They basically said, “We can do it again, but it's not going to make any difference.” So I kind of felt like I was … I had exhausted a lot of my options, and then-
Aimee Raupp:
And you were, what, 42 at that time, right?
Kathy Pollard:
Yes. Yeah, I think I was 42. So I really didn't know what to do. Then, I read your book. It made a lot of sense. I saw probably with webinar talking about the e-course.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. And a webinar that was probably talking about the e-course. And you said something that I hadn't heard anyone else say, including those five reproductive endocrinologists. You said it's if you're having more than a couple losses without a live birth, then there is something more going on, and that something more is fixable. I felt like everybody else had just kind of said it's your age.
Aimee Raupp:
It's your age.
Kathy Pollard:
It's your eggs. It's bad luck. It's just the way it is. It's not going to happen for you. So finally, there was this glimmer of home. And when I explored what the e-course had to offer, it was such a relief because it was the end of this desperate search of piecing a bunch of different things together to help myself because it really covers all the bases. It covers physical health, the mental-emotional piece, which is so huge, which I'll get into more, and spiritual health.
Aimee Raupp:
And tell us where you're at right now at 44.
Kathy Pollard:
Two months before I turned 44, I got pregnant. So I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow.
Aimee Raupp:
Woo! Let me see.
Kathy Pollard:
So here I am from the front.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
Little different from the side. Yeah, so that's been great. But I have to say, all the aspect of the e-course made a huge impact in my life, and that was before I got pregnant. I felt completely different.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, because you were part of the course for two years, basically, before you got pregnant.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
Or a little less, but-
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, just coming up on two years.
Aimee Raupp:
I mean, I think, right, the weekly Facebook lives and then the support. I mean, talk about your friendships that you've created over those years.
Kathy Pollard:
For me, it's so much more than the course. It's so much more than this independent piece that you're doing online and learning about how to improve all those aspects of your health. That was really great because that was a bunch of information that, even though I felt like I did a lot, I hadn't encountered.
Kathy Pollard:
Then, you got the other piece that you're part of the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant online community, which is amazing. And for anyone who's like, “I'm not much of a online or Facebook person,” or, “That doesn't sound authentic,” it's been a total game changer. And I've been lucky. I have really supportive friends. My husband is supportive and has really let me steer the ship on the fertility journey. But it's hard to really get that support on a super regular basis because you need it all the time and it can be a lot more validating when it's with people that have similar experiences and are-
Aimee Raupp:
That they get your journey.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. They understand it in a way that maybe other people can't if they haven't been through it. The nice part about it is you can … That support there for you at all times. Whether it's something you want to share that's really great, like, “Hey, I had a really great normal cycle,” even though maybe you're not pregnant. Or you can share from the depths of your soul like all-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, and girls do, right?
Kathy Pollard:
… the rough things that you're going through. And it's been nothing but sincere, positive, and there's been so much comfort and understanding. I have developed friendships with so many of the women online, and they're still there for me and I'm there for them, too. It's just been total game changer.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, because you're pregnant ahead of your friends in there.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
Couple girls with you, but then there's some of the girls that still aren't pregnant yet. And I love that part, too, is watching how even when someone in the group does get pregnant … Like I try to shuffle you guys over to the Yes, You Are Pregnant group but that you're still active in the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant group and you're such an inspiration to these girls. It's just like I don't know. It's such a nice energy because it's not … It doesn't ever feel competitive or jealous.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
It feels always very supportive and loving. And that's something that I think is … What's the word? Not common in those online groups. I feel like-
Kathy Pollard:
No, not at all.
Aimee Raupp:
… a lot of anger and competition and jealousy, and we cultivated … And I don't know. I give Beth a lot of credit for that, too, but we cultivated this group that, and I give you guys the credit, that is just so loving and kind. And I do think it's me coming live every week and also that you're never kicked out. The office hours never end. It's never like-
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
There's never an ending. I mean, think about Billie. Luca's like over two, and she still comes on to the office hours.
Kathy Pollard:
Yes. Yeah. And comes and gives us support. And that's the thing, even before I was pregnant, I found it so much easier to provide others with support and help because it's just harder to encourage yourself. But when you're encouraging others, and then you think, “Well, okay, if I can say this to this person, I can say this to myself.” And now, with where I'm at, I feel so much hope for everyone because I feel like, “Hey, if I can do it at about to turn-“
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
” … 44 after five losses-“
Aimee Raupp:
Five loss.
