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Story of Hope: What Jody Is Doing To Optimize Her Fertility at 43

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Okay. And I want to come back to you. We are live on Facebook. All right. Hi, everyone. This is my third of these for this week so far. We did one at 1:30 with Marissa, one of the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant E-Course students and now we are here live with Jody. I'll let you share your story, of course. Jody and I have been working together. You joined the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant E-Course in what year?
Right. 2018. And then you did the elite program with me in-
March. Right. In February you joined, this year. 2020.
Okay. Why don't you share a bit? I want to be forthcoming too of we have a lot of stories that are coming on of women who have gotten to their baby. Jody is still on her path to her baby, but I think very close. I always think it's also good to highlight that. As many of you know that are on the journey, sometimes it's probably annoying to just hear all the and then she did this and then that thing worked and now she's pregnant. I also think it's important to highlight the women that I've been working with where we've seen all of these radical shifts and now we're just sitting in the preparedness and awaiting the arrival of this positive pregnancy test.
I did have a dream that she was going to announce today that she was pregnant, but alas, shes' not. But that's okay. It means it's coming soon. Because I do, I get the dreams and I think it's coming soon. I'm excited. Why don't you tell everyone a little bit about yourself and your journey and we'll unpack it?
Sure. I think for me it really started when I started puberty because I was that girl who had the bad periods and was on the bathroom floor curled up because the tiles were the only cool thing that would give any relief. And that went all the way through high school into university. One of the last episodes that I had, I was 30 so it continued for years. And in those episodes I got to the point where I would get really sweaty, clammy hands. I'd get roaring in my ears and finally I would just lose my vision entirely. Everything would go black. I could not see a thing. I was totally conscious, but I just couldn't see a thing. Had been seeing doctors and was getting the oh, it's just your iron. You need to take more iron. And that was as much support as I got in terms of that.
Then we got married and we decided we'd like to start and have a family and that continued for a while. We were trying for a while and nothing was happening. We started having a conversation about should we go see some specialists. We were hemming and hawing about that. My husband came across a post about a recommendation of a Chinese medicine practitioner who had this program and we read about his program and went, “You know what? This is probably the thing that aligns the most with where we want to go.” So we made an appointment to go and have a chat to him and set down and he said, “Okay, so tell me about your cycles.” And I told him and he said, “Did you know that period pain is not normal?” And I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “Period pain is common, but it's not normal.” He said, “I'd like to recommend that you go and see a laparoscopic surgeon.
This was like 2015, right? Because that was the first time-
This was five years ago. Right.
That's right. And based on that I went and saw this laparoscopic surgeon, had the surgery, came out of it and he said, “Yeah, you did have endometrioses with pulling that out you should be fine.” So we were doing the program with this doctor, doing Chinese herbs and changing the diet. Doing acupuncture. And still nothing was happening. So we stopped with him for a while and I was noticing that some of my endometriosis symptoms were coming back and I'd gone back to him and I said to him, “What do you think? Is it possible that the endometrioses has grown back?” And he said, “Yes, it can grow back.” I said,”Okay.” As good as the surgeon was the first time, there was some personality conflicts so we said we'd prefer to see somebody else. He gave me another recommendation and we saw a second surgeon and he did the laparoscopic surgery again for me. He also said that at the time my tubes were blocked.
And he said they were quite blocked because he had to apply a bit of pressure to get it to release.
So the first surgery didn't address that, basically.
No. Which is an interesting thing.
Frustrating. Yeah.
Yeah. Because he was very highly recommended. That was 2017. It was the timing of that year because we went and saw him on the 26th of April. The very next day we flew out into Adelaide to go and drive then from Adelaide to Mildura because my mother-in-law was in intensive care. We'd walked out of that doctor's surgery and saying, “I can't book right now. I don't know what's happening in the next immediate future because we're having to do this family emergency trip.” We stayed down there for a week. Came back, set up the surgery, had the surgery. That went through and that was really good. And he said to me, “We might start some IUIs.” So we did a couple of IUIs with him and that seemed to go okay.
