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Story of Hope: One Woman’s Solo Journey to Motherhood at 45

Learn EXACTLY what Cortney did to bring home that sweet baby boy: aimeeraupp.com/yes 

See the Full Transcript below:


There we go.




And that is baby Sawyer. He was born on, what, June 23rd?


June 23rd. He is 3 months old this week.


All right, here comes everybody. Everybody is on, I can see it, We are live. Casper, Shamali, Kristen, I love it.


It took us 15 minutes to get here, sorry guys, Courtney and I have been Catching up.


We have been.


But you guys missed out. Aw, everybody is so happy to see you, Karen. Isn't he so sweet, hi Bubba. He just ate, right?


He just gorged himself.


Tell us how easy it was to get to him. Tell us all about him.


It was just snapping your fingers and poof you have a baby, it was that easy.


A little rain dance and then you got him, right?


Yeah, it was super easy.


My story is not terribly different from a lot of the ladies in our group. Except for maybe one very particular distinction in that I'm single, so I really never had the chance to just try on my own. I started a business in my late twenties and focused solely on that. Just always assumed I would get married and have a partner and then I would have a baby. I just didn't know anything about fertility. In fact, not until my mid thirties or late thirties that I understand signs of ovulation, I just knew that my cycle was 28 days and it was painful and not pleasant and I knew nothing else.


I knew a lot of things about a lot of other things, but I did not know a lot about fertility until I found myself realizing I'm about to be 40, I'm not in a relationship, I don't think there's time for that to happen and to be trying for years to get pregnant, so I started with IUI…




I want to just squeeze him, I want to take him.


He's the best, he's so squeezable.


I started with IUIs and I don't even know that there ever was a connection between egg and sperm. And then I started reading about how damaging [inaudible 00:03:24] can be and I started to dive into fertility, because of course my RE was like, “Eh, we'll just try this.” There was no extra testing, instruction, “Eat this”, it was just, “Take this pill, we'll do an ultrasound, we'll put some sperm in there and see what happens.” I was 41 at this point, so it felt like a lot of [crosstalk 00:03:53] low chances. So I decided I'm not going to keep spending money on IUIs, so I started researching IVF and for me, in the United States, it's just out of my ability to pay.




I know, you tell all the people.


You're so happy to get here, buddy, so happy.


I researched medical tourism and I started doing IVFs in Cancun.


I want her to start a side hustle with helping women figure this out. Sometimes we have these business chats and I'm like, “This is another business for you.” She is such a good researcher too, I defer to her in our group a lot of times. Someone asks something about probiotics or sleep, she's our woman. Always, I'm like, “Go to Courtney, because she knows this stuff inside and out.”


But go on, I cut you off.


I'm kind of a research nut, so once I realized that medical tourism was a thing that you could do, I figured out how to do it by myself and I did a cycle in Cancun, I made one gorgeous PGS normal embryo, I had my first transfer and did get pregnant, had a confirmed pregnancy heartbeat, the whole nine yards, but no one really… Everyone just… My thyroid numbers were in range, and I didn't have a history of loss, no one was looking at anything else.


At 11 weeks, I had a miscarriage and it was devastating for me. It was, as you know, and for me it was even more than just the loss of that little person, was the loss of the opportunity. It felt like it was going to be my only chance. It was expensive, it was hard, I was 43 by this point.


Doing it on your own.


I ran a small business, so it's not like I have predictable income, necessarily. It felt like, gosh, I'll never be able to do this again. So probably six or eight weeks I spend grieving, I locked myself in my bedroom and only left it to get delivery food and I would si tin this rocking chair, the same chair that I nurse him in every night and I would research. It was partially grieving, partially planning, and that was the only way I could get through this tremendous loss.


I found Dr Braverman, I had seen the ladies talk about him in some of the IVF groups and thought, “I don't need that, I don't have those problems,” but it turns out that I did and one phone call with him and he was like, “Listen, your case isn't that complicated, we can definitely help you, here's what you need to do.” He said, “Listen, you can wait for your labs to get back, but I would suggest that you schedule your endometriosis surgery now.” He said, “I would bet the farm that you have endometriosis.” And he was right, I did, stage 2, and it was all over my ovaries, tubes, bowels, all over the place.