Kathy Pollard:
My IVF did not work. Also, I only have one ovary. I've only had one ovary for the past like-
Aimee Raupp:
I forgot about that piece.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, like 20 years. So people that feel like, “Oh, I don't have a lot of eggs,” I feel like-
Aimee Raupp:
You remember what your FSH and AMH were? Do you remember?
Kathy Pollard:
I do because doctors wouldn't let me forget it. I had doctors that said, “I won't work with you after that consult because of your FSH or AMH.” Because as we know, oftentimes they're all about the numbers. So my first AMH that I got was .04.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
And that was at 42?
Kathy Pollard:
Yes. That was at 42 maybe-
Aimee Raupp:
Or three? When was that?
Kathy Pollard:
Maybe a bit earlier. That was probably in 2015.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, so probably at 40.
Aimee Raupp:
Four years ago. At the age of 40.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
.0, Jesus.
Kathy Pollard:
And after I did the e-course, I know that it improved by at least 10%. Then, I just stopped checking because I was like, “I'm not going to-“
Aimee Raupp:
Because you'd been around me for long enough.
Kathy Pollard:
Exactly. Exactly. I'm not as good with the FSH numbers, but I had a doctor that looked at all my records. And he said, “If it's ever been over X number, I won't work with you.” And is 19 high? That's high, right?
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, 19's high.
Kathy Pollard:
I know that there was a time-
Aimee Raupp:
Think they were all [crosstalk 00:10:35].
Kathy Pollard:
… when it was 19 so he was like, “Nope, I'm not touching you. Maybe I'll do an IUI with you, but I am not entering you into IVF,” because he was worried about your statistics.
Aimee Raupp:
Then, so let's talk about the miscarriage piece and the encouragement that I gave you in seeking more help. I'm just going to take [inaudible 00:11:00].
Kathy Pollard:
That was huge. Then, I want to make sure that I talk more about office hours, too, because that's been such a big deal for me. You talked about how … You really pointed out that, hey, there is something else going on here, and that's what I always felt. But in my head, it was something's wrong with me. Something's wrong with me, or I did something wrong, or something like that. It was always that piece, and it seemed so out of my control. So I went through the e-course, and I may have even done it in at a time when not everyone was entering it. I think that I maybe came on more solo. Then, I had my first consult with you, and the first thing you said to me was, “You are very fertile,” and that is not a message that I was getting from anywhere else.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
And you said, “Hey, you can get pregnant.” And that's what always struck me about your book, too, is the piece of it that's and stay pregnant.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
Because my issue up until 2017 was not getting pregnant, it was staying pregnant. Then after 2017, I had difficulty getting pregnant. So what you really talked about and I hadn't heard was, hey, there could be an autoimmune piece to this going on. Like I said in that first webinar, I think you were talking with Mark also, Mark Sklar, and you had talked about the autoimmune piece and testing. But I thought, “I don't have autoimmune issues.” I don't have lupus or I don't even have eczema or anything like that.” But after you talked about …
Kathy Pollard:
So a big piece of the e-course and working with Aimee is you'll learn your red flag symptoms, and those are also in her Body Belief boo, which she let us go through Body Belief before it was even published because she had all that information.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, I was writing it and introducing you guys to it basically as it unfolded. And I remember even with you it was like, “Okay, I think we have to get a little more aggressive than just the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant diet.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. So we went into the Body Belief diet, the autoimmune diet, and that helped. Then in the meantime, also, I worked … I had a consult with the late Dr. Braverman who echoed what you said. He said, “Hey, this is not bad luck. There is something more going on. You need to look into all that testing that Aimee told you to do.”
Aimee Raupp:
[crosstalk 00:13:44] emotional.
Kathy Pollard:
I know.
Aimee Raupp:
He got me that, too. It was always like statistically it's impossible to have consecutive miscarriages no matter what your age is. It's statistically impossible.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
I remember hearing that for the first time and thinking, “I think he's right.” Then you do the research. He's got a lot of research on his site about it. But anyway, go on. I cut you off. So [crosstalk 00:14:06] that.