We got to about I think it was just the end of November and just prior to that I was getting all geared up and saying to my husband, “Okay, next cycle we need to look at a few things.” He's saying to me, “Do you really think that that's the right thing for us at this point in time?” He said, “We've got a lot going on right now.” His mother was still unwell. She was at home. We'd made the decision in August that we were going to move to support the family because mom and dad were down here on their own. We were going to move down here. I'd arranged with my work that I was going to be able to work remotely. So we're in the process of finalizing renovations to sell the house and he said, “I really don't think that's the right thing for us right now.” And I was just crushed. I went, “Okay.” And I went into the doctor and I told the doctor all of this and he said, “You know what?” He said, “I think your husband is a very wise man.”
And I went, “Okay. We'll just take a break.”
Frustrating. At this point you've already been on the journey now it's like three years at this point.
Exactly. But we took a break. At the end of November we had to come down here again and his mom was in palliative care by that point. We were here for a week before she passed away, but we were able to be here and spend that time with her even though she wasn't conscious, we were still present. I wouldn't have changed that for the world.
We left that and that was quite emotional saying goodbye to her. Then having to drive back to Brisbane and literally the day we arrived we had the real estate agent meet us that night and present a contract for our unit. We'd been gone two weeks. She started showing the house the day we left. So within two weeks our house was sold. So we just went, “Okay, things are moving and they're moving very, very quickly.” From the time we got back eight weeks later, we were driving out of Brisbane to arrive back down here with all of our stuff packed up in the car and starting our new life and our new location.
So my new normal was working remotely and I was going to run into work and doing all of that stuff. Part of the agreement that we had when we'd agreed that I would work remotely was that in March I would have two weeks where I'd go back to Brisbane to be present for meetings. So I did that and came back and we fell pregnant within that week that I arrived back. It was like, “Oh my goodness. It's happened.” In all those years of trying we've not had a positive pregnancy test. Both my husband and I said, “We know our bodies can do this. This is great.”
So things were going really well. I was saying to my husband though I thought I'd be experiencing more signs of being pregnant. We went for the scan at nine and a half weeks and the technician said to me, “I can't see a sac. I can't see anything. There's no heartbeat.” And I was just in shock, absolute shock. I went back to the doctor and the doctor said to me, “Well, it's possible we could just have the dates wrong. We'll do another scan.” And I'm going, “He can't fake a heartbeat.” It was like he was trying to make me feel better and I just went, “We need to be facing reality here.”
That was half a week after I'd had the scan. I'm thinking, “This doctor really has no idea.” I just couldn't comprehend it. That following Sunday morning I rolled over in bed and thought, “Oh, I just don't feel right.” And then it was like, “Oh, okay. I'm bleeding.” And reached over, “Neville, you've got to get up and change the sheets.” Because I didn't know what to expect. I'm just expecting [crosstalk 00:12:45] and I'm stumbling into the bathroom and he came out to me later and of course I'd had the miscarriage at home. He was absolutely wonderful. Once I'd got myself together and had a shower, he'd made the bed, cleaned the bed. I crawled back into bed. I was just so cold because I was in shock having lost all of that blood. And he said to me, “What can I get for you? Do you want me to heat you up some bone broth?” And I said, “Yeah, that will be great.”
That morning that was the first thing he thought of that he could do for me was to heat up some bone broth so that's what he did. And you know for the next week, next two weeks really, as I continued to lose blood and stuff he just kept feeding me bone broth for the rest of that time and I genuinely believe that part of my healing following that miscarriage was the fact that I was on so much bone broth. And it's a comfort food for me. It really makes me feel good.
Then sort of led us to the part where we went, “Do we continue to explore the options of professional and IVF?” My husband had been a bit traumatized through the process with the first surgeon so he was very resistant and didn't want to have to go through all of the testing and everything again. I'm like, “Okay.” And at that time was when you were advertising the next intake of the E-Course and I said to him, “Well, what about this?” And he went, “If that's what you want to do, that's fine.” So we signed up for the E-Course.
And when did you … had you already read Yes, You Can Get Pregnant? I can't remember the events that led you to me.
I genuinely don't know. I've been connected with Nat [inaudible 00:15:04] for quite some time and I was listening to Nat's podcast and I know that she's had you as a guest. And when Body Belief came out I know that she interviewed you for Body Belief and I know that she promotes-
The course.
