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I go live ONCE A MONTH on Instagram and YOU have the opportunity to join me live to get my take on your case. I set a timer for 15 minutes, you ask your question/s and I give you my answers.
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Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I am not a medical doctor. I have been a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 17 years and I will be speaking from my clinical experience helping thousands of women conceive. The office of Aimee E. Raupp, M.S., L.Ac and Aimee Raupp Wellness & Fertility Centers and all personnel associated with the practice do not use social media to convey medical advice. This video will be posted to Aimee’s channels to educate and inspire others on the fertility journey.
Aimee Raupp:
Hello, everyone. How are you? It's me. I'm coming to you live as promised for this month's Fertility Hot Seat, and I will let people come on. Hello, hello, hello. Good to be with all of you.
This is how it works, just as a reminder. You are going to ask to join me live, and at random, I'm going to pick one of you to come on live for a free 15-minute consult with me. And this consult is based on my clinical experience, 20 years in clinical practice, writing all those books that are sitting right above my head, and helping, literally at this point, thousands of women get to their dream babies. And you get to pick my brain. It is not medical advice and this is not a live Q&A.
I am actually doing a live Q&A tomorrow and it's going to be an ask me anything about fertility. So, if you have questions, please tune in live with me tomorrow, and I will be doing that. But today is a Fertility Hot Seat, so you use that plus button in the bottom of the screen to request to join me live. And then, once I have a handful of people in there, I'll come in and I'll pick at random, but it is helpful when you comment on the Fertility Hot Seat post or the Fertility Hot Seat post so I have a lot of names in mind of people that I will pick based on their liking, hearting, commenting on the posts that we did yesterday. Here comes some people. And these hot seats are super fun. I think it's super, what's the word, it can be informative. And you get to just ask me any questions. I'll ask you a bit about your fertility journey, where you're at, what I can do to better support you, and we'll go from there. I see one. Let's see.
And then, also keep in mind that whoever does join me live, you will be going live as well. I want you to always keep that in mind. And we do keep these live videos up on our platform as well because we find that so many benefit. I can't tell you how many practitioners tune into these fertility hot seats that I do and learn and take notes.
It's so weird. I keep seeing people plusing and then going away, plusing them going away, plusing then going away. I don't know what's going on. But let's see. Let's give you guys a few more minutes.
And then also, as per the post on Monday about eggs and postnatal oogenesis is what it's called on the technical side of things, I have a lengthy slideshow that I am preparing, and then I will record it, and I will upload it and share with you. And I'm also creating a document, a Google doc with links to all the studies, even though I did share a handful of studies in the post. And then also, I have downloaded a handful of PDFs because I have medical journal access through a couple of different services,, that I will also share with all of you. Because I know there was a lot of interest in that post and people really want to learn more about the current research that's going on when it comes to postnatal oogenesis.
Basically, the data and the research showing that there is a lot of evidence that we are continuing to create eggs throughout our life. I know that really challenges a dogma that's mainstream and I understand it can be triggering and hard for a lot to take in, but just as I think AMH and FSH have fallen to the wayside as far as determining factors for fertility challenges or fertility outcomes, I think it's just normal. It's just innovation. As we're learning and growing as research is getting more and more in-depth, people are looking into this.
I know. I can see lots of people trying to join, and it's just not allowing anybody to join, which I can't understand. Delaney, I see you trying to join. Marisson, I see you trying to join. I don't know if there's something wrong with my connection that it's just not allowing anyone to join right now. I'm going to see. I'm going to [inaudible 00:04:57] funny on my end. I keep seeing all these pluses, people joining, and then they just disappear. So, I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe I have to leave and come back. Oh, I think that worked.
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
Speaker 2:
How are you?
Aimee Raupp:
You want to get somewhere?
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
How are you?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, no, I'm good.
Aimee Raupp:
I don't know what was going on. Everybody kept plusing in and then… It kept disconnecting you? What was it saying on your side?
Speaker 2:
Nothing. It didn't disconnect me at all.
Aimee Raupp:
Oh. On my end, it kept showing you appear and then disappear, appear and then disappear. Not here, but meaning when you were asking to join me live, like the plus. Anyway, hi.
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
How are you?
Speaker 2:
I'm well. How are you?
Aimee Raupp:
I'm doing okay.
Speaker 2:
Sorry, I'm at work.
Aimee Raupp:
It's okay.
Speaker 2:
But I was able to take a break, so I was like, “Oh, she's on.”
Aimee Raupp:
Tell me what's going on.
Speaker 2:
I had actually a miscarriage in October, a missed miscarriage. But I conceived super quickly. It was the first time my husband and I didn't use any form of contraceptive. I've never been on birth control or anything, but we always used condoms or pullout method. And I immediately conceived. And then, I found out at my 10-week appointment that there was no heartbeat.
