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Fertility Hot Seat: 39 and TTC for 3 Years! {FREE FERTILITY ADVICE}

If your first thought is, “What’s a Fertility Hot Seat?!” Then let me tell you!

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Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I am not a medical doctor. I have been a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 17 years and I will be speaking from my clinical experience helping thousands of women conceive. The office of Aimee E. Raupp, M.S., L.Ac and Aimee Raupp Wellness & Fertility Centers and all personnel associated with the practice do not use social media to convey medical advice. This video will be posted to Aimee’s channels to educate and inspire others on the fertility journey.



Hello. How is everyone? Hi. I'm going to let you guys come on. This is a fertility hot seat. I feel like, I don't know why, I feel like I haven't done one in a while, but maybe it's just been a full schedule. So here we go. You guys are already asking to join me live and I love it, I love it, I love it.

So this is how the hot seat works, one of you, well, as many of you as want, ask to join me live. You hit that little plus sign at the bottom of your screen, and that's a request to join me live. And then at random, I'm going to pick one of you to come on live with me and I'm going to give you a free 15-minute consult.

Just keep in mind that this is not medical advice. This is direction and guidance based on my two decades of clinical experience helping women get and stay pregnant. My advice and guidance based on the books above my head, my best selling fertility books, my books on autoimmunity, all the things. So I'm really excited. I love doing these hot seats and I know how much you guys love them as well. So I'm going to let…

Here comes more people rolling in to request to join me live. And yeah, I can't wait. It's going to be fun. It's going to be fun. Let's see, okay, we got people?

I see you everywhere on my social media. Let's do it. Let's see… Hi.




How are you?


Good, thank you, my love. Oh, I'm a bit nervous.


That's good. I picked you. Well I saw you pop on first and I was like, I'm going to pick Anna today. I am. How are you?


Thank you.


You're welcome. Tell me what's going on. How can I help, young lady?


Okay. So me and my husband have been trying to conceive for three years.




The first year we tried naturally. And I have the Mira, so I use one of those. So we could time it perfectly. And no success, so I've never been pregnant.




And then after that I decided to go to the doctor and I did Letrozole for four months, because my gynecologist thought I had PCOS, because my AMH is high. And my cycles were 40, like length 49 days or like 23 days.




Mostly the… I then did Letrozole for four months. Yeah, that didn't work. And then…


But did it shorten your cycles? Did you start ovulating sooner and get shorter cycles?






Then my ovulation went to normal. And then I had HyCoSy.




… same time doing my first Letrozole. And then I kind of got over it. It was really invasive, I didn't like it. So I switched to Chinese medicine. And I got… practitioner.

And then, so from September, 2021, she got me to change my diet completely. I took out, so basically exactly the same as you, so I've got all your books.




Changed my diet, caster oil packs, changed all my beauty products, did steaming, moxa sticks, avego therapy, acupuncture the whole time. And she got me to stop all exercise.

So I was a bodybuilder, previous, in 2019 for five years before that. So no exercise whatsoever. So I've only just started to kind of go back a bit now, just because it's been, feels like forever.


It's not working. How about your weight, or would you say your body fat content? Was it low when you were body building and then is it different now?


It was. But now I'm 55 kilos. That's my off-season weight, that's my general body weight. But I am 23, what you call it, BMI.


Okay. Okay. And what were you in the past, like say three years ago?




Yeah, okay.


Body fat.


Okay. Has your cycle changed? Do you see a change in your periods?




As far as flow and stuff


Since in 2021, since changing to Chinese medicine, my periods are regular now.




No, they're a 32 day cycle.




But I'll get onto it in a minute, but I have been doing IVF, so that changed it.




But yes, so my cycles went to normal. And we carried on, and all my supplementation and things like that. And I was doing a bits of yoga. And then I started doing tests. I did a toxic chemical…


Yeah, toxic burden.,The total toxic burden test. Yeah, okay.


And high mercury, but my functional medicine doctor said she thought, because I was taking zeolites and glutathione, that it was just getting it out and that's why it was high.




And then it also should add high histamines. So I changed, had to do a whole revamp. So my diet at the moment is mostly your one from Body Belief.




I'm a massive perfectionist, so I don't break. I tend to not break.




