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Story of Hope: How Laura Overcame 4 Miscarriages to take home her baby

I have another BRAND NEW Story of Hope for you!

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See below for the full transcript:


Well, hello, everyone. Hi. Hello. I am so happy to be here with you. This is not my normal time. I am coming to you live today to share with you a very special story of hope. These are stories that we like to bring to you from my clinics, from my online coaching programs, from my e-course and it's different stories that we get to share with you of women who have overcome the odds, women who have been told that they couldn't get and/or stay pregnant.


Today, and for quite a few more days, like through the weekend basically, I'm going to be coming to you live either here on Instagram or on Facebook so just keep your eyes and ears open if you want to join these lives, and bringing on the actual clients so they can share their stories.


I'm going to bring with you … You guys just saw her picture posted with her brand new baby girl laying on her chest, I'm going to bring you Miss Laura live with me now. I'm going to warn you, there's going to be some tears today, tears of joy. I already feel them welling up inside of me. Help us hold space for Laura and for her story and thank you guys so much. I'm adding you in, young lady. Let's see. Is it working? Waiting for Laura. Okay, we're waiting. There she is.




Hi. How are you?


I'm so good. Thank you. How are you?


I am doing okay. Thank you.


Good. Good. It's so nice to be here.


I know. I know. I promise … There's Cathy saying hi and [crosstalk 00:02:00].


Hi, Cathy.


She's from my clinic. I told everybody that … Well, you're our first live story of hope for this year. August and September, our focus is every year where we just share a ton of stories from the past year of women who have overcome the obstacles, and I'm already getting emotional, and got to take their baby home.


Laura is our first one and it's an honor to have you, as always, my love. Why don't you tell everybody a bit about you and your story and we'll get into the nitty gritty and see how it goes?


Yeah. I told Beth, I said, “Beth, I'm just warning you, I'm going to cry.” My story started about eight years ago. I got pregnant naturally with my daughter Jolene. I call her my first miracle. She's my first warrior. I had a pretty challenging pregnancy with her. I had hyperemesis with her, was super, super sick, threw up 20, sometimes 30 times a day. It was horrible for about two trimesters.


Then in my third trimester, my body kept going into labor. Over and over and over again. They had to stop me from having her super early. It was really scary and nobody gave me any answers and they just kept saying, “This happens sometimes” but they were able to stop it. She was born at 35 weeks. She's perfectly healthy. She's amazing. She's eight years old now.


After she was born I never really thought anything of it. I just thought, “It was a challenging pregnancy and that happens.” About a year after that, Clay and I, my husband and I decided we wanted to have another baby. We were ready to try for our second. My whole life I had thought I would have a family of four and this whole dream and it just wasn't that simple for me.


I got pregnant right away and miscarried really early. Miscarried at about six, seven weeks. The first miscarriage for me was kind of … I viewed it more scientifically. I just thought, “Okay, well, this does happen sometimes. One miscarriage is considered pretty normal, if you will.” Went to the doctor, they did all the tests, everything looked okay so they said, “Yeah. You're okay to go ahead and try again.”


Had a second miscarriage right after that and started to think, “Okay, well, that's a little abnormal. It's a little awful.” The doctors kept insisting that everything was fine and I should just keep trying. I was perfectly healthy.


Went on to get pregnant again. I gave myself some time to recover. Went on to get pregnant again. Had hyperemesis again and miscarried … Let me think. How far along was I? I think I was about 12 weeks. It was horrific. It was really, really devastating for me. [crosstalk 00:05:11].


Was that tested at all? Did you know if that was a normal embryo or not?


Normal embryo. Lost the baby about 12 weeks [crosstalk 00:05:22].


The previous two weren't tested, right? Because they were so early.


The second one was tested. The first one wasn't. The first one was too early. Second one was perfectly normal. Third was perfectly normal. They couldn't give me any answers. They just basically kept telling me, “Now that you've had three miscarriages let's start working with a reproductive endocrinologist.” I consulted with an RE after my third pregnancy and his theory was that I was low on progesterone, which obviously does happen. He never actually tested my progesterone. He just assumed this.


Went on to get pregnant. Again, super easy for me to get pregnant. Got pregnant a fourth time. Treated me with progesterone and oil. Had ultrasounds … I want to say I was having ultrasounds like once a week, very regularly, everything looked great, everything looked perfectly normal and then I lost that baby as well.


