Trying to conceive in your 40s can feel overwhelming, especially when doctors tell you your chances are low or that IVF is your only option. But I’ve worked with so many women who were able to naturally optimize their fertility and conceive in their 40’s—some even after failed fertility treatments! And, I myself got pregnant naturally and easily in my 40’s, so I am proof that my work works (if you want to hear all about my fertility journey click HERE)
In this post, I’ll share the most effective strategies I use with my clients to help improve fertility in your 40s and support your body for conception (most of this is also in my best-selling fertility books).
1. Nourish Your Body with Fertility-Boosting Foods
Your diet plays a huge role in hormone balance, egg quality, and overall reproductive health. The right foods can enhance fertility, while the wrong ones can work against it.
I always recommend:
- Antioxidant-rich foods (berries, leafy greens, nuts) to protect egg quality.
- Healthy fats (avocados, olive oil, wild-caught salmon) to support hormone production.
- High-quality proteins (grass-fed meats, pastured eggs, wild caught fish) to maintain cellular health.
- Organic, grass-fed and pasture raised products (as much as possible)
In my coaching programs, I guide women through a fertility-boosting diet tailored to their unique needs.
2. Maintain a Healthy Circadian Rhythm
A healthy circadian rhythm plays a crucial role in women’s fertility by regulating hormones, ovulation, egg quality, and overall reproductive health. Disruptions to this natural body clock—due to poor sleep, shift work, or excessive blue light exposure—can negatively impact fertility. A well-functioning body clock ensures the proper release of:
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) – Controls ovulation and menstrual cycle regularity.
- Luteinizing hormone (LH) & Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) – Essential for egg maturation and ovulation.
- Estrogen & Progesterone – Support uterine lining, ovulation, and early pregnancy maintenance.
This is something I help my clients with in my fertility coaching sessions.
3. Reduce Stress & Support Your Nervous System
Chronic stress disrupts hormone balance and can make conception more difficult. That’s why I teach my clients powerful stress-reducing techniques like:
- Meditation and deep breathing.
- Gentle movement, such as yoga and walking.
- Emotional release through journaling or therapy.
A regulated nervous system is key for fertility, and I dive deeper into this in Yes, You Can Get Pregnant.
4. Support Egg Quality & Mitochondrial Health
While age does impact egg quality, you can still optimize it with lifestyle changes and targeted supplements like:
- Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) to support mitochondrial function in eggs.
- Vitamin D to regulate reproductive hormones.
- Methylated folate & prenatal vitamins to reduce the risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
- Rejoova nutraceuticals: the top fertility supplements that were created by three of the top fertility doctors
I break down my full list of recommended supplements HERE.
5. Try Acupuncture for Fertility Support
Acupuncture is a powerful tool for increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs, balancing hormones, and reducing stress. I’ve seen it help so many women conceive naturally—even in their late 40s! In addition to my international online fertility clinics, I have acupuncture clinics in New York, NY, Nyack NY and Westport CT.
6. Reduce Exposure to Environmental Toxins
Toxins found in plastics, skincare, and processed foods can disrupt hormones and impact fertility. I always advise my clients to:
- Use glass or stainless steel for food storage.
- Choose organic foods whenever possible.
- Switch to natural personal care and cleaning products.
- I have lists of all my Aimee Approved products HERE
7. Track Your Cycle & Maximize Your Fertile Window
Understanding your ovulation patterns is essential for timing conception. I recommend:
- Ovulation predictor kits that actually test your hormones (not the ones that give you a smiley face or lines) like Mira or OOVA (get discounts on these HERE) to detect your most fertile days.
- Basal body temperature (BBT) tracking to monitor ovulation.
- Cervical mucus tracking to identify peak fertility.
- Do NOT use those cycle tracking apps as they are often very wrong and you are missing the critical time to conceive.
This is something I teach in my coaching programs, as many women aren’t tracking their cycles effectively.
8. Seek Support & Expert Guidance
If you’ve been trying to conceive for six months or more, don’t lose hope. So many women in my coaching programs have defied the o dds and conceived naturally—even after failed IVF cycles.
If you’re ready for a personalized plan and expert guidance, check out my coaching programs here or grab a copy of Yes, You Can Get Pregnant for more fertility-boosting strategies.
You can take charge of your fertility, and I’m here to support you every step of the way! 💛