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The Fertility Reboot 2.0

Your 30-Day Body, Mind & Fertility Transformation

Do you feel…

  • Scared that you aren’t going to get pregnant
  • Sick and tired of feeling hormonally imbalanced
  • Depressed, anxious or hopeless when it comes to your health and fertility
  • Overwhelmed by all of the nutrition and diet information out there
  • Like you don’t know what you CAN actually eat to support your fertility
  • You’ve tried everything and still aren’t pregnant
  • Like your body has a lot of inflammation and needs a reset
  • That stress and emotions are standing in your way from achieving your dream pregnancy
  • Like all your eggs are poor quality and you have no idea how to change that
  • Like you need to heal your gut (because someone told you so) but you don’t know where to begin
  • Like your thyroid isn’t working optimally

Do you want…

  • To hit the reset button on your health and fertility?
  • To learn to love your body more and make better lifestyle choices to support your health and fertility?
  • To gain a clear understanding of how to nourish your body with the best foods for fertility?
  • To get an easy to follow 30-day mind-body reset plan (think: meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, meditations, hands on coaching, inspiration, accountability & more)?
  • To feel at peace and have hope again in your body’s ability to heal and get pregnant?
  • To look in the mirror and like who AND what you see regardless of that positive pregnancy test?
  • To improve your egg quality & balance your hormones
  • To connect with others in a supportive community that are also on their fertility journey?
  • To have less shame around your fertility challenges?
  • To reduce inflammation or manage an autoimmune condition (like endometriosis, PCOS, POA, POF, Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, Fibromyalgia, Psoriasis… just to name a few)?


If you answered YES to any of the above, then this program is for YOU!

Keep in mind, this program is for you if you are looking to improve your mental and physical health and ultimately your fertility.  Whether you’re looking to optimize egg quality, regulate your period, balance your hormones, prepare for an upcoming IUI or IVF, manage an autoimmune condition, lose some weight, reduce inflammation in your body or optimize your fertility for a future pregnancy, YOU WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS 30-DAY TRANSFORMATION.


Your Body Hears Everything Your Brain Says

In my teachings, I discuss how our beliefs dictate our behavior, and our behavior dictates our health. This means that we are in the driver’s seat when it comes to our health and even our fertility! Yes, when we begin to challenge and shift our beliefs, we start to think more clearly and positively and as a result make better decisions that ultimately impact our health and fertility on every level: physically, nutritionally and emotionally.

This 30 day program encompasses all I teach in Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, Body Belief, AND my latest book, The Egg Quality Diet to give you a complete roadmap to physically, emotionally, and nutritionally heal you body and fertility from the inside, out, and I couldn’t be more excited to personally guide you through it step by step.

In this 30-day live, online program which runs January 13 – February 9, 2025, you will receive:

  • Weekly video lessons from me, where I will inspire you to reconnect to your body, renew beliefs & inspire hope so you can learn to love your body.
  • Weekly guided fertility focused meditations & mantras
  • Daily emails with nutritional and emotional assignments that will teach you how to radically shift your health and fertility, easily incorporate my Egg Quality Diet eating plan into your everyday routine & feel guided and supported as you go through this 30-day challenge
  • Weekly menus and meal plans, simple and delicious fertility-enhancing recipes, shopping lists, belief-shifting exercises, and more that will keep you organized and on track to reawakened health and fertility
  • Access throughout the 4-week program to the secret Fertility Reboot Course Community on Mighty Networks, where you will receive support from me, my staff, and a compassionate community of women who are like you and on their journey to reawakened fertility
  • 4 LIVE group coaching sessions where I will directly answer your questions (submitted ahead of time so you don’t need to be available to watch them live), coach you through any challenges and help you achieve your fertility goals.
  • Weekly LIVE Q&A on all food/nutritional related questions hosted by one of my Team Aimee coaches in our live community.  Even if you can’t make it live, you can submit your question ahead of time and they will be answered.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The three crucial steps you need to take to get the health and fertility you want and deserve
  • How to let go of the most common fertility-thwarting beliefs and allow yourself to achieve your dream pregnancy
  • Tools for busting through emotional blocks and setting attainable health goals
  • What foods to avoid and what foods to eat to optimize egg quality, balance hormones, heal your gut and nourish your body
  • Step-by-step guidance through the phases of The Egg Quality Diet (expanding upon my latest book)
  • Tips for avoiding sabotage and overwhelm while taking back your power over your fertility
  • Strategies to shift your judgment of yourself, your body, and your fertility challenges
  • PLUS you’ll receive invaluable support from Aimee (and her team) during this 30-day challenge.
  • And so much more will be covered during our 4 LIVE group coaching sessions