I was at a huge loss. I was devastated. I really thought that working with an RE was going to be the solution for me. I thought the progesterone was going to be the solution. These were all things that my doctors were telling me. Then after that I realized that I couldn't trust them. It was a huge revelation for me. I was super angry. I was pissed off at everybody. Myself, included. Pissed off at God. Pissed off at the whole world.


Then I joined a support group for recurrent loss. Within that support group, a lot of women were talking about this kind of miracle doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Braverman. I live in Florida. He was based in New York. At the time, I was like, “He's in New York. I don't know.” I just felt very cautious.


Over time, I felt my courage building and I felt more encouraged. He kept popping up and it was kind of like the universe was just guiding me to man. I set up a consult with him and he said to me within minutes, “You have endometriosis.” I said, “Well, my mom had it. I don't know. I've asked a lot of my doctors. They've all told me, ‘No, you don't have that. You're fine.” [crosstalk 00:07:39].


Did you have any symptoms like period-wise or menstrual cycles were fine and everything?


The only symptoms I had [inaudible 00:07:45] were recurrent miscarriage and when I would have an ultrasound, the internal ultrasound, it was uncomfortable. The cervical one was discomfort. Other than that, no, I didn't have any issues. I didn't have pain … Looking back, I did have pain but I thought it was normal. [crosstalk 00:08:04].


Yeah. right, because by the time you got to me you had like 42 red flag symptom list or something. You did have health stuff going on that no one was really paying attention to.


Nobody, including myself. I was chalking it all up to normal stuff. I was really tired, I had brain fog, I had some inflammation going on, tell-tale signs of inflammation and all of it, I just thought, “Oh, well, this is normal. I just work a lot.” You know, modern American woman working my butt off thinking this is just par for the course.


Dr. Braverman said to me, “I need you to come up here. I want to see you, I want to work with you, I want to meet you. I can totally help you.” I got off the phone with him and I was just … I felt as if it was some type of divine intervention. I felt very called to join him, to fly up there. I booked a flight pretty immediately. I setup my appointment with him and when I got there he ran some tests, he did an ultrasound and he said, “I just can't believe this. You have PCOS.” I had never even heard of PCOS. I'm like, “What the heck is this?” [crosstalk 00:09:15].


At this point, you've already seen your gynecologist, another reproductive endocrinologist, and no one has given you a diagnosis of this?


No diagnosis. At this point, I had gone through three OB-GYNs, a reproductive endocrinologist, and none of them had even considered this. They didn't test for it, they didn't look for it.


Did anyone ever have you do a miscarriage panel after that second loss?






Yeah. Nothing came up. All of my labs looked “perfect”. My AMH was really good. My FSH was really good. In fact, they multiple times remarked at how excellent all of my lab results were. Thyroid panel, all of that looked really, really good.


Anyway, Dr. Braverman suggested that he do a laparoscopic surgery for the PCOS and the endometriosis. I did have endometriosis. I had I think it was level two. It was all over my intestines. When Dr. [Bedali 00:10:19] got in there, my organs were actually glued together. It was that bad.


You were pretty much asymptomatic with endometriosis. We think of endo as significant pain and clotting, like vomiting, diarrhea with your period, and you didn't have any of that.


I didn't have any of that. None of it. I was asymptomatic with the exception of the miscarriages. Did the surgery, recovered from the surgery and when I met with Dr. Braverman to discuss everything, I said, “What do we do here? This has got to be more than medication.” I said, “How did I get here?” He said to me, “Have you met Aimee Raupp?” I said, “No, I haven't heard of her.” He said, “You have got to start working with Aimee Raupp. I really think you have a gluten intolerance. Your inflammation is off the charts.”


At this point, you were how overweight? How many pounds overweight too?


Let me think, I was probably about 25, 30 pounds overweight. It was the weirdest thing because I didn't really look fat. It wasn't like body fat. It was like a swelling.


[inaudible 00:11:31].


It was like a puffiness. Like a bloating. You know, I was still wearing like a size six and my body weight itself wasn't concerning. None of the doctors ever said anything about that. But I did look … If you look at before pictures of me, I was super, super bloated. The inflammation was visible. He recommended that I start working with you. I got your book. I did a consult with you. You were at the time offering those free consults [crosstalk 00:12:05].