While I was on the phone with him, he said, “And there's this fertility coach you should look into.”


He was a big fan of mine.


The funny thing was during my two months of grieving in, as I called it, I also found I was scrolling through something and your e-course sign up would cross by feed. I come from a holistic background, I have a health coaching certification from IIN, so diet, the science and also the eastern and western practices really speak to me. So just the first layer of Aimee Raupp and I was like, “Oh yeah, she's for me, this is… she is speaking my language.” So I ordered the books, which, I don't know if you can see them, are always on my desk or on my nightstand.


I can see Yes You Can Get Pregnant. Oh, Body Belief next to it. I see the little pink…


I've also worn out the Body Belief audiobook. I love that one the most because it's your voice. You are the one who… It's like having Aimee [crosstalk 00:08:44]


We've never done audio for Yes You Can Get Pregnant. I want to so badly, it just wasn't an option at this publishing company.


Well I listen to it, Laura was talking about how she has read it through so many times, I have listened to it more tim- On the beach, on the airplane, while I'm at work, I listen to Body Belief over and over again.


I had already signed up for the e-course when Dr Braverman recommended you, so I was like, “Oh my gosh, this is perfect, the dream team is in place,” and then we started talking about what to do next. I had to save up, so it wasn't a fast process for me, so I started in the fall of… around this time two years ago with the e-course, and also with Dr Braverman and I didn't actually use my protocol until the following summer. I decided to do one more IVF now that I had all this great information and, “Let's just try it again,” I was 44, I believe that I have good eggs in there and so I did another cycle and unfortunately it resulted in no freezable embryos, but [crosstalk 00:10:07].


I recall you were in the hotel down in Mexico, weren't you, when we did our coaching call.


I was boarding the plane to go home when we were on a coaching call and you had asked how did it go. It was devastating but I really went into that cycle knowing that if it doesn't work out, that I have a plan to make my family and the way that happened is that two weeks before my first transfer, my pregnancy that I lost, a friend called up and said, “Hey, I don't know where you ar ein all of this, but I know you want a baby, and I think I can help. I have some friends who want to give you their embryos.”




And I was like, “What? What do you mean give me their embryos.” And I'm waiting to see if my own embryo was normal, I was definitely not thinking about having a double donor for sure. I just thought, “Wow, what a great…” It's such an amazing gift that anyone can give.


And amazing gift, it's so beautiful.


It's so amazing. I come from a family of… we're very… I have a cousin who was a recipient of an organ transplant, my sister who was killed in a car crash in her teens was a donor of five organs, we are very supportive of thar sort of mentality and for someone to give their potential babies to someone else is just…




Amazing. But I was still pretty set on having a biological child and I wasn't ready to [crosstalk 00:12:00] let that go yet.


Over the course of… Gosh, it was probably around the same time I started that e-course I got to meet the donors. We had dinner, they were lovely, I held their youngest child, I'm pretty sure I gave them some unsolicited advice, because I can't help myself, she has since said that I actually did help them.


Well that's it, you know your… It's just like me, I go where I shouldn't go sometimes but I know it's going to help.


How can you help yourself? Anyway, it took us a while, I dragged by feet on signing the paperwork, we had to do a psych evaluation and all these different things to get the lawyers and all the stuff to get it done and I signed, notarized, the paperwork exactly 1 year after my previous pregnancy's first positive pregnancy test. That was the special day, and at this point, I have done the course, in January we did a Body Belief reboot…


You did the reboot.


I did everything, I flew to mexico, I bought HGH [inaudible 00:13:22] so I could do priming for 8 weeks before my cycle, I did all the things. I found out after the fact that my thyroid medication, the manufacturer had changed the formula of it and that tanked my thyroid function and that's probably one of the contributing factors.