Kathy Pollard:
No, that's okay. I am lucky enough to be local to Dr. Joanne Kwak-Kim in the Chicago area. I would've worked with Dr. Braverman, but my insurance covered Dr. Kwak-Kim. She does really similar testing.
Aimee Raupp:
She's great. She's amazing.
Kathy Pollard:
She is, and-
Aimee Raupp:
Perfect for our Midwest girls. Perfect.
Kathy Pollard:
Right. And like I said, I had gone to five doctors plus my OB, and no one mentioned this. But I get to Aimee, and that's the first thing she mentions is, hey, there's something more going on here and you need to look at the autoimmune piece and get tested. And what came back was really pretty common and quite an easy fix. It was so kind of autoimmune activity that doesn't really have a name, but I had an increase in natural killer cells, white-
Aimee Raupp:
You had the PA1, didn't you?
Kathy Pollard:
Yes. PAI-1 gene mutation.
Aimee Raupp:
[crosstalk 00:15:06] remember that, but I remember that.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, you do. You're good at that. And some red blood cell stuff, and a white blood cell stuff, and clotting issues.
Aimee Raupp:
So what was the fix?
Kathy Pollard:
Such an easy fix. So prednisone, which I'm … And it was always a low dose for me. Just a little bit did enough. I'm still on 10 milligrams. And Lovenox, injectable blood thinner. That really helped. Baby asprin, which Aimee will tell you day one in the e-course. And that's really it. In the beginning of the pregnancy, some progesterone, which is super common just to kind of-
Aimee Raupp:
Hold it.
Kathy Pollard:
… make sure you're getting enough. But, I mean, it was really quite an easy fix so … And that's one thing that … The reason I'm doing this story of hope is because I watched so many along my journey and they really provided me with hope. Then, our group, our community gave me so much hope. And I just feel like, hey, if … I was on the receiving end of that, and I am so happy to be on the other side, and this is why. This is why I'm on the other side. It's just it's been a long journey, but I've learned so much along the way and it's … That's another really important part that I cannot emphasize enough about the e-course is it's not just fertility-focused. It's a total lifestyle overhaul, but in a way that completely makes sense for every aspect of your life. I find that it's just helpful as a woman and as a mother, as a mother to be, and I'm a mother to a five-year-old.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, as you transform, too, right?
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
That's one thing I always say to you guys is like, “This is about making you the best version of yourself so we can be the mothers that we want to be, and the partners, and just function in the world the way we want to.” So it's so much more than just getting pregnant.
Kathy Pollard:
Right. Because when I got to you, I was just completely full of fear. I had no idea what to do. And I think the fear piece really prohibited me from getting pregnant. I mean, there's nothing I wanted more, but I was so hesitant and so scared to have another loss that it really held me back. And all the pieces of the e-course helped me work through that fear but also to replace it with ways to learn how to cope with just stress in general, anxiety in general. And those are methods that I'm still using. I'm almost on the other side of the journey. I've made my way. I still have a way to go, and I still get anxious, but I can cope with that now such much better than I could.
Aimee Raupp:
What do you do? Do you use the tapping or is it just talking generally? What's your favorite coping mechanism? I'm just wondering.
Kathy Pollard:
Well, I do combos because it seems the most effective for me. I do the meditations. You'll get meditations along with the e-course and office hours. Journaling. I journal a lot of mantras. That helps me to put all those positive thoughts in my head. And it's funny because you get to a point where you're writing them down and you're like, “Yeah, this is really a part of me. I do believe this. I do trust myself. I do trust my baby and trust the timing of my life.” Then, tapping also.
Aimee Raupp:
We have a great tapping bonus in the e-course that you guys will get access to. The girls love it, you know? It's so good.
Kathy Pollard:
I had never heard of tapping before, but tapping is so great for getting you through-
Aimee Raupp:
The trauma.
Kathy Pollard:
… the emotional piece.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
And I found it especially useful. Because as we know, this doesn't just … The fertility journey and al the emotions that go with it don't just stay in your little bubble, but it's with you when you go to work. It's with you when you go out in the world. And the tapping piece is so great because it can get you through those moments of intense emotionality. And if you can just kind of find some space for yourself, maybe in the car before you're going into work or something, and tap through those emotions, it's super effective.
Kathy Pollard:
There's so many bonuses pieces at the end of the e-course. I'm trying to think of some of the others, too, that were amazing. And that's one thing that I've always appreciated about you is you bring in so many others into the mix to help us, like Sarah Holland with tapping or Molly Nichols with visualization.