I remember our consults. I remember where I was, my office. It was two houses ago. Yeah. I remember.


Again, I just felt this [crosstalk 00:12:14].


I think you were at work, right? You were at a restaurant.


Yes. Yes. I was.


There was wine bottles behind you.


I'm always surrounded by wine. Yeah. That's when our journey started, you and I together, and I just knew right away that you were going to help me get my baby. You and Dr. Braverman, together, I just had infinite faith.


Braverman didn't recommend like IVF or anything. He had done the surgery. He was then recommending to continue to try to conceive naturally with medications. He put you on Metformin too, right?


Yeah. He put me on Metformin right away. He had me do a full immune panel. I had an array of drugs that I had to take with ovulation when I started to try to conceive. Because my inflammation was so high, you, Dr. Braverman and I all decided to really give my body time to heal. I think I worked with you for at least a year.


Yeah. It was. How old were you at that point?




Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We did the consult and then you were a scholarship winner to the e-course, correct?




You were following me like very intensely and regularly. I think it was the first year we did the official … I had unofficial scholarships. It was the first year we did the official scholarship with an application and everything. I can't even remember. I don't know if you [crosstalk 00:13:50]. You applied and everything?


I did.


And was chosen. You guys, watching, if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, you can fill out a scholarship, it's at Aimee Raupp dot com slash scholarship. We'll be giving away all week for the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant e-course. Laura was … It was two years ago then we gave you the scholarship?




Yeah. You were reading the books. I think you dove right into the body belief plan, right? [crosstalk 00:14:15]. I think in your notes, we have some notes about what we were talking about today. I have the red flag symptom list, which I have in Body Belief and I have … It's in the beginning of this book. I have the readers go through and check off how many red flags they have before they start the protocol so that they can see how things shift. There's a lot of red flags on here. She checked off 42. She had 42 red flags, which is a lot. I say in the book if you have three or more on a consistent basis, we're concerned about autoimmunity. Laura had 42.


Yeah. I mean, why don't you tell them the timeline? It was like you started with the Body Belief. You got into the e-course.


I mean, to be perfectly honest, I pretty much stalked you. Every single piece of information. I followed you on Instagram, I followed you on Facebook, I watched your YouTube videos. Any piece of information that I could find that you had put out into the world I devoured it. I didn't just watch it once. I had it on loop.


She's one of our leading TAs, I call her. She's like the head TA in the e-course at this point.


Well, I've learned so much from you. Yeah. I had all of your information on loop and I read your books and I devoured them. I mean, I completed Body Belief in a day and then reread it the next day. It was life-changing for me. When I first did the red flag symptoms, I don't think I was fully honest with myself. I was like, “Okay, I have a few of these.” Then I went back and I was like, “Let me just really sit with this and really truly connect with myself and determine whether or not I have these issues” because a lot of it I was just bullshitting myself. When I really thought about it, a lot of those flags were present in my life. Outside of the standard brain fog and exhaustion.


Yeah, the timeline, I joined the e-course in September of 2018. You and I worked really closely. For those of you who don't know, Aimee's e-course, you literally get office hours with her every single week. You are able to ask her any questions that you want. You have a full hour with her every single week with the other girls in the group but it's literally like one on one coaching with her. It's amazing.


[crosstalk 00:16:39]. We never coached one on one together too, which I think is important for everybody to know. Laura is, A, a huge self-starter but you just took all the information in and then she did. She took advantage. I mean, she took advantage of how I basically built the course of here is all the information, just dive in and do it. Some women need more of the one on one style and that works for them and that's great but you never needed all of that. You took advantage of the e-course office hours and the office hours around the weekly live Q&As with me and the group support and then all the books and all the other information. You just dove right in.


Well, you make it so easy … I don't want to say it's easy. I don't want people to think that what I did was easy. It's not. It's really not. You make the information so accessible that a person can jump into that e-course and start making changes that day. You can do the same with your book. You can read your book and start implementing that new lifestyle that exact day.


That's the biggest thing I've found. I've met so many women on this journey and there's always a reason. “Oh, I need to wait because I'm going on vacation next month” or, “I need to do this because …” Honestly, you just have to start. You have to jump in.