So I come home from devastating loss, I have processed, I'm telling you, I laid by the pool, I listened to two of my favorite books, Deep Nutrition and…


Yes, my favorite. You turned me onto that book, I love that book.


Everyone should read it, and/or listen to it. It is amazing. And I also listened to Body Belief again and lived in my feelings and because I had done so much work on the emotional trauma and the mental part of it, it was pretty easy for me to grieve it, process it, and prepare for the next step, which was to do a frozen transfer with my donor embryos. Which is a whole nother, I can write a book about how that process happened. The good news is that I flew to where the embryos are housed, I met the doctor for the first time in person, I had acupuncture in the room, they did the transfer.


They always hand the vial back to the embryologist to check underneath the microscope, to make sure that the embryo [crosstalk 00:15:12]. And as she's explaining what they're doing, she says, “Oh and one or twice a year, an embryo will stick inside,” and then she's like, “Well you're one of the two, so he actually stuck on the inside of the pipette and had to be reflushed in. And she's like, “Don't worry, it won't have any bearing on your success,” and I'm like, “Oh my God, is this a thing?


Am I really living through this?”


If there's anything that can be atypical about my process, I experienced it. So I went back to my hotel and rested and went home and four days later I had my first very, very faint line, which I sent immediately a picture to Laura and I was like, “Do you see it, am I crazy?” And she was like, “I see it!”


So I'm…


Laura I went live with two days ago on Thursday so if yo guy didn't see that you should go check it out, it's here.


Laura and I were in the same class of Body Believers and we became good friends. We still text all the time, she's a couple months ahead of me and that support that comes from the group, I know we're really jumping around in the timeline, here, but it was so incredibly important.


I think you would probably also say this that all this information you can find on your own. You don't need the e-course, you could absolutely read all the books, find all the blogs, you could get all this information, but what you don't get is… Aimee has such an amazing anecdotal history, for a long time you probably didn't know why things were working, they just worked, so you just keep doing the things that work and you refine them and you develop this amazing protocol that absolutely works. So there's that part of it that you can't get from the books.


You can't even get it from my book, I think.


I think there's a piece of that that is addressed in the coaching calls. That to me… I was like, “I can't spend this much money, I got to save for an IVF, Braverman is expensive, all the things…” Let me tell you, that's the best money I ever spent. It is not just the course. In fact, that's probably, I would say, and it's very valuable, but it's the least valuable part of the whole thing. The course is amazing, the coaching calls are a lifeline…


By coaching calls, you mean the weekly office hours.


Every week, you get this time to ask your questions, to be there to support other people who… There are lots of people asking questions and I'm like, “Oh my gosh, that's happened to me. I totally never thought to ask thing question.” So between the office hours and the group, the private group that's just for e-course students… I have two or three ladies that are in their group who now have their babies, who we've been through this all together. Alexandra and I text, it's usually her morning, my middle… But we get to have a little check in, but her little boy is just a few weeks older than my son and we have bonded for life. We can't wait until its safe to travel so that we can all be in one place and have our babies meet.


Please invite me and Beth too.


Hey, why not. We're going to doit on a beach, of course.


Anyway, that part was key, I knew a lot about nutrition I have done AIP, I can take you to my kitchen and show you, I have every AIP book ever written. I followed Mickey Trescott long before it was a popular thing, so I was pretty proficient at that, I've been making my own bone broth since Scott was a boy, but to have the pieces and parts that are directly fertility related in the diet that really explained why they were important, that was key for me, even being experienced in that.


And truly, the part for me, and this is why I have a box of tissues here just in case, the important thing for me was the emotional part. That was the life changing… You and I had private coaching, and it was while I was in Cancun picking out medicine or something.


I remember, you were in the hotel room, I totally remember.