Aimee Raupp:
[crosstalk 00:20:08].
Kathy Pollard:
You're all about-
Aimee Raupp:
Collaboration. I'm all about collaboration.
Kathy Pollard:
And sharing resources. So that's been really amazing. But, I want to make sure that I talk about office hours, too, because that's not really the most obvious piece that you would think you were getting with the e-course. But for me, that's also been another game changer because I felt like I had so many questions and there was so much going on, but I got you every week. So I got your expertise every week.
Kathy Pollard:
Right now it's every Thursday. We post questions that we have for Aimee, and you come on live and answer all those questions. Then, there's always so much more to it also because you're really open about your life and your experiences. And you get to know us so well and our cases so you're always giving a lot of extra information and putting your heart into it, and that's been so helpful because it's just-
Aimee Raupp:
My favorite. I love going live to you guys. It's truly my favorite thing. I look forward to it every Thursday.
Kathy Pollard:
Well, the support piece is always there. And like I said to you the other day, I've been done with the e-course for a while. I did go through it twice, and that's my other tip. You may have some [crosstalk 00:21:40].
Aimee Raupp:
I think you should go through it many times as you need. Or find a favorite module and keep going back. I mean, I do that with the courses I take. I just repeat the same module until I really own it.
Kathy Pollard:
And if you're like me and you have fear and resistance and if you're kind of pissed off about your journey like I was … Because I was. I was like, “Hey, why is this happening to me? And I started in a place of feeling pretty sorry for myself so I really think that can be kind of a shortcut for people if you go into it and you don't half-ass it like I did the first time but you really get into it and come from a place of acceptance. This is where I'm at, and this is going to help me, and I can get through this. And involve yourself in the group and share. I was really hesitant to share at first.
Aimee Raupp:
So many people [inaudible 00:22:35].
Kathy Pollard:
Because there's a lot of shame that can come with this journey-
Aimee Raupp:
So much shame.
Kathy Pollard:
… and I was there. But once I saw how much you were sharing and how much the women in the group were sharing, and I saw that, hey, if you put yourself out there, the support comes back. Yeah, that was just a total game changer. Because otherwise, you're just like I was in the beginning of my journey, just alone. I know there's a lot of other women out there where even if it hasn't been a long journey, it really digs into you and leaves a mark. I kind of think of it like-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, you need the support. You do. I mean, there's a reason that Harvard research shows women in support groups get pregnant twice as fast as women who are not. I mean, I think you would've … Had you not found us, you would've just gotten further and further beaten down, and you probably would've continued to have losses and you might not be 25 weeks pregnant right now. I'm just saying that's a legitimate potential for you because you wouldn't have gotten even the right support from your doctors.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, exactly.
Aimee Raupp:
And then [crosstalk 00:23:47] the emotional support that you've received.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. Well, and as you know, that was really key for me. I got that autoimmune support early on. We did all the testing. I did the diet. And that's another bit of a shortcut for you. I had some resistance to the diet. But it was so great to be doing it along … And actually, we shouldn't even call it a diet. You're never deprived. It's just super nutrient-dense food, and you're giving your body a break from triggers and figuring out what your body reacts to and doesn't react to. So don't worry. It's not like-
Aimee Raupp:
And this year we're doing [crosstalk 00:24:28].
Kathy Pollard:
… a diet, diet.
Aimee Raupp:
We're doing the fertility reboot. It's going to kick off in like two weeks.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
So we're going to do the fertility purify eating plan all together, like a 30-day program. Everybody in the course can do it. So that's a little different where we didn't really do that last year or the time before. You guys either got buddies and did it together or you did it on your own. So I'm hoping that we get even better results and quicker for girls because-
Kathy Pollard:
It was great. And you were doing it along with us every time so-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, I totally like to do it with you. I love doing it. It's fun.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, it was so great, but I just see … Whether or not you've been on this journey, like you're just starting out or you've been on it for … Or you were on it for years like me, it can just affect every aspect of your life. And that's why I love that this addresses every aspect. I kind of see it like an earthquake because, hey, we all have some cracks in our foundation as it is. Then this comes in and it can really, really deepen those cracks or, hey, maybe you end up like me and after a few years you feel like you've been just kind of worn down and crumbled down to your foundation. And this is what helped me build back up, and I felt like I ended up in a better place than I ever have been, just healthier all around, not just physically.