You have to prioritize yourself. I mean, that's it and prioritize your family making.


For sure. That's what it was for me. It was a goal. I looked at it as, “Okay, what do I want in my life?” I want to be the healthiest mom that I can possibly be for my current daughter and I want to be able to provide a safe and healthy place for my future children to come and to stay.


Tell us the rest. You dive in. How long are you doing … You do the Body Belief protocol. You do the Purify. Then you went into the Reawaken phase, which you guys can learn all about this in my book Body Belief. You stayed in the early Reawaken I want to say for months.




Yeah. Forever. You're still there.


What I did was I started your program. I was still seeing … I got a new reproductive endocrinologist who was recommended by Dr. Braverman. He's phenomenal. He was very familiar with the autoimmune protocols. The man was so interested in my case that he actually bought your books, Aimee, and read them.


Oh, that's right. You told me about this guy.


Yeah. He really wanted to understand and help me. I started seeing him at the same time that I was doing your program and a couple months into me doing Body Belief the RE did an ultrasound and we found a cyst. I asked you straight up, “How do I get this cleared?” You said, “You've got to live in Purify.”


Oh, right. I did. [crosstalk 00:19:30].


And I did. I lived in Purify for eight months.


And castor oil packs. Purify and castor oil.


Yeah. That's what I did. I did everything you recommended and that's the thing. I truly just … I believed you. I had faith in you. I took what you said seriously. I've seen what you've done for other women and I didn't take that lightly. I did the acupuncture. I did the castor oil packs. I took all the supplements that you recommended. I did all of my labs over and over and over again to make sure that everything was working.


You know, aside from all of those pieces, I really worked on the mental and emotional stuff that you preach and that was huge for me. It was huge. I had to [crosstalk 00:20:14]. Yeah. But that was the biggest thing for me. I didn't struggle too much with the diet or following your recommendations. A lot of people do struggle with that because it isn't easy. It really isn't.


I struggled more with forgiving myself and grieving, processing all of the loss that I had. Yeah, I was in Purify for eight months. I redid my labs at the end of that and they looked beautiful. You and Dr. Braverman both gave me the green light and I was pregnant the following month.




I was terrified.


Yeah. All of the emotional work, I think we should talk about that a lot too. Where do you feel … I think you were so, and still are, active in the group, in the secret Facebook group and I feel like that was a huge support system for you, right? I know you made some amazing friends and they're still some of your closest friends, right?


I can't even begin to explain how impactful that group of women is. They're so strong and they're so brave. If I ever doubted myself or struggled, they lifted me up and they held space for me and they reminded me every day that I was so capable of doing this and that I was worthy. They helped me to forgive myself. It was incredible. I have made lifelong friends with a handful of the women that were on the same journey. That's what we do. We had offline connections where, outside of the group, we would pray for each other and we would hold each other up. We developed mantras for each other and for ourselves.


One of my dearest friends from the group, Alessaundra, she's in Australia and she got pregnant shortly after me. Her and I both suffered from this really serious ultrasound post-traumatic stress [crosstalk 00:22:36].




Yeah. It's just trauma. Going into that room, they close the door and I feel the panic just washing over me. Her and I, we have this thing, and Courtney too, who is another one of the girls we were really close with, and Cathy, we have this thing that we would say to each other and for each other. During the ultrasound, we would say out loud, “I'm never going to have a bad scan again. I'm never going to have a bad ultrasound and everything is going to be perfect and everything is exactly how it should be and we've all done so much work to create this beautiful environment for our children, for our babies.” It worked.


For all of you. Every girl you just named, it worked for all of you guys, which was … Yeah. Yeah. I'll have Courtney and Alessaundra this week as well live. I was thinking about Cathy, of course, we did last year. I was thinking about messaging you, Cathy, and seeing if you wanted to come on again this weekend and tell your story again. I know you're watching right now.


Yeah. I love that part. It's like I always say … I'm going to cry. The best thing that I created in my life, next to my child, was that group. It's just so beautiful, what you guys do for each other. I just get to witness it and guide you guys along. What you've done and taken from it, especially from that emotional space, it really just proved this year, that Harvard research of women in support groups get pregnant twice as fast as women who are not. Maybe it's the right kind of support group. I feel like whatever we did, and Beth and you guys are such credit to that, we did something right.