When the E-Course comes out. So I think it was through Nat that I was connected with you. But having heard you on the podcast, I knew that you wrote the book. I looked you up, borrowed it from the library and avidly reading. So when it came up I was like, “Yeah, I'm going to give this a go.” So we chose to do that and signed up as part of the group and working through the E-Course. Part of it for me was confirmation of the journey that I had been on all of that time because starting with the original Chinese medicine doctor back in Brisbane, we had been changing our diet along those lines anyway. Doing a lot of fermented foods and experimenting with doing a lot of fermented foods at home. It was this whole new discovery of food. That's been a part of the journey with the food that I have absolutely just loved and flourished because I feel like I eat more widely than what I ever did before.
People object to having things like gluten taken out of their diet, but what you're exposed to, the opportunities with food as an alternative can just blow your mind. That for me, I love that. I love being in the kitchen and experimenting so when I signed up with the E-Course, it really just finely honed the direction of those changes and gave me a baseline. Something that I could just check myself against, really.
And following, I'm an avid reader. I love reading. And how the body functions and just the capability of the body just fascinates me to no end. There's a number of people. Dr. Libby Weaver is one of my favorites and just reading and the more I'm reading that stuff. It reaffirmed-
I told you about Deep Nutrition, right? Did you read Deep Nutrition?
Yes. I've been [crosstalk 00:17:41].
That's such a good book, right?
I'm going to get that. I haven't read it yet.
You'll love it.
But that is the direction because all of this time that I'm reading this stuff. A really great example, the antioxidants, why do we take the antioxidants? Doctor Libby Weaver in her book just beautifully explains biochemically what goes on in the body. I'm like, “Give me those antioxidants.” You know?
Antioxidation, right? Yeah.
Yeah. So I understand. So from that food perspective, the E-Course, the learning for me has just complimented so much so that when I'm taking my supplements I'm going, “Yeah, bring it on. My body loves this.” Because I know what's so good for me. And as I've been on this journey the things that I started to notice the more and more that I had bone broth in particular, my husband used to comment that I had old lady hands and just on my top, just here, would get quite wrinkly. And he'd say, “You're really dehydrated right now, aren't you? Have you had any water?” But once I started taking the bone broth, my whole skin changed. It's become so much clearer, so much more nourished and hydrated. It's not that wrinkled up prune anymore. It's just lush.
And tell them about the cervical mucus you were just telling me about before we went live.
Oh. Honestly, the last two months my cervical mucus has just improved incredibly. The last four months of my cycle I've just noticed every month something different is improving.
Even when we met you still had some discomfort.
Occasionally I'd get, yeah. In my back it would be like a tension in my back. That's gone.
And the spotting. You'd have one day of spotting.
Yeah, the spot ting is almost non-existent. Only very slight coloration. But [crosstalk 00:19:59]-
And then you would feel really wiped out on your period too. Day one, wiped out. Occasionally headache.
I've got so much energy.
Yeah. It's like all the things are shifting.
So much energy now. And I never knew that you could feel like you had energy when you get your period. I never knew that you could get your period and not have any idea that you'd got your period. I think a couple of months a go I was saying to Amy that I'm getting my period and I'm not ready for it. I'm having to clean things quite intentionally because I'm just not ready for it.
You don't have any symptoms coming up. Yeah.
That's it. That's right. I didn't have those warnings. And I never knew that you could have a period without having that stuff. So these are all the things that I've been adding up over the journey. Look at that. Look at that. Look at that. These are the things that can [crosstalk 00:21:00].
So you're celebrating the wins, right? The small victories along the way to the big prize, right? Yeah.
I just feel so much more energy. Over a year ago I had my Vitamin D tested and it was sitting at 28 which was below the lowest limit here in Australia. You'd said to me at the time to boost it up for the first month and then after that go back to a regular dose and that's what I did. I had it retested five months later and I'd gone from 28 to 78. I was like, “Now we're in the realm of where we need to be.” At the same time my iron was really low so I've had a nutritionist that's been helping me with the supplements here in Australia to get my iron back on track. It took about six months with the iron and I'm going to be retesting that in January to see where it's going. But from my energy and from how I feel, I'm doing okay.
I signed up for the E-Course because I was kind of in that place where I thought just these tweaks that I'm needing. It's funny because I thought the tweaks were going to be in the space of there's just more testing that we do with the elite that will give me the answers that I'm looking for. And the truth was it kind of didn't. Yes, some of the stuff that came out of that was helpful and it's given further confirmation of the things that I'm doing.
It was confirmation I think more than anything. It was like, okay. We're on the right path. We've been doing everything. Yeah.
But the real work was up here.
Yeah. I want to talk about that. Yeah, go ahead. You're doing great.