Aimee Raupp:
I love that.
Kathy Pollard:
But just so much-
Aimee Raupp:
[inaudible 00:25:56].
Kathy Pollard:
… emotional strength and being able to believe in myself in a way that I never really had before. And that's through the support, but it really is also through the direct teachings in the e-course because, again, it's not just physical nutritional egg health. You do get all that, and you do learn about what you should … all the tests that you should do to get the answers that you need, but then there's that whole other emotional piece, and that's the part that I feel like in the beginning I had a lot of resistance to. The physical stuff was easier for me, but that's because it's a deep dive. You're addressing all the grief that you've accumulated through any type of loss, just if you're … Even if you've never had a pregnancy, that's a loss because-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, it is.
Kathy Pollard:
… it's a loss of something that you wanted and of your dreams.
Aimee Raupp:
So what would you say to the girls out there? I just saw two comments on Facebook. One was, “I needed this today. I just had my seventh [inaudible 00:27:07] IUI.”
Kathy Pollard:
Oh, good.
Aimee Raupp:
Another was just like, “Thank you so much for this, ladies.” Let me see what's going on here on Instagram. I lost you guys on the first time around. So Instagram, I'm coming to you. Do you guys have any questions right now or you feeling pretty good? So if you guys want to find out more about what Kathy and I did together or how it worked for her, I want you to go check out the e-course page. It's up now. It's Instagram, the link is in my bio. Then, let's see. Can I pin this post? I just pinned it. And let's see. Can you guys still see that? Yeah. Facebook, it's I want you to hop over there and check out what Kathy and I did together and all the things that you get with this e-course.
Aimee Raupp:
One thing that I want to talk about, too, is the investment, because obviously it's an investment. And I don't know, just your take on it. Was it worth it? Any regrets? And just understanding that obviously the fertility journey is an investment itself, right?
Kathy Pollard:
It is.
Aimee Raupp:
So a lot of these girls are already in. I mean, you were already in thousands of dollars by the time I met you.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
Tens of thousands probably, you know?
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. It's 100% worth the investment. And it is an investment, but it's not just an investment into your fertility. I don't think of it that way because I am still using and applying what I learned, and I know I will afterwards, too, to the physical health piece but also … I mean, it's not … Your journey isn't over after you do get your baby. You're still going to have stress, and hormone imbalance, and maybe things with health come up.
Aimee Raupp:
And life.
Kathy Pollard:
Right. Exactly. Life. Life is stressful. So it is an investment, but you're investing in your life, not just your fertility, every aspect of it. I am so happy that I do it because I just learned so much. You kind of learn how to cope with life, and it's been able to … I've been able to apply to all aspects of my journey. And like you said, the support doesn't end. It's still there, and it's just invaluable. We get you, and you're so knowledgeable not just with the Chinese medicine piece, but you're so knowledgeable with the Western medicine piece. You've worked with so many different type of cases that you have stories to draw on where, hey, this person was going through what you're going through and they went on to have a baby. You just know how to help so many different cases.
Kathy Pollard:
Then, you've also got the knowledge of the mental-emotional spiritual piece, too, that you really emphasize and is so important to you. And honestly, what I did for … Because like you said, I really had already piecemealed a lot together. It put me at such ease to have everything in one place and just to be able to say, “You've had so many successes with your girls. I can trust what you're doing,” and relax a little bit and, like I said, not feel that desperation.
Kathy Pollard:
Honestly, what I did, just as a tip for anyone that this could possibly work for, if it feels like too much of a financial investment, I found there's plenty out there. I found a credit card with no interest for a while. And you offer payment plans, right?
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, I offer payments plans. Yeah, [crosstalk 00:31:17].
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, so I know I did that, and it was wonderful. Like I said, I did the two coaching sessions, and then I went on to get more coaching sessions because it was just so helpful to me and I wanted to keep going.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, and we discount now. When you're in the group and you want to coach more, we give you a discount for that, too.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
I do feel that the coaching … I mean, girls that take the basic, like Laura, right? She just did the basic, and it worked for her. She just took a really deep dive, but a lot of girls really appreciate the one-on-one, and then we can go really specific.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
And yeah, it's helpful. I love the coaching. I mean, it's one of my favorite pieces. Yeah, we try to make it as doable for people as possible.