You're allowed to vent and whine and bitch but we kind of nip it and then we're like, “Okay, how can we turn that around?” We shift the beliefs and then people come in and support and cheer for each other and it's just … Everybody is so sensitive of this is a sensitive topic or I'm going to share something about this, so read it or you don't, but that part has been so … Even for me, it's one of the greatest pleasures of my life. Thursday at 11, I just love it. It's one of my favorite times.


I mean, I'm still super active in the group. I have my baby and I still come every single week. I show up so excited. It's like … I don't know how to explain it. It's so much more than a support group.


It's family.


It's family.


Yeah. It's family. I agree. It is. It's family. And the way everybody holds each other up is just … And then cheers each other on too. One thing that I think other girls did for you and you now do for other girls is, “No, you got to take the diet seriously and you've got to take the supplements seriously. This is what works.” Because there are cases where it's like they see the fertility and [inaudible 00:25:29] and they do all the meds but then they're still miscarrying. That's another piece where the diet does really come into play, which is where Dr. Braverman and I formed our bond because he just started seeing that, that the changes I was implementing in his clients were getting them there faster. He didn't quite understand it. He was too busy to totally understand it and he was so, “Aimee, just take the lead on this.”


My labs speak for themselves. For somebody who maybe isn't as capable of seeing the emotional side of it or the purpose of it from that aspect, just look at my numbers. My inflammation went from a 95 percentile to almost nonexistent. Over the course of eight months.


Insane. That's insane.




We know, inflammation is the number … The other thing too with you is you were creating healthy embryos. It's like your egg quality was “perfectly fine”. It was the environment. To think about that for girls too who are considering, “Oh, it's my egg quality that's bad and I keep miscarrying.” If someone isn't testing or if you're older than, say, Laura is, but then you go to donor … I've seen that. You still miscarried the donor.


It's really about creating that healthy uterine environment for that baby to grow optimally. Obviously, Laura's case was to prevent the miscarriages but in other women's cases, it's really to optimize the egg quality as well but just to continue that pregnancy all the way through and to be the healthiest you can be on the other side of it.


For sure. A couple of things that were so different in my sixth pregnancy, which was the most recent pregnancy where I had my baby …


Baby Isla is how old now?


She's almost six months. I can just say, my pregnancy, the experience itself was so different. All of my previous pregnancies I had really severe hyperemesis. Really severe. I was in the hospital in and out. I mean, it almost killed me. My third pregnancy, in particular, really almost killed me. This pregnancy with Isla I think I threw up a handful of times.


That's because your blood sugar was regulated. That's all it was. It was like the PCOS component to that, right?


Oh my God.


You were absorbing your nutrition because that much inflammation, you weren't absorbing nutrition.


Another huge difference, my pregnancy with Jolene, I had her. Afterwards, I struggled with breastfeeding. My supply was salt inadequate. She wasn't gaining enough. I couldn't breastfeed. I managed maybe six weeks. I'm still going. I'll tell you what, Aimee, my milk looks like colostrum.


Yup. That's it. We make full fat milk over here in our group.


Yes, we do.


My baby nurse said that about James when I was breastfeeding. She's like, “You don't make milk. You make cream.”


Seriously. That's what it's like. It's like cream. There's like a residue on the bottles when she's done … When I'm at work, she bottle feeds, obviously, and the milk is like cream on the side.


This is a good question too, from Jamie, how did you handle all of this while having your first already? Jamie also has unexplained secondary and it seems so hard as everyone focuses like you're not grateful for that first baby.


I struggled with that. I struggled with that in the sense of … At times, I felt like I should be happy with what I had. I felt like I shouldn't be trying for more because there are so many women who don't have even one child and struggle with infertility or miscarriages or whatever it may be. I did struggle with that from that place and the support group really helped me with that. They really helped me to recognize if a baby was calling to me, there was a reason and that it was meant to be and that it would be.


As far as how did I actually manage my first daughter, she's eight. The first couple of pregnancies she wasn't aware of. The third pregnancy and fourth pregnancy, unfortunately, she was at an age where she was aware. She isn't old enough yet to where we have had to fully explain what I went through. I will at some point explain it all to her.