I think it was 2019 when you were doing the Stories of Hope. One of the interviews that you did was with Dr. Samantha.
Oh yeah. Who just texted me while we were on. Is that funny? Dr. Samantha texted me. I have three messages from her right here on my phone. And you know why? It's funny. It's so funny. Because Marissa and her went to high school together. You know, Marissa Kats who just did the 1:30 with me.
Oh, yes.
But it's random because Dr. Sam was working with me at the time and then Marissa sees her pregnant and she's like, “Oh, you're so inspirational. I'm trying to have a baby.” And they don't communicate that they were both actually working with me. And then Same does the Story of Hope live with me and Marissa's like, “Oh my gosh.” And they both live near each other, but isn't it funny? Because then she texted me. But literally she's texting me right now, 10 minutes ago while we're on. Isn't that funny? So it was Sam's story. I hope she's watching.
Yes. Her story. And the thing that stood out to me in her story was she was talking about the two paths, the two journeys and how she finally got to a place where she was at peace with both possible journeys. The journey with children and the journey without children. And that really resonated with me. From the time that I heard her talk about that, that's been one of the things that I've been continuing to check in with myself. Are you okay with the journey? Could your journey look like a journey without children and are you at peace with that?
Along the way I was like, “I'm not there yet.” But that was something that I felt that was a marker for me. When I got to that place where I was at peace with that side of the journey, that's when I'd truly be able to let go and just relax into this journey. And that started to happen earlier this year as we were working through the elite that I genuinely took hold of that and went, “You know what? I'm okay with this journey.” I'm now at peace with this and either way I don't have to have that strangle hold on this journey to try to make something to happen. And as a part of that I'm now exploring what are the things that bring me joy and how can I engage with those things that bring me joy? And being more intentional about going down those paths and enjoying what I have.
That's kind of the place where I'm finding myself right now. I haven't stopped dreaming about becoming a mother and I haven't stopped wanting to be a mother or trying to be a mother. I'm just in a place-
She will be a mother. Mark my words. Yeah, she will be a mother soon. Yeah.
That is absolutely my hearts desire.
Yeah. But you're enjoying the path along the way and I think that's a big take home for a lot of people, a lot of women listening. Even in these Stories of Hope everybody listens to see what is the thing that she did that I'm not doing that I need to do now so that I can get pregnant? Right? You know what I mean? And that's why I also enjoy, we did this last year too with Maria, taking on people that are just still in the path and still doing it. It's been actually finding a way to live in joy and in a space of seeing the dietary changes as nourishment and seeing the mental/emotional changes as, “Oh, isn't that exciting to shift my mindset or to be more at peace to find more joy?” It's a lot of what we worked on in the elite with you.
And it was interesting because earlier this year around the time that we were working together, I'd had … oh no, it was last year. I had a confrontation with my husband where we were talking about doing a trip overseas. This was a real catalyst. I was like, “But I don't feel like I can commit to a trip overseas.” Because in my mind, and I had to confront this. In my mind it was an either/or option. Either I go overseas or I become a mom. And it was working through that and coming to terms with, “No, it's not an either/or. It can be a both.” And it's not sacrificing one for the other. But there was something about that. Maybe planning so far in the future, things could change. And if it had, we would have flexed with it. But that was a real point where I had to confront that for myself and come to peace with that.
So along this journey, it's been difficult for both of us having to find those points and confront those points as a couple where we've gone, “Oh my goodness, we're at that place again.” And where sort of in that tension and having to work through that tension together. To go, “What's really going on?” I do feel blessed in my marriage in that regard that it has made us stronger together rather than pushed us apart because each time we reach these points of the possible tensions, we've chosen to turn towards each other and talk to each other and work it through together. What's happening to you? Well, this is what's happening for me. And just listen to each other not expecting each other to feel the same, just listening to where the other person was at and acknowledging where the other person was at. In that space it's been helpful because I do feel so supported from my husband in this process. And he's wanting this as much as I am. He's hurting too.
It's not just my desire. It's our desire to have a family. So that's been helpful.
And would you say a couple years ago that level of communication … I think that level of communication was always there between you guys, though. It always sounds like you were very healthy-
We've been very intentional of creating those spaces on a regular basis. And as the years [crosstalk 00:30:26].
You call it your heart to heart time, right? Isn't that what you call-
Our heart time. Yeah.
Yeah, heart time.