Kathy Pollard:
And if you can't do the coaching piece, don't feel like then you shouldn't-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, you [crosstalk 00:32:09].
Kathy Pollard:
… bother with the e-course because-
Aimee Raupp:
Since you get so much with the office hours.
Kathy Pollard:
Right. You get so much with the e-course. Then, you can also ask the girls in the group questions because most likely they've-
Aimee Raupp:
They've been through it.
Kathy Pollard:
Somebody in there's been through it. Then, even if you don't do coaching, doing the weekly office hours is like coaching. I mean, I would post, I think, at least four, five questions every time. I would just write something down whenever something came to me, and you-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, and that's it. That's what all the girls do. I love it.
Kathy Pollard:
And you don't have to be shy about it. It was great. Like I said, I've been done with the e-course for so long, but I'm still active, and I'm still getting so much more out of it. And it's wonderful to have the support of the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant group so don't feel like you're left without support once you do get pregnant because that's there. Then, Aimee has the New Mama group, so it's-
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, it's the best. It's so great.
Aimee Raupp:
My phone died. So Instagram people, sorry. I didn't plan that appropriately, but that's okay. I can get this video up on Instagram for them.
Kathy Pollard:
But, I really can't say enough about it. I'm going to go on to, if anyone … and look at the questions. If anyone has questions about the e-course, I would be happy to answer-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, anyone has questions for Kathy, I think that's great.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, because I-
Aimee Raupp:
Do you get any coaching one-on-one with the basic plan?
Didn't plan that appropriately, but that's okay.
Aimee Raupp:
So let's see. Oh, how did I get … Okay.
I can get this video up on Instagram.
Aimee Raupp:
So now I can …
I really can't say enough about it. I'm going to go on to, if anyone … and look at the questions. If anyone has questions about the e-course, I would be happy to answer …
Yeah, anyone has questions for Kathy, I think that's great.
Aimee Raupp:
Sorry. Sorry. This is-
Do you get any coaching one-on-one with the basic plan?
Aimee Raupp:
Ah. Let me just …
Kathy Pollard:
I'm just looking at my notes here to see if there's anything I left out.
Aimee Raupp:
Are you hearing that echo?
Kathy Pollard:
I am.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
It's okay now.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, it's okay. I know. I had to turn it off. If I go in and look this way, somehow, I pulled up Facebook. So I still have the question. I was about to type it in and answer it. But with the basic, you don't get coaching, but you do get the weekly office hours and you get the community, which is invaluable. And once you're in the group, you can go … and in the course and take advantage of all the aspects of it. Then you could see if you wanted … Once you're in the group, you can do just like a one-pack with me. You don't even have to do the two-pack. And we do it at a discount. So what I would suggest if the basic works for you, then just join and then take it from here. And if you want coaching, we make it happen once you're already in the group. And there's so many girls that do that.
Aimee Raupp:
I think, actually, there might a couple slots or at least one slot still left that if you purchase right now, A, you get a $100 discount. You use promo code Early Bird and you get $100 off. Plus, we're giving away three 30-minute consults to the first couple purchasers.
Kathy Pollard:
Oh, nice.
Aimee Raupp:
And I think there's actually one slot still available. So if you're feeling the urge, then just take the leap and get that free 30-minute consult. And if not, if you miss that boat, if someone else jumps in and gets it, then … because I haven't looked at sales in a while. But if not, then you can just be in the group and ask a ton of questions during office hours. I mean, some girls ask like 10 questions during office hours. I don't put a limit at all.
Kathy Pollard:
No. And you don't have to be shy about it.
Aimee Raupp:
You don't have to be shy.
Kathy Pollard:
And they all get answered and-
Aimee Raupp:
They all get answered. Also, you can search the community.
Kathy Pollard:
Aimee Raupp:
So you could search for how to … fibroids, or cysts, or low AMH, and you'll see my answers and you'll see question. You'll see threads. There's years of threads now. We have three years of thread in there. There's a lot of them.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. And as soon as you join the course, you're in the group and you can start looking at all the information. Because if you're like me, you are constantly looking, and researching, and trying to learn everything you can. Yeah, it's really great. And if you can't do the coaching right now, that's okay.
Aimee Raupp:
I agree.