I will say there were months at a time where I was in and out of the hospital and I'm sure that it was very challenging for her. Luckily, I have an amazing support system, not only within Aimee's group but also at my home. My husband is incredible. My parents are incredible. They were instrumental in helping me navigate that.


Yeah. That's it. Support. I mean, that's the key, right? It's the support.


And love too. I just love on that girl all the time.


Yeah. That's it. Teaching her too that this was a priority to you as well and growing your family and taking back the power over your health and there's so much that you're teaching her.


She's eight years old. I'm telling you, she could be a dietician. She knows so much about what's healthy and … My family was on the diet with me because it's impossible to do multiple meals. She's incredibly healthy as a result as well.


I wanted to see too … Over the period of time, 11 specialists you saw, right? That's all your gynos and REs. Isla was born in April. Forgiving yourself was the biggest struggle. “My seven year old too has learned so much. You guys are cute.”




How many people are in the support group? Right now I think we're at like 200 and something. You can only get into the support group by joining the e-course, which you're going to be getting more information about over the next couple days so you'll see. Stay tuned here. If you haven't taken advantage of the free egg quality course, I think that's a really good introduction to how I teach and how I work. Sign up at Aimee Raupp dot com slash Egg Course.


Yeah. I mean, I guess too for you what would you say are some big takeaways? Like what you've learned from this journey. I know you're eager, I don't know if we can share that right now too, but you're ready to do number three. I'm trying to slow her down. She's like, “When can I start?”


Aimee's over here like, “Girl, give me a moment.”


That body. A couple more months. A couple more months.


The biggest takeaways, for me, are to listen to yourself, to advocate for yourself. That's something that I have to forgive myself for not advocating sooner. I didn't know. I trusted my professionals. I didn't ask the questions because I just didn't know. That is a huge thing.


Grief is continuous. I think a lot of women are expected to have a miscarriage or have something traumatic, whether it's their doctor telling them they have low AMH or whatever it may be, we're expected to just bounce back. I don't think that's what that realistically looks like. I still have days … October is coming up and I had multiple miscarriages in that month so October is really hard for me. Even though now I'm on the other side of it, I still honor that grief.


You have to.


Those are huge things. As far as fundamental things, eat the liver, do the bone broth. I think don't write yourself off. Do the hard things. You're capable of it. Don't make excuses for yourself. Just do it.


Yeah. I think that's such a big takeaway too because it's like I think on the other side you want to be able to say to yourself, regardless of the outcome, that you did give it your best shot, that you did do all of the things that you were led to, if you will. Because that's the biggest thing. That's what can make the rest of your life pretty unhappy and miserable is if you live in a state of regret and second guessing yourself. To look under every rock and just know that you've explored all those options.


We say that all the time. Leave no stone unturned.


Yeah. You know, that's a fair part of my job is to really try to figure it out. Also, I think you're just a perfect testament too to you took all of the information … I think the other thing too is from a few select trusted sources. You were in all of the other groups, I'm sure, and following all the other natural fertility experts and the other people out there but it was like you would always take it to the group and be like, “What do you think about this, Aimee?” Instead of letting yourself get completely overwhelmed it was like you went to your trusted resource.


I just followed my gut in multiple senses. I truly felt so aligned with you and with your mission and that spoke so highly to me and so deeply to me that a lot of that other noise just kind of faded away. It was very easy for me to really truly trust you. I think from that first consult that we did, I just knew. I just knew. It was like Isla said to me, “This is your woman. She's going to help us come together and get to the other side of this.” I just knew.


Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you. Thank you for trusting me. All right, guys. I think if you have any last questions for Laura, let's see. “Don't write yourself off so hard. Love the equality course. That's great. Love to be here.” Let's see, “Just received my results from my scan and they found the cyst on my left ovary. They said not to worry. We'll do another test in 10 weeks. Should I be worried?”


You know, did you hear what Laura said before? When she had a cyst, I said, “Go back and live in the Purify phase and do your castor oil packs and your acupuncture and we will make that cyst go away.”


And it went away. I never had another cyst since.


Yeah. That's it.


Not one.