I was fresh out the beach, wet hair, and I just sobbed because it's such a burden to carry, guilt and shame. Frankly, my whole life I've been told that my body is not good enough, so that was part of my inner dialogue, was I hated my body, I fel like my body betrayed me, I felt like… I have multiple autoimmune issues and I'm the only one in my family how has all these same problems and who has struggled with my weight. And I had doctor after doctor tell me I would never have a baby if I didn't lose weight. And it wasn't from a lack of trying, I have really complicated system. Any practitioner who has looked at my file is like, “Hm, this is complicated.” Because it's a lot of hormone stuff, it's a lot of adrenal stuff, and it's hard to find the perfect combination. It's like a 300 piece puzzle, but two of the pieces change every day. You never quite…


[inaudible 00:21:38]


I never thought I would get the whole picture. So one of the things you and I talked a lot about, like my thyroid meds, we discovered I just don't convert [inaudible 00:21:56], and I'm sure there is a very good reason why, it has to do with inflammation I'm sure. Like Laura, I was in the upper 92nd percentile for inflammation when I started the Braverman protocol, on my omega index I was high risk for a cardiac event, and after following the diet and following the supplement and primarily the massive amount of omega-3 that I took every day, I got down to below. I'm below the range for the index, so I am in a much better position as far as inflammation goes. To give you an example, almost everyone who does an immune protocol is on prednisone, A lot of people are around 40 mg, I was on 20mg and I never wet up, I never had to take more.


Which is the goal. 40 is a lot, I try to get minerals to lower dose, 40 is a lot.


And there were some, right towards the end of my… maybe at 10 weeks, Dr Vidali was like, “The lab has recommended that we go up on her prednisone, how's your diet?” And it was like, “Well, its first trimester, so I'm eating a lot of gluten-free pasta and crackers.” I was able to grind it in and not have to go up on the meds and that was very important to be able to cause this little interruption as I could. The weaning off of that is hard. I also was at high risk for preeclampsia and I truly believed… I ended up having to be induced because my placenta was starting to fail, my blood sugars crashed the week before he was born. So it was time, and I had multiple time had several preeclampsia symptoms…


I got hospitalized at one point, and the doctor would be like, “It's not really preeclampsia because you don't have all of the things. You don't have the high blood pressure to go along with the facial swelling or the headache,” and I attribute my ability to make it to 37 weeks and not have to have an emergency c-section with the fact that I was doing, inadvertently, all of the things Aimee is telling you to do and what will protect you from preterm birth, [crosstalk 00:24:44], from all the common complications especially for older moms, I'm 45 now. I think a typical person with my history would have had an emergency c-section at 32 weeks with outrageous high blood pressure.


And then the after-effects of preeclampsia. I just had a new case come in and she was in the NICU for five days after giving birth because she got so sick. The other thing I wanted to point out too is Miss Courtney, when she was in the hospital one or two times before this little guy came, she still tuned in to office hours.


What else is there to do in the hospital?


It was like, “Oh, here comes Courtney, she's in the hospital,” we would all check in, “How you doing, how is everything going?”


They had good wifi in the antenatal floor. I truly believe that… Modern medicine is great, but if everyone ate high-protein quality diet, you would not have any preeclampsia.


[crosstalk 00:25:59]


Where the mom was getting enough protein, 80g, 100g a day, you can prevent… I think the omega-3, I got my D up, that was one of the key things for me, I could never get it above 20, no explanation. I changed the brand that I was using to one that uses coconut oil as the carrier, and suddenly my D went up to like 75. That was very protective for him and for me and certainly now with all the stuff that's going on. All of those things that are just built into the diet, they are all the trickle down effects that will protect your baby and your pregnancy as well. Of course, the milk making after. I have every prerequisite for not having milk supply. I have every [crosstalk 00:27:03].


Older, c-section. I was the same way, and [crosstalk 00:27:06] you're making cream, you're not making milk.