Every week we just sit down and we check in with each other. How's your heart? What's happening for you right now? And that's what we do every week. And because of that, if we have had a confrontation it's been okay, well we'll probably address that in heart time. We've created that as a safe space to air that kind of stuff and talk. And as the years have gone on we're just handling conflict better. Neither one of us liked conflict. We're working through that and getting better about dealing with that.
Yeah. There's so much peace. I just sense so much peace and ease. And then talk a little bit about the E-Course and the support group and the women in there because I know you've made a lot of really good friendships in there.
One of my sisters for me just messaged me this morning before I came on to say, “Is that going to be you?” And I'm like, “Yes.” The support group, this whole journey of trying to pull pregnant is probably the loneliest journey that any woman will every walk through. And finding a group, I don't think there is any other group like this support group that you've created within the E-Course. The amount of support and love. The girls are just there for each other. They get it. And while their journey is different from your journey, they have a journey of their own and they have a story of their own. You can relate and empathize and they offer that right back without judgment. I just can not speak highly enough for these ladies. The support, every week. Even when we've gone away on holidays, I've taken my iPad with me just so that I can keep on track and log in for office hours because that's how highly I valued office hours. I don't think there's been a week that I have missed in the two years that I've signed up.
Even if I'm late and I haven't caught it for a couple of days, I've still gone back and watched.
Yeah. You would make a good TA. I mean, you would be a good TA right now too, but I see you similar to Laura once you're on the other side too. Just stick around and still cheer each other on and you're like a guiding ship. It's an honor.
That's how highly I've valued the office hours and that has been what has kept me on track and it's been the consistency of the message through office hours that I've heard over all of that time. I'll get to a point and I'll go, “Oh, what should I be doing here?” And invariably it comes up in office hours. Well Aimee says this and these are my options. And that's just been really helpful for keeping me on track because the message has not changed. The message has always been the same and you just keep saying the same thing, the same thing.
The repetitiveness of that is so helpful because you take in one of those things at this point in time, but as the journey continues there's something else that you're adding to that so that over the year there's a basketful of these points and tips that just add up together so that you're listening to your body. You're reading your body and you go, “Oh, something's happening there. Maybe I need to do a castor oil pack. Maybe I need some magnesium.” Week four and week one of my cycle I know I need to up my magnesium and my body loves me for it. Things like that.
But that was the biggest thing when I started toying with the elite at the beginning of the year and I said to Neville, “What we have invested in the E-Course, Aimee has proven beyond doubt credibility with me that I know that I can place myself in her hands to do this elite and that the value will absolutely be there.” And he said, “Okay, let's do it.” So that's why we did it and why we went that next step with the elite. Because you kept turning up. Every week with office hours you kept turning up and the message was there and the message was consistent and I kept adding those things, as I said, into my basket of what are the things to keep me going. Let's just continue to build.
I think I'm more impatient for her to get pregnant than she is sometimes. I think, “Why hasn't Jody emailed yet? She's got to be pregnant soon.”
I know you want it. I'm being silly. Yeah, sometimes even in our conversations in the elite she's just so at peace. I assume you weren't always there, but there's this level of what I see in you is just the knowing that you'll be there and when the time is right. So you're really living the preparedness which is what I talk about all the time and I love to witness that.
The question I want to ask is I know you believe this will happen for you, but what keeps your hope alive?
I think for me part of what has continued to keep my hope alive has been continuing to engage with the group, with the E-Course group, with office hours. Continuing to hear and support the other ladies has continued to just build my hope. Having walked the journey just recently we've had Courtney and Laura and Alexandra who all had babies within the last year. And all of those ladies I was there seeing the start of that journey and seeing that journey come through. So for me, walking alongside of them is keeping my hope alive. And I wasn't jealous of them. I'm cheering them on. It's like that's their story and my story's coming. My time is still coming. And see it can happen for them and it can happen for me.
Yes. That's all I want for everyone is to see it in the social proof and as much as you look for the negative, I think a lot of people are good at that. Like, “Oh, 43. You're screwed. It's never going to happen.” But then it's like oh, well come over here and look at this side because we have a whole other side of things and age isn't really the determining factor. It's that vital, juicy cervical juice you're seeing in the last couple months. That's the factor, I think. And the peace and enjoying the ride on your way there instead of waiting for the thing to make you happy. And we can all have our moments where the sadness is allowed and the grieving is allowed.