That's amazing. That's amazing. It's a sign. The cysts are a sign of stagnation. What I learned when I went through my cysts, I think there's some pent-up anger and frustration in there and so we got a process and release. I think the diet and the herbs and the acupuncture and the castor oil all supremely important but there's an emotional layer to it too that … I think, for you, that cyst coming up, it probably was.


It was just the other layer, one of the last layers of the emotional piece that you still had to work through. You're still doing your trauma work on the other side of this. I think that's a real honest thing to share with everyone too that you don't just get this baby and then all is well and all is fixed. It's like all is well and it's beautiful and you're grateful and you got to the other side of those losses but this path does forever change you and I do think the continuous emotional work is so important.


Yeah. I think we're always growing and changing and evolving and now I'm on this side of how do I be the best mother to these girls?


Yeah. Yeah.


[crosstalk 00:37:25] on during pregnancy?


I think you were in Reawaken, right? We added back in some carbs and stuff.


Yeah. Aimee had me … I was getting some pretty gnarly PMS-y, rage-y symptoms. We reintroduced some plantains and some sprouted rice right before I started trying to conceive. We did it in a timely place where we knew that if there were going to be red flags that popped up, it wouldn't impact my conception. We reintroduced. I didn't have any reaction to them. I was able to maintain early Reawaken through the first and second trimester.


Towards the end of the second trimester, Aimee had me start reintroducing some dairy and some sprouted nuts. That went really well. I didn't have any reactions. Then in the third trimester, we had to reintroduce pretty much everything. We did that through the guidance of my immunologist and also through Aimee. She had me reintroduce slowly.


Essentially, the thought process, and Aimee, you can clarify, is essentially that you don't want the baby to have intolerances. We reintroduced everything, including gluten. The only two things I have never introduced or reintroduced, I should say, are soy and peanuts.


Yeah. Yeah. Isla seems fine so far with food stuff.


Yeah. Yeah. She's doing great. She was born perfectly healthy. I had to have a C-section because she was breached, which was another thing that the group helped me work through because that's not really the birth I had envisioned.


Is any of this?


Let me tell you something, we've discussed this before, Aimee, looking back, all of this happened to me to make me a better, stronger person. When I was living it, when I was in the moment, it was horrific and I didn't think I was going to survive it but I don't know how to say this without sounding … In a way, I am grateful for everything I've had to go through. I knew the whole time that Isla was going to make her way back to me. Aimee had me read a beautiful book called Spirit Babies that helped me to really connect with her and understand that she was just waiting for me to be ready. She was teaching me some lessons. One of which was patience.


And self-care and nourishment. I think most people live in a space of ignoring a lot of things in their life.


Oh, yeah.


Or just making do. “Oh, isn't this just normal? Everybody has pain with their periods and everybody has brain fog and I work really hard so I'm tired” and all these things. Which I really do address a lot in Body Belief.


Yeah. I think it's that too. I always joke too that I think they get to see, especially on the secondary side, they get to see the kind of mom you were when you brought through the first child and I think from a spiritual perspective, they're like, “Hey, I want that same opportunity.” No, get back. I want you to get back to you, remember who you are, and then I can come through. You know?


It's so true. There were a lot of things in my life that I had to adjust for her to feel safe I think is what it really boils down to.


Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Bravo. You did it. You did it.


We did it. We did it.


We did it. Thank you. All right, guys. I'm going to hang up and let Laura go about her day and vice versa. I am in the midst of preparing for the live Q&A tonight. We have a shit load of questions so we might be on for two hours. Be prepared. I'm going to try to get to everybody's questions. I'm going to have more information on the course that Laura joined that really helped her, the Yes, You Can Get Pregnant e-course in tonight's Q&A as well.


I am going to give away one or two scholarship winners as well tonight in the Q&A but you have to be attending live. If you didn't sign up for the egg course yet, you've got to. Aimee Raupp dot com slash Egg Course. Then on that page there's information or we email you information on how to fill up the scholarship and also how to submit your questions. Okay?


I just want to say one more thing.




I was an e-course scholarship winner and I was so grateful because at the time I was financially stretched after seeing Dr. Braverman. I can say that retrospectively, there is not an amount that I wouldn't have paid for that opportunity to be in that group and to have access to all of those beautiful tools that you've put together for us. I think it's what? $1300?


Yeah. Like [crosstalk 00:42:18].