He nurses exclusively and I freeze probably 15+ ounces a day. Just about to buy a new deep freezer because I just filled up the one that we have. All the things that I worried about, I had to… I like to be able to be realistic, I knew going into it that I would probably have a c-section, and I picked providers who I knew would support me to labor as long as I could and to do [inaudible 00:27:45] and all those things, but they were also very direct and honest with me about the chances. Because he was induced early, my body was just like, “We're not doing this today.” I never progressed passed 2cm and I did all the things. It prepared me to have realistic expectations but also to think positively. I read, “Oh my Gosh, I have all these potential reasons why I wouldn't make milk,” so I got a stash of donor milk in my freezer before I delivered. I had an [inaudible 00:28:30] on speed dial, I had a plan for, “If it doesn't go well, what can I do?”.


That's me, I'm a planner, and I did that every step of the way. I recognized there either wasn't any data about my age range, good luck finding any fertility data on 45 and up. A lot of the studies stop at 44 so there just wasn't any data to find about an older pregnancy and so I like to have realistic expectations about what might happen and be prepared with plan A, plan B and plan C. But to think positively, “Why not me?” I got pregnant the first time with my own embryo that was PGS normal at 44. After not doing anything special, so I feel like [crosstalk 00:29:33]


You were doing something special, because you knew the education, you knew the diet, I think you were already ahead of the curve, I would say.


But I wasn't taking as many supplements and I didn't have as much of a plan as I did after I started working with you. Had I been on an autoimmune protocol, I probably would have carried that baby, so I think that the important thing is to advocate for yourself, I went back to my RE after that loss and he said, “Well, it's bad luck.” And I said, “I got this guy in New York that I want to work with,” and he rolled his eyes and said, “Listen, I'm not doing any extra testing until you lose 3 babies, and then well do more [crosstalk 00:30:25]


Because we have all the time in the world for that.


And then we'll change the plan and I was like, “First of all, even if I could just easily and without cost get pregnant three times, I am not willing to go through this again.” I had one loss and I said, “That's it, I'm not wasting another penny of my money, of my reserves on losing another baby because people won't listen to me.” So I just found people who would listen, and when I did, they were like, “Yeah, we know your story, we can help, and frankly your case isn't that complicated.” Compared to some of the women who go to BRI and have really complicated stuff, I didn't have that much to have to worry about.


So all in all, I could not be here with out you. The being able to forgive myself, being able to have… I believe in when neurons fire together, they wire together. So even when I didn't believe it, I would look in the mirror and I would say, “You are beautiful, I love you, you're strong, you are fertile, you can carry a baby,” until I did believe it. I wish I could reach him, he's asleep now.


I can tell, he's out cold.


Right before I went to go do my transfer, I wrote affirmations on index cards and I keep them in my handbag. They're just written in pretty marker and they're tied together with a pink ribbon and I just sit and go through them and say them to myself or out loud that I do believe in my body and I do believe that I'm going to be a great mother and that I'm meant to do this and I believe that even though he and I don't have the same genes, we're not [inaudible 00:32:44], he is totally my kid and even is starting to look like me.


Yes, I think he looks just like you. He is 100% your child, you just borrowed some cells. You were still the vessel.


And frankly, everyone has their own beliefs about [inaudible 00:33:03] quality, but people as me why didn't I name the baby that I lost in 2018 and the reason I didn't is because I knew he would come back to me.


Yes, that's how I feel.


Sawyer was his name then and Sawyer is his name now. I had this amazing, very dear friend who does reiki and is a healer and she went with me for my transfer in 2018 and we did this amazing guided meditation. I was encircled in crystals and blessed by the high priestess and all the things. I have never been good in being lead into a mediation, my mind is always very busy, but I was so into it and she essentially took me down a hallway through a door and there was a crib with my baby in it and I picked up my baby and I sat in a chair, I'm going to cry…


Its okay, me too, there he is.


And this is the baby that I saw.


And he's so perfect. Were so happy you're here, buddy. Oh, look at that little…


Anyway, he's been a long time coming and I just love that I proved everyone wrong.


Yes, me too. That's what [inaudible 00:34:44] said yesterday, “I'm so proud of myself that I did this.”


You can be 45 and overweight and have a bunch of autoimmune diseases and still have an amazing baby. And the thing is he's [crosstalk 00:35:00] definitely hard.