I get too obsessed with it, I think. So I'm quite stuck in that diet at the moment. But I had to take sweet potato out because that was affecting me.


Yeah. What are you doing in place of it? Just other veggies?


Pumpkin and parsnips.


Yeah, good. Okay.


So yes I did that. Then we decided, I said right, that's it. We decided to do IVF. I was always against it, but I was like, okay, I'll do that. So we did an IVF round, and we had 18 eggs, 12 fertilized and four blasts.




… and she said they were all four AAs, but not PGT tested.




And she said she was really happy with it. She'd freeze them all. So she doesn't think I have PCOS, this is a different gynecologist. So I switched because I didn't like the other one. So she then did two transfers. I've had two frozen transfers. And she said the transfers look beautiful. None of them, neither of them stuck.




So I've also had recently a colposcopy, because I had high… for the last three years. So this other doctor said to me, she thought because it's the same time we started trying, that's probably stress has brought it all out.


Yeah. Yeah.


She's done a biopsy, because she saw the thing color changed. So I'm getting results back for that on Friday.


Have we had a hysteroscopy or an endometrial biopsy?


No. So that's what-


You just had the HyCoSy. Yeah, but okay. Yeah, that's where I would go next, because it's like, egg and sperm are fertilizing, you have a good blastocyst rate. I mean, it maybe could be better. So 12 fertilized and four blasts, so when did the other eight die off? Like around day three?


Yes, but what happened is, so she did half ICSI, half IVF. The ICSI basically killed all my eggs. All the one ones, some of them, all the other half. So she said to me, your natural fertility is fine. So she would just do IVF if she did it again.


Okay. And sperm? That's like the other question, sperm is fine?


Yeah. So check the sperm, he's had multiple tests and I also did a sperm defragmentation test as well.


Okay, and he's…


And that was under 15%. So that was fine.


Okay. Okay.


So the next thing I wondered is, I was either going to do… I wanted to do another round of IVF, because just to have more eggs than two on ice because I only got two-


Yes. So you transferred one time each? And then did you do anything with transfer? So you don't have, like thyroid's fine, no Hashimotos, vitamin D's fine? All that's been checked?


So she's saying it's fine, but I just got another doctor, a functional doctor, and he's running an organic acid test, a GI mapping test, the Dutch test, I'm doing another full blood count. And I also, there's another doctor called Dr. Sax, who's been doing lots of work on natural killer cells. So I've got another, I've got that test sent off as well.


Okay. Yeah, because it's like that makes me think that, it sounds like eggs are good, they're fertilizing, they look pretty, that there's something going on in the uterine environment that's preventing, I mean obviously. So I think earlier on there were probably more challenges. It seems like you've overcome a lot of them. So I would think about, with transfer, baby aspirin for certain at the minimum. And… Go ahead.


Oh, sorry. I did. So last round, my gynecologist agreed to let me do the baby aspirin. And she increased my progesterone to 800 milligram or whatever what the thing is, but it was four-


Did you feel pregnant at any point? Anything different that felt for you or no?


No, not really.




Felt really tired.




When I did the first round, I had different, what'd you call it, progesterone. I had the orapro, and I had this other stuff, chrinine, I think it was called.




And at the end of that, when she stopped my medication, because I wasn't showing any of the amounts after 11 days, I wondered, because I had like… Something fell out in the toilet, and she said to me it would've just been leftover progesterone. But that freaked me out, because that looked a bit weird. But the second time, with the aspirin and the progesterone, I didn't really feel any different apart from being tired.


Okay. And periods, any history of clotting, cramping, painful periods?


So before I did the Chinese medicine, I did used to get really painful periods, and I had to take paracetamol. But no, I haven't. I've only had that happen to me twice. But the last cycles I've had no problem.


And any pain with ovulation or pain with sex? No? Okay. And then any weird, you have the histamine thing food wise, but any weird physical reactions like that, where you get weird reactions to bug bites or things like that?


I have a really weird one, but no one really knows what it is. So sometimes when I eat something, I don't know what it is, it sets off sores, like lumps.


Mouth sores? Okay.


But at the back of my gums. And then I can just get rid of them straight away. If I use my nail or whatever it would go. But they just pop up straight away.


And what do you use to make them go away?