It's worth … Oh my God. I couldn't even put a number. There isn't a value that encompasses what that course is worth.


Thank you.


If you're considering it, do it. Find a way to make it happen. It's so much bigger than fertility. I'm a new woman. Aimee has quite literally saved my life.


Then you get Laura as your TA. We're going to give her an official role soon, I promise.


Get me a little name tag.


She is, though. Her and Beth, they go in and they answer questions for me half the time. Yeah. No. Thank you for that. I agree. In the beginning, I don't know that I saw all the value because it was brand new and putting it all together but over the years as I've grown and evolved and as I've added to the course and as I've seen the group and what you guys bring to it, I agree. Half the women in there it saves them the cost of IVF so it's total priceless. I mean, you would have been doing IVF had you not discovered Dr. Braverman. You would have, sadly, continued to have more miscarriages too.


Oh, absolutely. IVF wouldn't have made any difference to me whatsoever.


Yeah. I know.


To be honest, I don't think that the immune meds would have made any difference to me whatsoever if I hadn't addressed all the emotional and physical inflammation.


Well, that's like Sharon who is in the group, you know Sharon with baby Jane, and she did a live with me last year and it was … I mean, on the immune meds, once she finally found Braverman, she still miscarried and it wasn't until we did the diet and the lifestyle that then she carried through. You froze but here you are. I've seen that before too where the miscarriages happen even on the meds.


Yeah. Okay. All right. Okay. Thank you. I love you. Thank you for that email you sent me. She sent me a beautiful quote on trauma. I still have it unread because I want to fold it into something somewhere but I love it.


It's beautiful.


That's also just a … It just speaks to the level of work that you do as a human now and just how much more in touch you are. That's it. That's what your children want of you. They want you to be that woman to raise them. I think that's so much of what I see in my work and you hear me say this all the time, it's not about that positive pregnancy test. It's really about you stepping into the powerful woman that you need to be to raise these children, right? And to have the best life that you can live and that you deserve. That's where it's all encompassing and that's where it is, I think, absolutely priceless.


It's nothing short of changing the world.


That's it. It's just one baby at a time. That's it. One mom at a time really.


One miracle at a time.


That's it.


That's what we do.


That's it. Okay. All right. Thank you, my love.


Love you.


Love you. I'll talk to all you guys later. Ciao, ciao, ciao.





End of Transcript



Aimee Raupp is a licensed herbalist, natural fertility expert and acupuncturist in NYC, offering natural fertility treatment, care & coaching solutions to women who want to get pregnant! Get pregnant fast with natural fertility care, Aimee’s online fertility shop & coaching solutions. Aimee Raupp has helped hundreds of women to get pregnant naturally! Aimee and her team are experts in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Eastern Nutrition! Get pregnant naturally, achieve optimal health & vitality, take control of your health! Aimee is excited to work with you at one of the Aimee Raupp Wellness Centers NYC. Aimee's Fertility Coaching Program is a personal guidance along your fertility journey. If you are trying to get pregnant naturally, this program is for you! Aimee Raupp offers holistic, wellness and natural fertility books. Learn how to enhance your fertility and get pregnant naturally with Aimee’s cookbooks and diet guides! Shop Aimee Raupp's natural fertility shop with online workshops, videos, consultation and coaching on fertility, meditation and healthy nutrition! Shop Aimee Raupp Beauty – Natural Hormone Balancing Skincare. Achieve natural hormone balancing with the Aimee Raupp Beauty Line of organic, gluten-free, dairy-free & cruelty-free skincare products! FREE US shipping! Natural Oils, Creams & Balms for Face And Body. Unbeatable anti-aging results! FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow me on social media so you don't miss these sessions live! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodybeliefex… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aimeeraupp/… Enter your email at www.aimeeraupp.com to get my latest tips on living your healthiest life!


About Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc

Aimee Raupp, MS, LAc, is a renowned women’s health & wellness expert and the best- selling author of the books Chill Out & Get Healthy, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, and Body Belief. A licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice in New York, she holds a Master of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Rutgers University. Aimee is also the founder of the Aimee Raupp Beauty line of hand-crafted, organic skincare products. This article was reviewed AimeeRaupp.com's editorial team and is in compliance with our editorial policy.


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