You worked really freaking hard.


And one of the things I really wanted to share is that I think a lot of women struggle to commit to something if they think that they will fail. When you watch the free egg quality course, any of the free videos and you hear about what the diet contains. The first thing people who are familiar with it say like, “What can you eat?” So its daunting, it feels like its such a big thing to have to do and I feel like a lot of us, if you're a Type A, perfectionist, that you think to yourself, “I'll never be able to do it right so why should I do it at all.”


One of the things I learned from you is that your best today is enough. There are plenty of days that I did not follow the diet, I did my best. I remember either posting in the group or maybe even emailing Beth about this, but I was like, “I'm doing the whatever phase it was and I just cannot follow the menu plan. Can I just eat the foods that are listed and just make my own menu?” And whoever it was like, “Uh, of course you can.” Because I'm a rule follower, so if you say, “This is what you have to do,” then I was like, “I don't know how I'm going to…” I was working crazy hours, and I had to buy an extra instant pot to keep at work to heat my food up, I had all these things, strategies, and that was one of…


So one of the things I wanted to really… I shared yesterday on my own Facebook about him being a donor baby so that I can be comfortable sharing that today, because I think it's important for me to be transparent about my journey and I really want people to know that you don't have to be perfect to get there. The closer you can stick to it, the more success you'll have, but one misstep or… |There were days where I had egg drop soup for every meal, that's just the best I could do that day. I lived on epic bars and lar bars. You just find the thing that works for you and you do your best and today whatever your best is enough, so you don't have to be perfect to still benefit and still have success.


It is so much more about forgiving yourself and believing that every shot, I took hundreds and hundreds of shots just in this pregnancy alone, and every shot I thanked that medication for keeping my baby safe. Having true gratitude for every part of the journey and every step that gets you closer to having a baby that you get to take home with you. It's important.


Thank you.


Thank you.


It's an honor for us all in the group too that we get Courtney, because she just shares so much and she's open and honest and funny. I am always honored that my girls go on to have kids and they don't go away, it's really nice. [crosstalk 00:38:59] become family.


I know, we all creep around [crosstalk 00:39:02]


You guys are the head TAs and we're all so grateful and any newcomers are so lucky to have the guidance and support from you guys too. We have our new momma group where we go and have a cup of tea with friends and we chat about baby stuff and its great. I'm so happy you got to this site, I knew you would, I feel like I hold that space quite confidently for all the girls in the group but especially the ones that show up the way you did. Even in that imperfection which we talk a lot about, “Let's lay the ground work, figure out what's going to work for you and your body and the figure out where we can be flexible on that and be kind to ourselves about it.”


I literally had written on a note card, “What would Laura Fletcher do?” Because she is the most rule following [crosstalk 00:40:05] one day she was like, “I really feel like I'm losing weight” and I was like, “Have you not ever any foods back?” It was so hardcore and I was definitely not and luckily I had done AIP several times, so I really knew what my trigger foods were, and even though those can change over time I felt pretty comfortable about what I knew I could add back and what I really have to avoid.


There were times when we were pregnant that I would text her and be like, “But I want a turkey sandwich so badly.” She was like, “Just wait a little bit longer and you can…” We had to really help each other out a lot of the times. And to give you an idea of just how important the community part of this is the support is, you said all the time you're, what is it, twice as likely to get pregnant if you have a support group.


Women in support groups get pregnant twice as fast as women who are not.


Every week, every ultrasound, when you do fertility treatment, you start at 5 weeks with ultrasounds and you go every week to 9 or 10 weeks, sometimes longer, so every week was a huge victory, a huge obstacle, terrifying, thinking about is this going to be the time they said “Eh, it didn't work.” I was to the gestation that my previous pregnancy was, sitting in the waiting room, waiting for my ultrasound, and I have gotten pretty good at managing my fears and stress and doing all the things and doing lot of meditations and all of those things, but its still right there at the edge of your brain is that thought that you don't even want to let yourself think, but it's there. So I tested Laura and I was like, “I'm just so nervous, if I can jus get passed this week I think ill be okay.” And she said, “You'll never have a bad appointment again.” And she was right.