I just scrape them off.


Oh, are they painful though?


No, not really. It blows up like water type thing.


Yeah, oh like little blisters. Okay. Do you get any eczema, or psoriasis, or anything like that? No? So no other, you've obviously read my books, you don't have any other kinks in your system that you think…


Yeah, I'm really tired all the time. I have brain fog. Foods do set me off. So literally all I'm eating, is I have your bone broth in the morning, with egg yolk.




And then I do your purify smoothie every day. And I steam my greens. And then, because I have a lot of coconut milk and cultured ghee. So I put cultured ghee on everything. Also with the purify, I use coconut milk.

And then for lunch, I literally have a protein. I'm only eating chicken, fish, or lamb. So I react to beef. So I had to take my beef bone broth out and I have marine collagen. So I have marine collagen in everything, literally all day. And then I have, for, say I have the protein. Then I'll have either, the only greens I can have are bok choy, asparagus, which I don't eat very much, and broccoli, other than kale.


Right. And then when you eat like this, you still have brain fog and fatigue?


Yes, but my digestion is fine.


Okay. What's your iron or your ferritin levels? Has that all been checked?


Yes. So my iron was 170 ml, and my ferritin was 191.




But I think, so I'm on liver tablets. And liver tablets, so I don't know if that's what brought it up and all the collagen?


Yeah, because was it lower.


And my cholesterol and my prolactin is at the higher end. But she said she wasn't worried because of the balance. I don't know what that means.


Oh and the cholesterol. And the prolactin and vitamin D is fine? And thyroid TSH, all that's fine?


So with the thyroid, this is why I wanted to do the other test, just to look a bit closer. It said, for my TPO and TGAB, it was under 3 mil.


Okay. So probably nothing. Yeah.


And then TSH is 1.8, T3 was 4, T4 was 13.1. So my T4 is a lot higher. I don't know if that means anything.


Yeah, it's not all converting, but your TSH is still fine, so that's not a big deal, I think


So it's trying… Did I say, I have MTHFR homozygous.


Okay. And then has anyone… So I feel like, will you do an endometrial biopsy? Will you have someone do a hysteroscopy? Is that next on the western side of testing?


This is what I was thinking, so the ERA here is really expensive.


Yeah, you don't need the ERA. I would just do an endobiopsy, at the minimum. Make sure you don't have endometritis. You want to rule out endometritis.


Because with that, so I wondered, if I did the egg retrieval, I was thinking about February, just so I could have those eggs there. And then do the endometrial biopsy, to see if then I take the antibiotics and things like that for the endometritis. And then do a transfer.


Yeah. Because the things that pop in my head, is there adenomyosis that's preventing implantation? Is there endometriosis that you've managed and you have under control, but still is causing some sort of immune system reaction?

I would also push for your doctor to, not just baby aspirin, but consider, the dosing is different over there, but what the equivalent of 10 milligrams of prednisone here in the US with a transfer. And the natural killer cell doctor will be able to advise you on that stuff. That's who I would talk to about that.

But, because it sounds like probably three years ago there were layers of things going on. Your BMI was too low, you probably had a lot more inflammation, your periods weren't regular, you weren't ovulating. Since you are slowly peeling back the layers and fixing, that's almost what it sounds like.

But then even still, with the brain fog and the fatigue, it makes me think either something you're still doing, your body doesn't like. I wonder have you ever tried, I know you wouldn't have much to eat, so forgive me for saying this, but have you ever tried no coconut milk to see how you feel, to see if it impacts brain fog or fatigue?


I haven't, only because it's a massive food source…


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Or at least do you do the full fat one? Could you try the low fat or the light, and see? Or even cut the amount in half and see if that impacts things? Because it's like, what else could be causing this brain fog? Unless there's something environmental. When you did the toxic burden, only thing that came up was mercury, nothing else? And home has been the same place? Have you guys lived in the same place for a long time?




Yeah? And do you feel like the quality of the air and things like that have been thought about or looked at?


Yeah, I have thought about… We're mostly outside because we live in a… So it's hot all year round, we don't get seasons.




Basically. So yeah, always outside. In the house, because we have cats. We do have the indoor cats, so we do have our windows shut a lot. So I don't have an air purifier. I have thought about it, and plants and things like that.


