Aimee’s Recommended Supplements & Products

Many of the links below will take you to my FULLSCRIPT dispensary. Signing up for their site is free. We work with FULLSCRIPT because it guarantees that you are getting authentic supplements direct from the source but without having to order from many different sites. FULLSCRIPT also allows me to offer you a discount on your supplements.

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

I also link out to my THORNE dispensary which similarly gives you a discount on any THORNE supplement you purchase via my dispensary.

Please note:  you can find all of Aimee’s recommended supplement dosages in her books however, supplements are incredibly individual AND not all of the supplements listed below are for everyone. To have your supplement regimen personalized we recommend coaching with Aimee and/or her team. CLICK HERE to find out more about coaching.

Best Supplements for Fertility

(below we list several different brands of similar products that are all Aimee Approved so you have plenty of choices. You do not need them all- choose one from each category that applies to you. As mentioned above, Aimee’s new supplement line, Rejoova will cover a lot of bases for both male & female fertility and antioxidant support.  When you purchase the Rejoova supplements you will still need to take a prenatal, fish oil, probiotic, magnesium (if you need it) & extra vitamin D (if you need it).  For most cases that is all you will need.

Non-Supplement Recommendations: Other Tools to Support Your Health and Fertility

Aimee’s Recommended Food Purveyors

The Most Accurate Ovulation Predictor Kits

Uterine + Vaginal Microbiome testing

Semen Analysis/ DNA Fragmentation Testing

Bath, Beauty & Household Product Lists

Fertility Books

Other Recommended Products

Please note:  you can find all of Aimee’s recommended supplement dosages in her books however, supplements are incredibly individual. To have your supplement regimen personalized we recommend coaching with Aimee and/or her team. CLICK HERE to find out more about coaching.