Kathy Pollard:
Like Aimee said, just jump in and do the e-course because there's so much there and you get to know everybody's cases anyway just from working with us on an actual weekly basis.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, exactly. I get to know the cases. And if you feel the urge to take the leap, I would say take the leap because the cart's going to close on Wednesday. So you only got Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday. Then the end of today, Sunday, this Sunday today at midnight Eastern tonight, you lose the ability to get that $100 off.
Kathy Pollard:
It's so worth it.
Aimee Raupp:
So if you're feeling the urge, do it.
Kathy Pollard:
Like I said, I'm 44, and I feel better in this pregnancy than I did at 38, 39.
Aimee Raupp:
Kathy Pollard:
And it really is because of everything that I've learned. I'm healthier than I was. I have more energy. I'm sleeping better. I think the biggest deal, too, is knowing how to manage that stress and anxiety piece and just to be able to trust yourself and trust your instincts. And I think the biggest thing is that you need on this journey is hope and that there are people out there like Aimee and all of us that believe that it's going to happen for you. Because that was, I think, the hardest part for me, is people would just not … People were kind, but doctors and these … You put yourself into expert hands, and these experts are coming back to you and are-
Aimee Raupp:
They don't believe in you.
Kathy Pollard:
And don't believe in you. And everybody needs that on this journey because you wouldn't be here if you didn't have a glimmer of hope. You wouldn't be watching this or seeking this out and-
Aimee Raupp:
But that's it. I always say that, right?
Kathy Pollard:
Yes. And the e-course, the group, and office hours, it's continuous inspiration and it's people … You're going to be able to identify with people. And you're like, “Hey, if they have hope, I'm going to have hope, too.” It's also an okay place to go when you're not feeling hopeful and to get your heart filled again with hope.
Aimee Raupp:
Then, one thing someone just asked, too, is, “How do you do the spiritual-emotional piece in the journey of getting pregnant? What does that entail?” I mean, I can answer that, but why don't you share what you felt like we did in there, like how we unpacked that for you?
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. I think it was there were so many pieces involved and there were all so helpful. So the first thing is just kind of getting your story out there. What does your story look like? And really kind of facing it, and dealing with it, and telling it, and putting it out there. You do a lot of exercises that were so helpful to me with writing things out. Then, we rewrote our stories and how we wanted them to look. And it's so helpful to have that new picture in your mind of what you want, and what you can have, and what you can go after. Then, we really dissect fear. We talk about all of our fears because so many of us are filled with fear, and it can be really crippling, and it's not-
Aimee Raupp:
And processing that trauma.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. And you're so realistic about it. It's not like, hey, all your fears going to away. You're not going to be anxious. You're not going to have stress. But it's all about managing and coping. So we did very real, concrete, applicable things like getting it out there, taking another look at it, how do we want that to look, and all the coping mechanisms that we talked about before with meditation, journaling. And Aimee doesn't just say like, “Go journal.” She talks about how to break that down. I was not into journaling at all. I didn't like to put all these thoughts down onto paper, but it's been super helpful.
Aimee Raupp:
So good.
Kathy Pollard:
The tapping piece, and a lot of that is in the bonuses, too.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, all the bonuses.
Kathy Pollard:
Then, you talk a lot about trust still.
Aimee Raupp:
There's like two different modules, plus the … I added stuff in last year on surrender and all this stuff, but there's two modules on the emotional piece because I think it's that important. So there's a module on getting to know your body, understanding how it works, figuring out the kinks in your system. Then there's a module on diet. There's a module on healthy living. Then, there's basically two modules on the mindset piece because it's that big of a deal. Then you get the continuous weekly support. Because questions in the office hours aren't always about diet or supplements, right? They're about like I'm dealing with this-
Kathy Pollard:
Oh, yeah.
Aimee Raupp:
… [inaudible 00:41:12] me some tips on how to manage this anxiety. Then we just have a conversation about it, and the girls chime. I mean, it's just an … Or it's like this is what worked for me, right?
Kathy Pollard:
And we talk a lot about, too, about how this impacts our relationships. That was a huge-
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, and how we thought about that.
Kathy Pollard:
… thing for me, too. When you've been on this a while, it can really affect all different kinds of relationships, whether it's with your partner, or family, or friends, or maybe the way … The relationship with yourself is huge, too.