Aimee Raupp:
I've been there personally. It sucks.
Speaker 2:
Currently, I am working with a holistic dietician, and she's helping me balance my hormones. But I will say, I've not been really gracious with myself and I'm beating myself up that I haven't conceived again.
Aimee Raupp:
Okay. So, it's been October and then-
Speaker 2:
I didn't really start until after January, trying to conceive again, because I needed time.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah. And then your cycles have been regular?
Speaker 2:
I guess I'm a little irregular because my cycle either starts from the 32nd date or the 35th.
Aimee Raupp:
Oh, that's not that irregular. When do you ovulate?
Speaker 2:
I do test with an Inito, and then I also have my aura ring that I use, and then just regular cheapy sticks. Because sometimes the Inito is a little expensive, so I'm like, “Hmm, I'm not going to splurge.”
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, a hundred percent. You don't have to do those every day I think. I think the Inito is equipped to just get it.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I don't. I just do them here and there. Some cycles, I'm around cycle day 18, 19.
Aimee Raupp:
That would make sense for the 33, 34.
Speaker 2:
Sometimes, I'm after cycle day 21.
Aimee Raupp:
That's okay. I mean, listen, I have plenty of women that ovulate on cycle day 20 and bring home healthy children. So, I think as long as you're nailing the timing. And are you seeing good signs of cervical mucus?
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
Okay. And has your period resumed to what it was before the miscarriage?
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
Like flow?
Speaker 2:
Yeah. I've never had painful periods and I've never clotted. My period lasts for five days. And what is it? My flow is bright red. Everything seems pretty normal. The only thing is I use the Premom app, and it's always telling me my luteal phase is a little short, coming in at 10. The longest I've ever had was 12.
Aimee Raupp:
Okay. But if you ovulate on 18 and then get a period on 33 or 21 and then 35, is that correct?
Speaker 2:
Because I'm putting all my information in and that's the number.
Aimee Raupp:
But the Premom's not testing progesterone, right? Do you use the Inito in your luteal phase to see progesterone?
Speaker 2:
Yes. This cycle, because I didn't do it throughout my fertile window, I just did it after. With Premom, I tested, and then I used my Inito just to check and see. And I increased six and a half. My progesterone was like 6.5, and their range says 6.5 and higher is confirmed ovulation. Can I exit out of this? I can't remember what day it said.
Aimee Raupp:
You can go and look. I think we might lose your face, but I'll still hear you. Maybe I'm wrong.
Speaker 2:
I could hear you, but I don't think you can hear me.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, I couldn't hear you.
Speaker 2:
So it did confirm my ovulation, but it didn't necessarily [inaudible 00:09:32] my confirmation because I didn't consistently track throughout my fertile window.
Aimee Raupp:
So it didn't know when you actually searched.
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
Did you test Inito any other times in the luteal phase? Did progesterone ever go higher than the six and a half?
Speaker 2:
Yeah. Now it's like, I did yesterday and it was like 12. Actually, I have a blood draw tomorrow because I've been advocating and harassing my OB.
Aimee Raupp:
Good girl. With the missed miscarriage, you didn't test the tissue, so you don't know a reason for the loss.
Speaker 2:
Because I didn't do a DNC. I didn't want to do anything that could possibly cause any scarring. So, I did misoprostol.
Aimee Raupp:
Okay. Things I would think about. Has your thyroid been checked?
Speaker 2:
Yes. All of that's been normal. All of my hormones have been tested fine. My dietician is doing an HTMA test with me, just to see where I'm at with minerals and things like that. I haven't got the results back from that. And I've pretty much just been winging it and reading, following your stuff for sure. And I've been looking into acupuncture as well.
Aimee Raupp:
Supplements, what are you taking?
Speaker 2:
I take NIC, CoQ10, I take a fish oil.
Aimee Raupp:
How much of those two?
Speaker 2:
NIC, I cannot remember.
Aimee Raupp:
Six or nine usually.
Speaker 2:
I think it's six. I believe it's six, the one that I have. The CoQ10, I take like 400 milligrams [inaudible 00:11:03]
Aimee Raupp:
More powerful one.
Speaker 2:
Yeah. And then, I take Baby & Me 2 Prenatal.
Aimee Raupp:
By New Chapter, right? That's New Chapter? No, it's not a New Chapter. I know which one it is though.
Speaker 2:
I try to get my stuff in glass jar if I can to save [inaudible 00:11:26]. What else do I take?
Aimee Raupp:
Any vitamin D? What's your vitamin D status?
Speaker 2:
Yes. I take vitamin D3. I've always been low, so I've been on vitamin D forever, vitamin D3.