And here he is.


There wasn't anybody else that could have talked me off of that ledge.


It was someone who understands, someone who gets it, someone who's been with you through the whole thing.


I was just walking in her footsteps, right behind her, and it was incredibly powerful to have someone not just who loves you and who is cheering for you, I have a lot of people who are cheering for me and who love me and who want the best for me, but she so understood in a way that no one else did that it changed by life. That changed the course of the rest of my pregnancy. I really believed that she was right and that he would be safe and grow and I say the same gratitude mantra every night that I have since I started this journey and it has become his bedtime prayer, where we thank the people who love us and support us and all the blessings that have come, just flow to us.


And brought you guys together.


Yeah, and now I'm going to do it again.


I know, I can't wait, bring a sibling in.


All, right my love, I sadly need to wrap us up because I have a 2:10 call, a [inaudible 00:44:03] review for one of the students.


[inaudible 00:44:07] for sharing our story and for everything that you have done for us and for so many people. Any time someone asks, I'm like, Well, I would start with this book right here, and people are like, “I would start with this book right here” and people are like, “Well I don't know,” and I'm like, “I will drag you through the water and make you take a drink,” because if you are struggling to get pregnant or stay pregnant and you're not doing this, giving it your full effort, the you are missing out. When people tell you, “There's nothing else we can do,” that's bullshit, there is something else that you can do and people told me, every doctor I saw said, “You'll never carry a baby, with your medical conditions, with your weight, with your whatever, your age,” I heard it over and over again.


If you want to really turn over every stone and really know that you've tried every possible thing, this is… The root of all health and wellness lies in your diet so healing your gut and taking those steps is going to be the foundation of anything else you can do. If you want your medication to be absorbed better, you better have a good gut.


And you have to heal your thinking. Emotional and physical.


The diet and the setting free of that inner dialogue that says you're not good enough, you're not worthy, you don't deserve this baby. I thought I was being punished, I thought that my miscarriage was punishment for something, so that guilt and shame ate at me. To be able to let go of that, that was a huge… It truly opened up a space to allow him to come to be. And that is all because of you.


I love you and I thank you for trusting me and for being so brave in everything you do.


We love you, we talk about you all the time.


You guys, I love you.


Real fast, I want to give away a scholarship and I figure since we got all the Braverman girls talking, why not give it to miss Karen. How do I say your last name, Karen? NITZSCHE. Karen, do you want a scholarship to join the group? What do you think about that?


Let's see, I think we're on a slight delay, so…


Karen was also instrumental as far as the Braverman stuff. She was my Braverman tour guide. She really helped me figure all of that side of things out, so big props for her too.


Yes, she's sweet, she messaged me the other day during the Q&A, the books got knocked over behind me and it was random, because there's no reason that they would have just fallen and I thought that maybe it was my dad, and she messaged me and said “I think it's Dr Braverman.” And I was like, “I'll take either.” I loved the idea that both of us thought that it was something…


Every night I thank our spirit guides and angels for protecting us and I absolutely include him in that.


I agree. I love you and I thank you and I love you, Sawyer, we love you so much we're so happy you're on this side. Oh, that big stretch. Stretch it out, buddy, stretch it out.


He's [inaudible 00:47:57] today, he's very sleepy.


That's good. And we love all of you guys, obviously if you want to check out the program we have been talking about, aimeeraupp.com/yes, and we're here all week, questions, comments, anything, here to support you and thank you again miss Courtney, we love you.


My pleasure, love you too.


Talk to you all later, (kiss). Thank you, bye.

End of Transcript


Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. Aimee's Fertility Coaching Program is a personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow me on social media so you don't miss these sessions live! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodybeliefex… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aimeeraupp/… Enter your email at www.aimeeraupp.com to get my latest tips on living your healthiest life!

About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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