If you are ready to be supported in stepping into your power and radically shifting your fertility, I encourage you to take the leap and sign up today! There is limited enrollment, so reserve your spot now.

NOTE: You will need a copy of The Egg Quality Diet to follow along and to support you beyond the 30-day program. PLUS having my other books, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, Body Belief, will give you even more tools for success in this program. You can find all my books HERE.

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The Fertility Reboot 2.0

Your 30-Day Body, Mind & Fertility Transformation

One-time payment of $150


Two payments of $80



What women are saying about working with Aimee….

“As I’m reflecting on all the time we’ve spent together, I’m dissolving into tears of gratefulness for the hope you provided in the Body Belief process. It’s certainly been a long journey for me, but your support in it, your guidance and listening ear, along with how you incorporate changing thought patterns into your protocol, have really changed my life and my body. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.”

“I would say this experience has far surpassed what I thought I was capable of myself. Things came up that I never knew were buried. I learned to look at the food and supplements not like it was a job, but that it was nourishment for my body, and mind. I learned how to meditate, and what great importance it holds on my everyday wellbeing. My heart is becoming full again, and that’s a greater gift that I will always cherish.”

“Aimee has taught me how to find and take back my power, instead of feeling victimized by my health challenges. Aimee’s program has given me a toolbox of resources to turn to when the negative thoughts and fears of my old story creep in. The amazing community has taken healing from my challenges to the next level. I find a lot of comfort in knowing that I am not alone on this journey.”

“I’ve been wanting to thank you sooooo much the 4 week program. You’ve helped me to dive deeply into some emotional blockages and beliefs that I’ve been carrying. I’ve been able to go within and face a lot of fears that have made me lose my connection to my inner wisdom. I’m connecting with my body again, and I thank you so much for helping me transform my old beliefs into positive life lessons. You are amazing and I appreciate all of your hard work, knowledge, and guidance!”

“Aimee has changed so many things for me but the biggest thing is she has given me HOPE! I no longer feel hopeless, and that has changed my life immensely. I am no longer consumed with worry. I actually have room to live my life and enjoy things! All while being healthier than I’ve ever been.”

“I am so happy to be apart of Aimee’s program! I feel supported and I feel motivated to be the best version of myself! I have a new found belief in my bodies ability to heal with all the good things I am putting in and on my body; from the food, to the supplements, to the things I think about and do, to the products I now use on my body and in my home, and so much more. This is a completely new approach to my whole overall health and I am a better person as a whole for it!  I am so much more at peace with where I am than I have been in a long time.”


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About Aimee

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & fertility detective, celebrity acupuncturist & coach, and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy (2009), Yes, You Can Get Pregnant (2014), Body Belief (2018), and The Egg Quality Diet: A clinically proven 100-day fertility diet to balance hormones, reduce inflammation, improve egg quality & optimize your ability to get & stay pregnant (June 2021). As a fertility detective with two decades of experience, Aimee works virtually with clients all over the world. As well she is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York and Connecticut.  Aimee holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. She is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products that are optimized for hormone harmony. Over the years Aimee has grown and mentored her team of fertility coaches and acupuncturists to serve more women on their path to motherhood. She has appeared on The View, and has been featured in Glamour, Allure, Well + Good, Mind  Body Green, GOOP, Shape, and many podcasts including Wellness Mama, The Melissa Ambrosini Show, and Tune into Wellness with Dr. Frank Lipman. Aimee has received endorsements from Deepak Chopra, Hannah Bronfman, Arianna Huffington, and Gabrielle Bernstein for her work in helping thousands of women to improve their fertility, celebrate their beauty, and reconnect to the presence of their optimal health. Aimee is also on the Scientific Advisory Board for THE WELL in NYC, and is a frequent speaker at women’s health & wellness conferences across the nation. She engages her large community worldwide through her social media presence, online programs, and her website, To learn more about working with Aimee and her team of fertility coaches and acupuncturists, email 