Aimee Raupp:
And you take it with food in your stomach, right?
Speaker 2:
Yes, and I take it with a [inaudible 00:11:39].
Aimee Raupp:
Good. Fish oil?
Speaker 2:
And the fish oil, yes ma'am. And what else do I take? I'm trying to think. There's one more. Just the K2, that's it. And I do take a probiotic. I take Seed.
Aimee Raupp:
Okay, perfect. And healthwise, you feel in good shape?
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
Any health issues?
Speaker 2:
No, I'm good. I have no existing health conditions. I've been tested for PCOS multiple times, nothing. I'm insulin resistant. My glucose is fine.
Aimee Raupp:
Do you have any signs of PCOS outside of-
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
… [inaudible 00:12:15]
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
Okay. And sperm has never been tested, right?
Speaker 2:
Oh yeah. No, he was fine.
Aimee Raupp:
Okay good. So, sperm has been tested. And do you feel like since January you've nailed every opportunity if you will?
Speaker 2:
I won't say that I have, because I don't want the let-down of getting that negative test. So I haven't been as vigilant about it, but I have been trying to be pretty on top of things, but I have been a little bit more lax. And then also, I do kind of push for intercourse almost every day, and I feel like that also could be hindering me a little bit.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah, a little bit. I think especially when you start seeing the juicy cervical mucus, outside of even what Inito says, I would just make sure. If you see stretchy cervical mucus, have sex. That's, I think, the most important thing. I love Inito, I love Mira, I love Ovia. I think they're all great because they test the estrogen and the progesterone and the LH, and those are really good indicators for us, but they aren't always a hundred percent consistent. So when you see cervical mucus, have sex.
And then also, it's so easy for me to say, but try to get into that head space of sex for fun and connection versus sex for baby. Again, so easy for me to say, believe me. But just in that space of almost thinking back to, what energy were we in when that happened so easily? Can I recreate that? Focusing on the joy.
And as far as testing is concerned, nothing has come up, there's no concerns. Sometimes, after a missed miscarriage, particularly with the DNC, there can be retained tissue. And usually what you'll see is abnormal periods.
Speaker 2:
After everything, I did have an exam just to make sure everything had passed and I was clear. The OB told me that my uterus was beautiful.
Aimee Raupp:
And the other thing too is something that you could, obviously not this cycle, but if say you're not pregnant in maybe the next two or three cycles, you could ask for a test that's called endometritis. It's a uterine biopsy, maybe you've heard me talking about it, but it's basically the uterine microbiome to make sure that there's not any infections that could be causing implantation issues. And that can happen after. Go ahead.
Speaker 2:
I was tested for, what is it? Ureaplasma.
Aimee Raupp:
Oh, ureaplasma. Okay.
Speaker 2:
I was tested for that and one other. Something similar to that, I cannot think of the name of it.
Aimee Raupp:
And those are usually lower down the track, those are more vaginal tract. But the endometrial biopsy, it kind of feels like a pap. It's not super comfortable, but it's not outrageously uncomfortable. But it's pretty common. You can look in the research post miscarriage, again, more likely with the DNC, with poking and prodding, but sometimes there can be a uterine infection that develops and that will prevent implantation. And it's a course of antibiotics that treats it. And the ureaplasma came back clear?
Speaker 2:
Yes. All of that was clear.
Aimee Raupp:
It's mycoplasma and ureaplasma, right?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, myco and then the ureaplasma.
Aimee Raupp:
The dietician did that with you?
Speaker 2:
No. Actually, my aunt. She's awesome. She works for a local lab and that's all they test. Usually, she heads up for OB offices in my area. And she's been advocating for me. She's like, “You have to do this test. I want you to do this test.” So I was like, “Okay.” So we did it and everything was fine. And she was like, “I know it's not the news we necessarily wanted because we were looking for an answer.” But she goes, “At least we know that's not the roadblock.”
Aimee Raupp:
So that's [inaudible 00:16:23] I would look at. Again, nothing is feeling like it's screaming that, but that's one thing you could look at. If you get a period this time, you could advocate for yourself like, “Could I have endometritis?” And people get confused, endometriosis. We're not talking about endometriosis about endometritis, which means inflammation of the endometrial lining. And that can be a low lying infection that will prevent implantation. It could also have been a low lying infection that was there that was part of a miscarriage. You know what I mean?
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
So, it could be something that you do and rule out. Otherwise, if sperm came back fine, you're ovulating and menstruating fine, I think it's just staying the course. How old are you?
Speaker 2:
I'm 26.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah. I think you have the window of another, at least six months I would say, of staying the course. And continuing to be proactive. I'm assuming the dietician is making some dietary recommendations and tweaks.