Beth sent me this beautiful, I mentioned it last night in the Q&A, but I'm not going to probably pull it up in time. It was something about our group allows us to whine and feel sorry for ourselves and have those down moments, but we don't wallow in it for too long and we all hold space for one another. But then it's like, all right. Come on. Let's get on with it and let's enjoy this ride while we're on it too. Because one day and I hope soon, I believe soon, you'll be on the other side of it and maybe a little sleep deprived and tired and not having as much time to read and you're not going to mind a bit.
It will be all worth it. As Marissa said before. She said, “Yeah, new parenting there's challenges, but I will never complain. I will never complain about these challenges. They are amazing.” And sure, it comes with … let me just, I want to pop over and see if there's any burning questions. I think everybody's just feeling so inspired by you. Thank you so much. This gives me so much hope. Thank you, Jody. Fantastic attitude and outlook. I can't see anyone in that because it doesn't let me see all the comments. Oh, here comes another one. Yeah, everybody's just saying how amazing you are which I agree. I agree. We were honored that you wanted to come live with us.
Do you have any last words for the girls that are with you still in this journey?
From the support alone of joining the E-Course and having the support of the other ladies who are walking this journey, you will get so much value out of this. Not only will you get the value, but you'll have the opportunity to pour into other ladies as well and that just gives you so much joy to offer something to others, as well. You will not feel alone in the journey. When you start to hear and see some of the journeys of the other ladies, you really won't feel alone anymore. That alone would be the biggest endorsement that I could give for the E-Course because as I said, I genuinely believe that walking this journey of waiting is the hardest journey any woman has walked.
And you feel supported and if anything-
All the new friendships too. I love to see the little friendships forming and who's supporting who. It's just beautiful to watch. It really is. All right. I want to give away a scholarship now is what I want to do [inaudible 00:41:53] Jody.
I know. I'm texting Beth because I can't entirely see everyone that's on. So let me see. It's taking her a second to get back to me. For some reason I just … you see me struggle with this in office hours. I don't know what it is. When I'm live, I can't always see the … let me just see. Beth, let's see. So you're going to sit tight for one second, Jody, while we give away a scholarship because I think it's fun. Let's see. Oh, you guys are cute. Everybody's getting excited. We're going to give away a scholarship. All right. You guys ready? What, Saturday? What's that? Oh. Okay. The vote is we picked out of a hat for the people that are on that filled out the application. Kristen Gohlke, G-O-H-L-K-E. You ready for that? Are you ready? Yay! We're giving you a scholarship to the E-Course. I can't wait.
And I know if you didn't get picked … so ready. All right. So then I think Beth has your email so she can email you. Okay. Kristen is in. She's saying, “Ahhh.” She's excited. Okay. You guys are going to message. Beth will get in touch with you on the next steps. And the other ones, don't be disappointed. Don't feel left out. I love all you guys and I have another live tonight at 7:00. But I don't know if tonight I'll give away another one, but definitely tomorrow and then definitely on Saturday when we have your buddy, Alexandra, on which will be really fun to hear that story. I'm going to give away more scholarships too. Okay?
Thank you my love for being here.
My pleasure.
I always love updates from you. Yeah, she's just rocking it. There's no kinks left in her system to fix. She's just now enjoying her life and awaiting the arrival of baby and I can't wait for that.
Yeah, that's it.
That's it. And enjoying the ride, right? You're enjoying the ride. And it's an honor to be on this path with you so thank you for letting me be a part of your journey.
My pleasure. Thank you.
You're welcome. Okay guys. I'm going to see you soon. 7:00, but we're going to be on Instagram at 7:00 with another story of hope with Annie who is actually pregnant and in her 30s and has done some IVFs without success. We'll share that story in a bit. I think she's about 20 some odd weeks pregnant or 30 weeks pregnant. So we'll see you guys at 7:00. That will be on Instagram, but then we'll put it up on Facebook so if you can't make it over to Instagram we'll see you then. And then thank you so much, my Jody. I'll let you go about your day now. You're up early for us, aren't you?
Yeah. I'll have breakfast and get straight into work now.
And straight into work. Okay. Well I love you and I'll talk to you soon, okay? Thank you.
Will do. Thank you.
Bye everyone.

End of Transcript

Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. Aimee's Fertility Coaching Program is a personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition!

Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results!

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About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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