Okay. And then in your heart of hearts, what are you thinking that's causing the delay?


I don't know. I've been trying to work on stress. And I'm doing Melissa's Holy Mama Course at the moment.


Oh good.


And then trying to do some breathing and meditating, because I'm not very good at that. So I have high anxiety, apparently.




But I don't know, I feel like there's something going on inside. I haven't felt right for three years. Something's wrong, like inflammation wise. So that's why I was doing your-


But do you feel like, inflammation wise, things are getting better? Is it like you were at a 10 and now you're at a five? Or is it-




Yeah. Okay.


Probably higher than that. I feel heaps better. I was having lots of problems with my muscles as well. Like I got really weak. That was a while ago now. So that's what started it off, because I was like, there's something wrong. I wasn't able to lift how I would normally lift.




And yeah, so I kind of feel like there's something going on obviously with that implantation stage.




And it's frustrating. I didn't know whether… My doctor also said, I wanted to ask you, so during the retrieval she didn't want me to take the liver pills or the fish oil.


Yeah, that's fine. Just stop them a few days before. That's fine. It's not going to do any damage. She just, they thin the blood. She doesn't want you to have any. But I would talk to her about, obviously see what the NK doctor, national killer cell doctor, looks at. See what the Dutch comes back with.

Because if it is adrenal related, we'll see that in the Dutch. And your DHEA could be low, and maybe you need a little support there. And that would help with even maturing the follicles more. But a little bit, like 10 milligrams, not a whole bunch.

And then I would think about, sure, it could be adrenals that are taxing your body. But then I agree with you, I feel like when we had such… Like those are nice results from IVF. I know we would've wanted more to get to blast, but obviously if she doesn't do the ICSI, I think you will. So it's like that then tells me that I think eggs and sperm are doing what they need to do. There's been something else going on in the uterine environment.

So it's like that's where I would argue for the endometrial biopsy. And then even with the next transfer, baby aspirin. And then if someone could prescribe you a steroid, even if it's 10 milligrams. I feel like that… And a lot of docs will try it, because they're seeing you, and they're like, she's doing everything, and her embryos look great. What more could we try? It's in the literature, they see it, it's talked about. So that's the other thing I would think about.


Would you PGT test? If I do it the next cycle…




Would you test them?






How old are you?




Yeah, I wouldn't test them. No. I don't think you need to. I think too, mentally, just bank them. You'll feel better. But then it's like we dig deeper on the uterine cavity side.

And usually when they go in for the endometrial biopsy, and they can do this during a retrieval too, that they do the hysteroscopy at the same time. So you can go under for that retrieval. They do the hysteroscopy and the endo biopsy, and they look at that uterine cavity, make sure that there's no adenomyosis or even polyps or fibroids.

Even, they'll all say, oh we did a saline sono, and we didn't see anything. But I can't tell you how many times… I just had a girl that her doctor was like, we did a saline sono and everything was fine. And they did a transfer and then she miscarried. Then I pushed and she got the hysteroscopy.

There was nine fibroids inside of her uterus that they did not see on the saline sono.


Oh my.


Nine. She's currently pregnant again. So fingers crossed, baby dust to her, baby dust. But yeah, so it's like… And I've heard that from other REs that really push for the hysteroscopy. They're like, you can miss so much in the saline sono. So I think before using any more of the embryos that you've worked so hard for, I would make sure that we look inside that uterine cavity.

And it sounds like you're going to do that. Collect data, even with the NK, the natural killer cell guy, even if you just have a low level of it, or higher than normal, I would still push for treatment with it, because considering that these two transfers didn't take. And I think that's, I think you're right, there's something else…




… 3 grams? Oh you froze on me. Sorry, are you there? Yeah.


All right. Yeah.




Would you take, she did discuss at one point, without doing a biopsy, they could just give me the drugs that they would give and see what happens? Like the vaginal depository.


You could do that. And I feel like, wouldn't you rather know for peace of mind?


I'd rather know.


But you could do… Yeah, I would rather know, personally.