Speaker 2:
Now, I will ask. My husband does have thyroid issues, but it's controlled, he takes medication for it. Do you think that's could be hindering anything?
Aimee Raupp:
No. If the sperm analysis came back okay, then I think it's okay. Thyroid function definitely impacts sperm, but thyroid function will really impact the ability to get and stay pregnant for women. So, I would also double check that they did a complete thyroid panel, that they looked, you did all that.
Speaker 2:
No, I definitely had them do all that. And everything came back normal. I pushed.
Aimee Raupp:
Good. And what's your instinct? Did you have an instinct as to what's the delay this time around?
Speaker 2:
I don't. Well, the only thing I can say is my instinct is I'm an overthinker. So, I think that I've just-
Aimee Raupp:
Maybe the emotions are getting in the way.
Speaker 2:
For sure.
Aimee Raupp:
Yeah. That's where I would say, maybe, if it doesn't happen this cycle, since you're in the luteal phase, that next cycle, you even talk with your husband about it, of just a commitment to we're just going to have spontaneous fun sex this month. Because really, if you're in that jive of listening to your body and feeling, you have an increased sex drive when you are ovulating, you feel it, you think about sex, that's almost what I would go after.
Speaker 2:
And I feel like that's where my success was the first time. I went into it like, “Oh, it could take up to a year, let's have fun.” He was like, “Oh no, you're immediately.” I'm like, “No, that's a joke, that's not going to happen.” And I did. So, I feel like I'm hindering myself in that way. And I'm also on just a journey of healing myself emotionally too. I know that our emotions can affect our whole bodies in a cellular way. And so, I'm definitely on that motion too.
Aimee Raupp:
And I think too then stay in touch with that. I think that's beautiful. Good on you. It's not easy to do that kind of healing. There's a part of me that always does believe that the babies come through when it's the right time for everyone.
Speaker 2:
No, I agree.
Aimee Raupp:
And even checking in on, how's my grief from the miscarriage, that kind of thing. Also, having been there personally too, you do the check-ins. You're like, “Oh, I would've been seven months at this point.” You know what I mean?
Speaker 2:
Aimee Raupp:
It's that feeling of just doing that check-in too. And I also think, if you're open to it, the spirit baby world is really interesting and fun to get into, connecting with the spirit of the child, knowing it's there with you. And I think they also say in that world, the spirit of the child you lost will come back through. It's almost reconnect to that of the vessel is ready, the home is ready. Mommy's a work in progress and it always will be because we're not perfect humans and that's not what we're striving for. And so, I think that part too, but just continue to find grace for yourself too in the process.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, no, definitely. I feel like that's definitely where my blockage could be for sure, is just my emotions and then the fact that I'm overthinking, why isn't it already happened yet, and I'm not giving myself that grace that I deserve.
Aimee Raupp:
And I think there's something to sex without strings in a sense. Because I feel like there's just more tension we're holding onto and the expectation. But it is, even in women your age, it doesn't happen every month. It's like 25% chance. But I think you have the luxury of time, but that's not to say that your heartstrings aren't being pulled on. It's not easy to wait, especially when it was so easy the first time, and then especially healing and grieving from a miscarriage too. I think just keep tuning into that. But it sounds like you're doing all the right things, in my opinion. I would make sure that vitamin D is getting up because low vitamin D levels impact implantation. And then the other thing is that endometritis test, maybe you look into that because that could be a piece of it. And then, is your husband on some supplements or anything?
Speaker 2:
Yes. He's on multivitamin, he takes the fish oil, vitamin D as well, and vitamin E.
Aimee Raupp:
Okay, good. I feel like you're doing all the things, so I think you stay the course.
Speaker 2:
Perfect. Thank you so much.
Aimee Raupp:
You're welcome.
Speaker 2:
It means a lot coming from you.
Aimee Raupp:
Aw. Well, thank you. And thanks for taking time from your workday to come and chat with all of us.
Speaker 2:
All right, thank you.
Aimee Raupp:
Okay, thank you. Bye.
Speaker 2:
VISIT MY WEBSITE: Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Aimeeraupp.com
CHECK OUT MY COURSES & GUIDES: Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-shop/
MEET MY TEAM: Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/acupuncturists-herbalists-general-practitioners-nyc/
SEE US IN THE CLINIC: Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. https://aimeeraupp.com/wellness-centers-nyc-manhattan-nyack/
WORK WITH ME WORLDWIDE VIA ONLINE COACHING: Aimee's Fertility Coaching Programs offer personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-coaching-program/
CHECK OUT MY BOOKS: Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/how-to-get-pregnant-natural-fertility-books/
CHECK OUT MY SKINCARE LINE: Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! AimeeRauppBeauty.com
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