Aimee Raupp:
Huge, huge. I love it.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, it is. There's so much that we talk about with trust, and trusting yourself, and trusting your journey. Aimee's, the spiritual piece has been wonderful, too. Aimee introduced me to Spirit Babies, which-
Aimee Raupp:
So good.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah. The book Spirit Babies. We talk a lot about that in the group, too. And it's so healing for anyone who's had any type of loss or feels like there isn't a baby out there for them. I really went into this with having very little faith.
Aimee Raupp:
Then it changed everything.
Kathy Pollard:
It really did. Yeah. Yeah.
Aimee Raupp:
I like that. I feel like we've kept you long enough, and I've kept Kathy long enough. I told her this was going to be 20, 30 minutes.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, and you know I could talk about it forever so …
Aimee Raupp:
And now we're on for 50 so … If you guys have any questions, just post them. Kathy and I'll cruise through and answer later today. Again, head over to, Y-E-S, and read all about the offering and all that you get. See the payments plans? Use the promo code Early Bird. Get $100 off. Take the leap. I think Kathy-
Kathy Pollard:
It's worth it.
Aimee Raupp:
… [inaudible 00:43:02]. It's like you'll never regret it. I'm honored. I'll just say this in all honesty. I've created it, of course, from this space of deep passion to help and to serve. I also, if I'm honest, had no idea that I was creating something so life-altering on so many levels. Do you know what I mean? And I also didn't realize the depth and the capacity of the weekly office hours and the community. That piece to me has … It continues to blow me out of the water, and it's my favorite part. I mean, I have girls that I know are in the course, and they're coaching with me, and they're afraid to be in the group. And I'm like, “Okay, here's your homework assignment. You're going to go, and you're going to post one thing.”
Aimee Raupp:
There's a girl right now who's going through the IUIs, and it's like I had to encourage her. And now she sends me these messages and she's like, “It's changing my life. I can't believe I took so long to be involved in the course this way,” because she was just studying on the back side. But, the community, I think it's invaluable.
Kathy Pollard:
It is.
Aimee Raupp:
Besides my child, it's the best thing I've ever given birth to, in all honest. And I don't see it going away anytime soon. It's not like one day I'm going to be like, “Oh, no more office hours.” I know a lot of the programs out there have a limited time of like office hours for three months. It just goes. Every Thursday I'm on there. And whoever comes comes. You can watch the replay, and you could be in the course for two years and continue to get older and still get pregnant. Kathy's a good example of that.
Kathy Pollard:
Yeah, and the pregnancy piece, like you always say, is just the cherry on top. When I completed the e-course and before I got pregnant, and probably one of the main reasons why I got pregnant, is because I was okay. I had done such an overhaul that I was in a really good space. And like you said, that's where the surrender piece comes in, and Aimee will walk you through that. It's a good place to be. Then, the pregnancy piece is just the icing on the cake.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah. All right, guys. So any questions or anything, just post, and we will cruise through and answer them. I'm going to be coming live again in about two hours with another woman who wasn't as active in the group, so you can see that side, but applied everything and how she overcame six years of trying to conceive. So she started at 36, and she never had a pregnancy. And she did upwards of about 20 different fertility treatments and without success, and then got naturally pregnant at 42. She's got a little guy at home now, so she's already given birth. I think he's like six months old or eight months old now. So yeah, it's an honor. It's an honor that you guys come live and do this for me, too. I think it speaks volume of our relationship and our level of trust. Me, I'll get emotional, but it means the world to me, Kathy.
Kathy Pollard:
Me, too. And I'll be forever grateful because of all you've done for me and for always being there for me.
Aimee Raupp:
Thanks. Aw, love you.
Kathy Pollard:
Love you.
Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. Aimee's Fertility Coaching Program is a personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition!
Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results!
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Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. She has appeared on The View, and has been featured in Glamour, Allure, Well + Good, GOOP, Shape, and Redbook, and has received endorsements from Deepak Chopra, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Arianna Huffington, and Gabby Bernstein for her work in helping thousands of women to improve their vitality, celebrate their beauty, and reconnect to the presence of their optimal health. Aimee is also an active columnist for media outlets such as Thrive Global and MindBodyGreen and is a frequent speaker at women’s health & wellness conferences across the nation. She engages her large community worldwide through her online programs and with her website,