What other health experts have to say about Aimee & The Egg Quality Diet:


It’s a 30-day mental & nutritional reboot for your fertility, body & mind. You will learn to think better, how to nourish your body better, and set the stage for a radical health transformation and improved fertility. The program features 4 video lessons, 30 emails, 4 group coaching sessions, worksheets, meditations, and brings together an incredible tribe of women on the healing journey via our secret online support group.

YES. This program is designed as a book companion offering to guide you through each step of The Egg Quality Diet outlined in the book. The Egg Quality Diet is REQUIRED to complete this program.

Plus a lot of the mental-emotional pieces from Yes, You Can Get Pregnant and some of the research and homework assignments come from Body Belief. (Meaning you will have difficulty completing some Reboot activities without Body Belief)

It is recommended that you have Aimee's books on hand for reference before the Fertility Reboot 2.0 program begins. (And you won't be able to follow the meal plans without having The Egg Quality Diet before day one. You can purchase the books HERE (or anywhere books are sold).

Yes, this program is recommended for pre-conception! In fact, the Fertility Reboot 2.0 program will follow the exact protocol that has helped thousands of women that I have worked with to upgrade their health and improve their fertility! The diet is also suitable for pregnancy. However, I wouldn’t recommend this program during early pregnancy.

If you are already pregnant please check out my Pregnancy & New Momma Membership HERE.

If become pregnant during the program, please let me know during our coaching calls, as I will have some additional recommendations for you!

As we progress through The Egg Quality Diet, we will eliminate foods and beverages that cause inflammation and yes, that includes coffee and alcohol. But don’t worry, while we will eliminate coffee and alcohol completely during phase 2 of the eating plan, we will re-introduce them later in the program. Plus, you will likely be feeling totally awesome by then and not even crave them like you did before.

The short version? Do this program! The Fertility Reboot 2.0 is going to give the exact steps to optimize your fertility and improve your egg quality.

The most important tenet of The Egg Quality Diet is that all the food you are eating must be high-quality food. This means nutrient-dense food that is organic and non-genetically modified, and comes from a humanely raised, free- roaming, pasture-raised, grass-fed, hormone- and antibiotic-free, grazing-animal source. Many of the recipes we’ll be making call for animal protein. We do offer vegetarian options but we encourage you to at least add in bone broth, eggs, and fish. This program is not suitable for vegans.

The Fertility Reboot is a live program running from 1/13/25 through 2/9/25. The video content and homework assignments will be delivered via email and a member website (as well as posting the daily homework assignments in the online support group). You may watch the lessons at your convenience during the 4-week period, but we encourage you to follow the weekly recommendations provided to get the most out of the program. We recommend allotting two hours per week to complete the course work. While you will have lifetime access to the content on the member website (the weekly video lessons and meditations) you will lose access to the Mighty Network Group on 2/14/25. Please be sure to watch all call replays by 2/13/25.

The Fertility Reboot is a live program running from 1/13/25 through 2/9/25. The video content and homework assignments will be delivered via email and a member website (as well as posting the daily homework assignments in the online support group). You may watch the lessons at your convenience during the 4-week period, but we encourage you to follow the weekly recommendations provided to get the most out of the program. We recommend allotting two hours per week to complete the course work. While you will have lifetime access to the content on the member website (the weekly video lessons and meditations) you will lose access to the Mighty Network Group on 2/14/25. Please be sure to watch all call replays by 2/13/25.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind, the contents of this program and all its materials are for informational & educational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions.

For more information, email