But what's the difference between an ERA and an endometrial biopsy? Because when she's talking to me about it, she's basically saying the ERA. Because she takes her biopsy…






Yeah, they're the same thing, but what makes the ERA expensive is then they're also, they're not just looking for… They take the biopsy, they can send it off to pathology to get to see if there's an infection. That's endometritis. But then they'll also send off a sample of the tissue and they test it for the right implantation window. So it's endometrial receptivity assay.

And then it tells you, oh, should I transfer three days after her LH surges or five days after her LH surges? It's like that, finding that right window. Some doctors swear by it, some doctors don't use it. I don't know that I've always seen it be the make or break in an IVF cycle, the ERA, that is. But the endometritis, I think, can be a really… It should be, in my opinion, we shouldn't be doing any IVF transfers without checking for endometritis first.

So it seems to be that prevalent these days. And I think anybody with gut dysbiosis, anybody that has gut issues, most likely has microbiome issues in the uterus. And so it's to treat it. So you could just go and do the antibiotics. But I think for you, you're working so hard at this, I think it'd be nice to have all the pieces and kind of understand it. Yeah.


Cool. Because I was thinking about doing one-on-one with your coaches after I get all these other tests back.


Yeah, totally. And then we could give more insight for sure. Because I like the GI map. I'm working on a program right now that's going to include all of that, basically. It's like I've been brainstorming nonstop. But I think the most important test to include would be the GI map, the Dutch test, and then the genetics.

And then I go back and forth about that total toxic burden, because same thing, that we see so many girls that we test for mold, it comes back. Or we test for these heavy metals and they come back. And then it's like, oh, that's why.

The GI map tells you so much though, of anything that's going on in the system. And the girl, my girl, Carrie, on my team, she's kind of my expert in that department and I'm learning a lot from her. But definitely, if you feel like you want another set of eyes on the case, and what can help you put together a little… Yeah.


Do you think it's okay taking zeolites and glutathione whilst you're on stems? Like for an IVF? Because it's like detoxifying kind of?


Yeah, I think that's a good question. I probably wouldn't. It's like for those two weeks you could just stop. The glutathione, usually I'm always using NAC, which is the precursor glutathione. Right? And I don't usually stop that. But the zeolites, when you say those, those are the peptides or those are?


I don't know, mine's called NCD. I don't know. It's like a little thing. I'm not sure, actually. All I know is it pulls out, it binds to-


Oh, I know what it is. It's a binder. It's a chelator. It's a chelator. Yeah. Yeah, because it's like in clay. I know what a zeolite is now. Yeah, I would not do the zeolite for sure with stems. And I would almost do that… I probably wouldn't do that even when I was trying in a natural cycle, because…

So even when we're doing GI map, and if we do charcoal or something like that, that's a binder, or even you can do the bentonite clay, which is the zeolites, I think, we would only do it in the follicular phase, not in the ovular phase.


Okay, cool.


Yeah, I think that. But I think you have time to collect more information. But I also think, just try to check your boxes of like, okay, the period's regular, I'm ovulating, we just did IVF, we had good results. I know this has still been in a hell of a long journey, but check all your boxes. And then get your data and yeah, you'll get your babies. You will. You will.

I think we just got to make sure that uterine cav- No, you will. I think, obviously no one can guarantee you anything, but I think moving to IVF and getting the results you got, it's like, yeah, you're very close. So stay the course. Okay.




Okay, well thank you for sharing with everyone too. I really appreciate that. So yeah, for certain, get your results and then you do a one-off session with my team, and we can really help you navigate this even more. Okay?


Perfect. Thanks so much, Aimee.


Oh, you're welcome. Thank you so much. Okay, bye.


VISIT MY WEBSITE: Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Aimeeraupp.com

CHECK OUT MY COURSES & GUIDES: Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-shop/

MEET MY TEAM: Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/acupuncturists-herbalists-general-practitioners-nyc/

SEE US IN THE CLINIC: Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. https://aimeeraupp.com/wellness-centers-nyc-manhattan-nyack/

WORK WITH ME WORLDWIDE VIA ONLINE COACHING: Aimee's Fertility Coaching Programs offer personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! https://aimeeraupp.com/natural-fertility-coaching-program/

CHECK OUT MY BOOKS: Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! https://aimeeraupp.com/how-to-get-pregnant-natural-fertility-books/

CHECK OUT MY SKINCARE LINE: Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! AimeeRauppBeauty.com

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About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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